Hello Everyone,
I have been searching through this forum for some time (along with my own research) and decided to do my first cycle of 1-12 Test E 500mg/week. Below is a little information about me and perhaps I can get some opinions on how to handle this.

Age: 25
170lbs (13% BF)
Ectomorph bodytype

I have always been skinny. When i was 19years old, I was 125lb 6'0. I tried to workout in the gym in my early 20's but saw little gains so I gave up. After two years, I came back to the gym and started working out off and on. I managed to put on some muscle and fat. Today, I am still fairly slim and would like to bulk up a a bit.

Last summer I managed to reach 193lb (both fat and muscle gain). Some of this weight was water weight from the creatine I was taking. Due to my lifestyle, I stopped going to the gym regularly and cut my food intake. (Like eating every 4hrs instead of 2hrs). Because of this i dropped down to 170lbs again. Now I am motivated to workout regularly and keep it consistent since my lifestyle inst as drastic as before.

I have never done a cycle before. I believe I have a little bit of gyno from childhood so it seems. I do not want it to get worse once I start a cycle.

After i reach 175 lbs (or maybe 180), I plan on starting my cycle. I was reading the stickies on this forum and I think i am prone to gyno. Should I do a precycle and a postcycle? How should I set it up properly for my case?

Thanks for reading