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Thread: first cycle

  1. #1
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    first cycle

    23, 5'11" 180lbs 7%bf

    been training regularly since 5th grade, very good diet.

    about to start a cycle of test e, might add tren for the last few weeks but i think i will just do the test e this time so i know for sure where any sides came from if i have them.

    500mg/week has been suggested to me, split every 3.5 days. will run this for 10 weeks.

    i have been reading up on here but still would like clarification.

    is it best to run 500mg/week every single week of the cycle, or would it be better to start at like 300/week the first few weeks then ramp up to 500?

    also wondering about the final few weeks, should i cut myself off slowly?

    if yes to either question suggestions would be great.

    i am planning on using arimidex by GET and Gaspari novedex for pct. those are both available at the nutrition store here so its easy to get to. if those are crap products lets me know. i have used both of them before with success. last summer i took some prohormones, tren 250 and sus 500 both by GET. no sides. it has been over a year since i last took any of that stuff.

    thoughts, concerns, suggestions?

  2. #2
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    oh and i am curious about where to prick myself, and if i should change location every time, and how deep it needs to be.

  3. #3
    GymHero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrowe6 View Post
    23, 5'11" 180lbs 7%bf

    been training regularly since 5th grade, very good diet.

    about to start a cycle of test e, might add tren for the last few weeks but i think i will just do the test e this time so i know for sure where any sides came from if i have them.

    500mg/week has been suggested to me, split every 3.5 days. will run this for 10 weeks.

    i have been reading up on here but still would like clarification.

    is it best to run 500mg/week every single week of the cycle, or would it be better to start at like 300/week the first few weeks then ramp up to 500?

    also wondering about the final few weeks, should i cut myself off slowly?

    if yes to either question suggestions would be great.

    i am planning on using arimidex by GET and Gaspari novedex for pct. those are both available at the nutrition store here so its easy to get to. if those are crap products lets me know. i have used both of them before with success. last summer i took some prohormones, tren 250 and sus 500 both by GET. no sides. it has been over a year since i last took any of that stuff.

    thoughts, concerns, suggestions?
    Test enth 1-10 weeks 500mg a week is a basic beginner cycle. The pct you mentioned is terrible. Look into nolvadex /clomid, stay away from that otc garbage! As far as tapering off, thats also a bad idea. 250mg every 3.5 days until your last shot.

  4. #4
    GymHero's Avatar
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    Read the stickies in the pct section, read read read!

  5. #5
    GymHero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrowe6 View Post
    oh and i am curious about where to prick myself, and if i should change location every time, and how deep it needs to be.
    As long as you take the proper percautions and make sure you aspirate every time, any of the main muscle groups used for pinning are good.

  6. #6
    GymHero's Avatar
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    a.) Do not mix an oily injectable solution with a water based solution (such as winstrol depot) you can mix two different oils however.

    b.) Always use two needles for injections, one to suck the fluid from the amp or vial, and then switch the needle with a new one to inject.

    c.) It is recommend to heat up the fluid before injecting, this can be done by running the syringe under hot water before the injection. This will help the fluid be pushed in much easier, and will prevent pain from injections.

    d.) 21 gage needles are recommended for oily injections, 22 or 23 can be used for water based injections such as winstrol depot.

    e.) All injections are DEEP "intra-muscular" NOT "intra-vaneous." Injecting oil into a vein can and will cause death.

    g.) Always make sure you are going deep into the muscle as this is a "intra-muscular injection" and not "sub-cutaneous" (which means under the skin) injection.

    f.) Once the needle is in the injection site, pull back on the plunger to make sure you did not hit a vein, if you suck up blood, it is recommend to pull out the needle and find a better injection site.


    1.) Wash your hands with soap and water.

    2.) Pick a injection site. The glutes are always recommend (your ass cheek.) There are little to no veins in your ass, so the chance of hitting a nerve or vein is rare. Make sure that the injection site is on the upper outer side of the buttock. You do not want to hit your sciatic nerve, which could cause temporay paralysis.

    3.) Clean the injection site with soap and water.

    4.) Wipe your amp or vial with a cotton ball of disenfectint alcohol. (The part that you are to open and suck the fluid from.)

    5.) Suck up the fluid with your needle to desired amount needed.

    6.) Replace the needle with a new one.

    7.) Tap on the syringe just like "in the movies" to get all of the air bubbles out, you don't have to remove all of them, just the big ones.

    8.) Run the Syringe under hot water for 12-15 seconds.

    9.) Swab the injection site with the alcohol swab.

    10.) Put the needle to your skin at the site, when you are ready, take a DEEP breath, and firmly and quickly push ALL THE WAY IN. (You do not want an abscess, which is a huge lump on your ass because the oil got trapped between the skin and muscle.) This really does not hurt as much as you think it would. In fact, the faster you push it in the less it hurts.


    12.)Slowly but firmly push the fluid into your body, remember to breath normally while doing this, as you will be nervous your first time. Once the fluid is all in, quickly remove the needle and put the alcohol swab to the injection site. Hold it there firmly for a minute. Any blood that comes out should not worry you, as long as you did not hit a vein. Some people have reported feeling the oil drip down their legs or ass and get freaked out. I even noticed this one time too. It goes away quick and is nothing to be worried about.

    13.)When you are done, take the needle and suck up alcohol a couple times to clean up the inside of the syringe. Clean the whole needle with alcohol. When it is thouroughly cleaned. Disassemble it as much as possible, there should be three to four parts. And throw it out.

  7. #7
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    that was what i expected to hear about the

    i just read that article. thanks, that was what i was looking for.

    aspirate ?

  8. #8
    GymHero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrowe6 View Post
    that was what i expected to hear about the

    i just read that article. thanks, that was what i was looking for.

    Step 11 of what I just posted for you.


  9. #9
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    nolva and clomid or one or the other?

    im off to re-read the pct threads for a bit

    thanks for everything!

  10. #10
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    oh wait, if i did hit a vein and injected what would happen and what would i do? hospital?

  11. #11
    GymHero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrowe6 View Post
    oh wait, if i did hit a vein and injected what would happen and what would i do? hospital?
    This is why you aspirate ... When you shove it in and gently pull back if you see blood that means you hit a vein... You then pull it out and find a new injection site. If you pull back and don't have blood you are good to go.

    If you aspirate TOO hard, the negative pressure you create can collapse the thin-walled vein around the needle tip, and no blood comes back, you inject IV.

  12. #12
    GymHero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrowe6 View Post
    nolva and clomid or one or the other?

    im off to re-read the pct threads for a bit

    thanks for everything!
    No problem, keep reading and when you are more knowledgeable come back and list you proposed cycle/pct and we will tweak it for you if needed.

  13. #13
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    alright, how does this look

    weeks 1-10 500mg/week test e split every 3.5 days

    then weeks 11/12 nothing

    then weeks 13-16 clomid and nolva

    clomid 70/70/35/35
    nolva 40/40/20/20

  14. #14
    MrGreen's Avatar
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    Gymhero I know your trying to be helpful but if you have to explain all that to someone they really shouldnt be taking any AAS as they obviously have not read anything for their self which consist with a lazy lifestyle and poor work ethnics.

  15. #15
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    your attitude and grammar are consistent with someone who is poorly educated. i have no time for you.

    i however am highly educated, which is why i am here. i do not do things like this without knowing for sure what to do, and what to expect.

    i am here to learn, not be disrespected. take that nonsense elsewhere.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrowe6 View Post
    that was what i expected to hear about the

    i just read that article. thanks, that was what i was looking for.


    Quote Originally Posted by jrowe6 View Post
    oh wait, if i did hit a vein and injected what would happen and what would i do? hospital?

    Quote Originally Posted by jrowe6 View Post
    your attitude and grammar are consistent with someone who is poorly educated. i have no time for you.

    i however am highly educated, which is why i am here. i do not do things like this without knowing for sure what to do, and what to expect.

    i am here to learn, not be disrespected. take that nonsense elsewhere.
    Yes you are hear because you want to learn I wont take that away from you. Might want to try reading a bit.

    If your confused as to where injection sites would be you have not read much. Unsure of depth for pinning? Have not read much.

    I was unaware you are an English major and here to critique on others grammar. I didnt come to you asking you for help with my grammar you came here looking for help. If you cant tolerate honest answers dont ask questions.

  17. #17
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrowe6 View Post
    oh wait, if i did hit a vein and injected what would happen and what would i do? hospital?
    you would get a really bad taste in your mouth more often then not, so you will know right away.. but you will experience severe light headedness coughing and a genereally sick feeling for quite a while.. it is not going to kill you but it will be VERY unplesant.

    Also, standard rule for injections is to rotate Delts, Quads and Glutes.. one inch deep in Delts.. 1-1.5" for Quads and 1.5" for Glutes..

  18. #18
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrowe6 View Post
    your attitude and grammar are consistent with someone who is poorly educated. i have no time for you.

    i however am highly educated, which is why i am here. i do not do things like this without knowing for sure what to do, and what to expect.

    i am here to learn, not be disrespected. take that nonsense elsewhere.
    keep im mind this is a global site so many members here do not speak english as thier first language.. so don't make assumptions. (not saying he does or does not)

  19. #19
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2_slow_5.0 View Post

    Yes you are hear because you want to learn I wont take that away from you. Might want to try reading a bit.

    If your confused as to where injection sites would be you have not read much. Unsure of depth for pinning? Have not read much.

    I was unaware you are an English major and here to critique on others grammar. I didnt come to you asking you for help with my grammar you came here looking for help. If you cant tolerate honest answers dont ask questions.
    you can say whatever you want to say, i can take criticism. you however did not say anything to me, youre post was directed to someone who was giving me their time and knowledge in an attempt to help me get the information i need to do this safely and effectively. not to mention you immediately come to the conclusion that i have not put any effort into finding the answers to these questions before i took the time to create an account on this website. i did alot of reading, long before even considering a cycle, but some people word things better than others and not all information is put together exactly how i want to hear it for me to not only know what to do and how to do it, but to understand why i am doing these things and how these chemicals interact with eachother and within my body.

    i do not appreciate that type of response, it does nothing for anyone. you make this forum look bad, you get me pissed off, and no one comes away with anything beneficial. if the issue you have with this thread is how uneducated i am about the world of steroids then put forth some information and help me on my path. this thread will be here for all eyes to see for a long time and will undoubtedly be viewed by others who are now or will one day be in my shoes. the best thing any of us can do is get the facts straight, lined up, and properly put together so it can be reference by myself and others for their benefit and mine.

    alot of people jump into this kind of stuff without any knowledge or informaton and they screw themselves up, i however am here before having done anything to prevent that. if you can help me thats great, thank you, but if you cannot then why are you wasting your time? help someone you want to help, dont run around telling others who want to help me that im a lost cause or that they have done wrong by lending a hand.

  20. #20
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    you would get a really bad taste in your mouth more often then not, so you will know right away.. but you will experience severe light headedness coughing and a genereally sick feeling for quite a while.. it is not going to kill you but it will be VERY unplesant.

    Also, standard rule for injections is to rotate Delts, Quads and Glutes.. one inch deep in Delts.. 1-1.5" for Quads and 1.5" for Glutes..
    thank you, that is some very valuable info.

    and you certainly have a point about making assumptions.
    Last edited by jrowe6; 08-07-2010 at 07:38 AM.

  21. #21
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrowe6 View Post
    alright, how does this look

    weeks 1-10 500mg/week test e split every 3.5 days

    then weeks 11/12 nothing

    then weeks 13-16 clomid and nolva

    clomid 70/70/35/35
    nolva 40/40/20/20

    dont want this post to get skipped over. with those pct dosages there would be some left over in each bottle. there is enough clomid to bump it up to 105/105/70/70. and 8x20mg of nolva left.

    i just read this

    Pheedno's PCT

    this was a great read. after that i feel that it would be best to run the clomid 105/105/70/70 and then the nolv run 40 for the first week then 20 till its gone, which should mean just over 5 weeks of 20 of nolva. so 2 weeks would be just the nolva.

  22. #22
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    sounds fine.. a bit much but you have to try really hard to mess yourself up with these.. i.e. take it at 5x what you should for months.. so there is room to play.. make sure you wait a week or twoafter your last injection before you start your PCT since the test will be active for atleast two weeks before diminishing in your system.. good luck bud, take some before and after pics and post em when your done

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    make sure you wait a week or two after your last injection before you start your PCT since the test will be active for atleast two weeks before diminishing in your system.. g
    PCT for Test E would start TWO weeks after last injection.

  24. #24
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    thanks man.

    im going to take a bunch of pics before, during, and after. im also going to keep track of my weight/reps for everything start to finish. should be interesting.

  25. #25
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    first injection was saturday night after work, technically sunday morning at 430am. i work at a bar.....

    anyways, got a slight head rush and a bit of a hot flash for like 10 minutes. my appetite seems to have increased and my lift yesterday was good. nothing crazy, just felt like i was having one of my "good" days.

    maybe its in my head, but i feel great right now. there is a strong urge to take more, i imagine alot of people get addicted to this stuff.

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    some recent pics
    Last edited by jrowe6; 08-18-2010 at 06:20 PM.

  27. #27
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    few more
    Last edited by jrowe6; 08-18-2010 at 06:21 PM.

  28. #28
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    no pump
    Last edited by jrowe6; 08-18-2010 at 06:21 PM.

  29. #29
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    got a friend who started a cycle the same day i did, but he got 1 bottle of test e and 1 of sustanon . is it ok for him to switch from 1 to the other? and what would be the best way to go about that if thats what he did?

    my cycle is going well so far, 4th injection this morning. i have noticed i have a little less patience with people doing inconsiderate things around me, or stupid things, or not paying attention. idk...alot of stuff annoys me more than usual :-) its all good, i feel amazing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jrowe6 View Post
    dont want this post to get skipped over. with those pct dosages there would be some left over in each bottle. there is enough clomid to bump it up to 105/105/70/70. and 8x20mg of nolva left.

    i just read this

    Pheedno's PCT

    this was a great read. after that i feel that it would be best to run the clomid 105/105/70/70 and then the nolv run 40 for the first week then 20 till its gone, which should mean just over 5 weeks of 20 of nolva. so 2 weeks would be just the nolva.
    I would not run over 100mg of Clomid for two weeks as you may experience emotional side effects. I'd suggest 100/50/50/50 for the Clomid and 40/40/20/20 for the Nolva. The key is a kick start, followed by support for natural production so that when you are done you are back to normal. You want your body to resume normal production with as little assistance as possible, so overdosing (not fatally, just taking more than necessary) will hinder that process and could hurt your recovery somewhat.

  31. #31
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    Awesome base. That said, I would suggest you edit those pictures out and repost them with your face covered. No need to announce to the world that you are using AAS.

    That wasnt an attack, just a little advice.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sector View Post
    Awesome base. That said, I would suggest you edit those pictures out and repost them with your face covered. No need to announce to the world that you are using AAS.

    That wasnt an attack, just a little advice.

    Good upper body proportions. Maybe could use a bit more mass in the deltoid area, but otherwise very solid. How do the legs compare? Good abs, wish mine looked like that.

  33. #33
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post

    Good upper body proportions. Maybe could use a bit more mass in the deltoid area, but otherwise very solid. How do the legs compare? Good abs, wish mine looked like that.
    thanks for the pct advice, and thanks again for the comments.

    my legs are not as impressive as my upper body im my opinion, this time last year they were huge, i was biking daily, doing squats and deadlift fairly regularly. best i ever did was 465 x 3 on deadlift, and 535 x 3 squat. i enjoy a good bike ride and it was not uncommon for me to ride 3-4 hours in a day. minimum of 30 minutes or so every single day for like 6 months straight. i developed some inflamation on the back side of my knee cap so i pretty much had to stop everything i was doing, to this day it still bothers me occasionally. maybe i am imagining it but i believe this cycle is helping a bit. i started deadlifting again last week with the start of my cycle, i am sticking to straight legs followed by power cleans to build up my lower back strength before i hit it hard again. im thinking about 3 weeks of that then i will add in regular dead lifts and squat.

    no matter what my size i am always lean and cut. so my legs are defined, just not as big as they were. same goes for abs, i really dont do abs, i added them into my lower body routine last week and will continue with it to keep my core strong. my main goal with this cycle is to get as close to optimal proportions as possible. 187lbs today shootin for 200+
    Last edited by jrowe6; 12-08-2010 at 03:17 AM.

  34. #34
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sector View Post
    Awesome base. That said, I would suggest you edit those pictures out and repost them with your face covered. No need to announce to the world that you are using AAS.

    That wasnt an attack, just a little advice.
    thanks man

    and you have a point, im going to do that.

  35. #35
    brian8 is offline New Member
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    Hey, I would like to continually hear how you are doing on your first cycle and how its going for you. From anything from your mood to gym experiences. As I might be starting my own cycle soon thanks for any info and everything thanks.

  36. #36
    jrowe6 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by brian8 View Post
    Hey, I would like to continually hear how you are doing on your first cycle and how its going for you. From anything from your mood to gym experiences. As I might be starting my own cycle soon thanks for any info and everything thanks.
    check in every few days or once a week and i will likely have posted something. also i will be posting pictures every so often.

    so far everything is great. i have no noticable side affects other than a few times little irritating things have irritated me more than i suspect they would have normally. that being said, i am a rather calm non violent person so for me those types of situations all play out in my head and i think how i feel and dont express it physically or verbally towards what or whoever is pissing me off. if youre a rager i suggest not gettin on the juice. my friend is a rager and he took some prohormones with me last year and me and a friend had to have a talk with him about being a d bag because he cant control himself emotionally and he lashes out at people. he is like that normally, being all jacked up just made him quite a bit worse. if youre like that stay away from this stuff, imo.

    anyways, emotionally i feel amazing. i feel really relaxed and happy and upbeat about everything. little things that get me down really dont get me down so much and i pull out of it really fast and just enjoy things more. it feels like a constant very clean natual high. maybe thats not the same for everyone, but i for sure am feeling great. two of my friends are on it as well and they both have been saying the same thing. we are all having good experiences so far.

    physically and in the gym, also feel great. i was in the 177-180lb range before i started and was 188 in the gym on saturday. i am not sure that is normal tho, i was eating very light for quite a while before this cycle so i was sucked out, and since i started i have been eating quite alot and on a very tight schedule. this week it really kicked in and i am back to my typical diet/eating habits where i need to eat every 2-2.5 hours. i really have no complaints, other than perhaps my wallet is a bit lighter than it used to be considering how much i am eating these days.

    my strength is going up and my pumps are getting to be ridiculous. i feel like i could lift all day long if i wanted to. its hard to stop sometimes because i dont feel like i have done enough even though i did more than i usually would already.

    so yea, so far so good. as long as youre atleast 21/22ish and have been lifting for a few years i cant really think of any reasons to advise you to stay away. oh and be careful with getting addicted or anxious about gaining faster and faster, when the gains start coming it makes you want to take more and more and you really have to control yourself and stick to the proper dosage and injection intervals.

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    repost of pre cycle pics

    edited them this time :-)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails first cycle-p1010008-2-e.jpg   first cycle-p1010011-3-e.jpg   first cycle-p1010013-3-.jpg   first cycle-p1010014e.jpg   first cycle-p1010019-3-e.jpg  

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    few more
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails first cycle-p1010022e.jpg   first cycle-p1010024-3-e.jpg   first cycle-p1010025-3-e.jpg   first cycle-p1010026.jpg  

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    no pump
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails first cycle-p1010050e.jpg   first cycle-p1010051e.jpg   first cycle-p1010053e.jpg   first cycle-p1010054.jpg  

  40. #40
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    a.) Do not mix an oily injectable solution with a water based (such as winstrol depot) you can mix two different oils however.

    I didnt read the rest but that advice is wrong,you can mix oil and water based injectables together no problem

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