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  1. #1
    curticusq is offline New Member
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    Looking for a little guidance.... Thanks

    Great forum and site. I can spend hours and hours reading.

    I am 34yo and 170lbs
    I am quite active and work out regularly. Sometimes very hard and sometimes not. Did a cycle last year and went from 165 to 195 on t-400, dbol and something I can't recall the name of ATM. I lost most but over this much time I think thats rarely normal for my body type and metabolism. Anyway I am at it again and this time I am somewhat constrained by funds. I have:
    100 x Anadrol 25
    10ml Deca 300
    10ml t-400
    I have access to most of what I may want.

    I am just asking that given my money situation, any members may suggest on how I can make this work best for me. If I need to add anything to make it really work out best, what I should be taking supplement/vitamin wise during cycle and what I should take for PCT and when.

    I just came back from the suppliments store and while I was there I purchased a bottle of Arimedex HD. Not sure though when I should start taking it though and how much I should take so any help there would be appreciated too.
    Thank you so much.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Diet Diet Diet.......

    Please post your current diet, if you haven't got your diet nailed down then you will just repeat the weight gain and loss that happened the last time you cycled....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    curticusq is offline New Member
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    Nothing concrete really. I just try to eat lots and eat a lot of meat which isn't too hard cuz I eat a lot of meat anyway. I drink a lot of protein. Real Mass and or Quick Mass. The reason I lost a lot of my gains was mostly because I got laid off of work and money became so tight that I had to let the gym go and work out at home. Diet wasn't great either. in addition to my above inquiries I am wondering when I should start the Arimedex.

    I am thinking of:
    week 1-4 75mg/day Anadrol till gone (about 30days)
    week 1-7 0.75ml t-400 and 0.75ml Deca on Monday and again Thursday

    I just don't know when to add the Arimedex HD

    I am open to and still have room and means to add to this or extend it a little.

    Thanks again

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
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    So now your wasting your money on this horrible cycle???

    Good luck your going to need it....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  5. #5
    bigxx44 is offline Junior Member
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    007 im just curious but when did you start using gear at what age and why?

  6. #6
    curticusq is offline New Member
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    Okay, so....
    What exactly have you said? Absolutely nothing by my count. You asked about my diet and I replied. If there is something you can advise that will help than say it. Up to now though you haven't said a thing.

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigxx44 View Post
    007 im just curious but when did you start using gear at what age and why?
    I was past the age of 30...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  8. #8
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by curticusq View Post
    Okay, so....
    What exactly have you said? Absolutely nothing by my count. You asked about my diet and I replied. If there is something you can advise that will help than say it. Up to now though you haven't said a thing.
    Im telling you that without a solid diet aas are pointless.

    Correct your diet and work with it for 6/12 months until you peak and then we will be in a better position to advise you further...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  9. #9
    curticusq is offline New Member
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    Okay so ultimately that may be exactly the thing I should do but my diet isn't so bad and what I am asking for is very specific advice so if anyone else could help I would appreciate it. Thank you.

    BTW, should I take the Anadrol spread out through the day or all together at any specific time during the day?

  10. #10
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by curticusq View Post
    Okay so ultimately that may be exactly the thing I should do but my diet isn't so bad and what I am asking for is very specific advice so if anyone else could help I would appreciate it. Thank you.

    BTW, should I take the Anadrol spread out through the day or all together at any specific time during the day?
    You're asking for specific advice and he is asking for a specific answer. You gave a very vague description of your diet.

    Post and example of a day and what you eat and when you eat it.... this will help with any sort of advice.

  11. #11
    curticusq is offline New Member
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    I am not sure how to answer this. I may eat anything in a day. I am a self employed business owner and am mobile most of the day so Subway is a common theme but otherwise I calculate as I go. My calorie intake is high, carbs are relatively high and protein is high but specifically I don't know. Evenings I may grab a steak or a burger at a restaurant. My lifestyle simply does not afford for portioning and eating at home much so this is what I have to work with.

  12. #12
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by curticusq View Post
    I am not sure how to answer this. I may eat anything in a day. I am a self employed business owner and am mobile most of the day so Subway is a common theme but otherwise I calculate as I go. My calorie intake is high, carbs are relatively high and protein is high but specifically I don't know. Evenings I may grab a steak or a burger at a restaurant. My lifestyle simply does not afford for portioning and eating at home much so this is what I have to work with.
    I too am self employed and find myself very busy as well. This is no excuse for not being able to diet properly. I am currently on a very strict keto diet and most places will not cater to my needs. I make my meals 2 weeks in advance and if I am going to be on the road a lot I survive on cans of tuna and casein protein shakes, while getting my fat sources from almond oil... (I bring the bottle and some measuring spoons)

    You need to get your diet in place and grab control of things rather than making excuses. For a guy who is so tight for money you'd think you wouldn't want to waste it on a useless cycle when you have a shitty diet. You also need to be eating at least 5 to 6 times a day if not more.

    I am not trying to be rude here nor was 007. You asked for a specific answer and you got it. Get control of your life and your diet otherwise you will be throwing your hard earned money away on a terrible cycle. You seem to be a man full of excuses when you need to learn to find solutions.... not problems.

    My 2 cents.

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