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  1. #1
    jhitch82 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2010

    What anabolic steroids do what?

    Hi everybody. I'm a novice when it comes to steroids . I want to gain as much knowledge as I can before I jump into a cycle. I'm hoping in due time learning about the different types of anabolic I will be able to put together a cycle that best suits me.

    I've pretty much for the most part never did any cycles. One because I have barely any knowledge about them, and second I don't really have access to them. Some of my friends have been doing a few cycles and they told me with the right workout, diet, and proper stacking then I won't lose my gains.

    I'm 28 years old 6'2'' 220 pounds. I don't know my body fat but I'm in pretty good shape. I've been working out for a solid 10 years. I take my multi vitamin daily as well as fish oil. I drink my protein shakes daily. For a diet I try to eat as much chicken, steak, veggies, rice as much as possible. I also get down on my pasta here and there.

    2 months ago my buddy gave me some dianobol 10mg pills. I was dosing about 20 mg a day because I'm new to the steroid game. He only gave me enough for 2 weeks until we were able to get more dbol and other steroids. I took the Dbol to jump start my cycle in hopes I could complete a full cycle with his guidance and advise. Needless to say something happened and everything fell through. I was so dissapointed because I just took 2 weeks of dbol for nothing. I was impressed with the little bit of gains that I saw. I'd probably prefer to skip pills and IV instead. I don't like the half life of the orals.

    With the advise of everybody here after I learn what roids do what. I'm hoping to stack a cycle with probably dbol/test, cutting agent, and post cycle agent.

    Also how many times a year can your body handle a cycle? I was hoping to do two cycles and stop after that.


    The Newbie J

  2. #2
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    First of all, how long have you been training for?

    Second of all, anabolic steroids are not injected IV (intravenously), they are injected IM (intramuscularly). I would suggest doing at LEAST a year's worth of research on here and ask questions, and don't listen to anything your buddies have to say.

    Other than that, play it safe and do 2 cycles a year max.

  3. #3
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    Stop listening to your friend. He is a moron. Starting a cycle without having ALL of the components on hand at the beginning is a huge mistake. You DO NOT BEGIN A CYCLE until you have EVERYTHING you need.

    Furthermore, your friend is an ass for starting you on a dbol -only cycle. It's been discussed to death, and the general agreed upon idea is that dbol-only is not a satisfactory cycle.

  4. #4
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
    AlphaGenetics is offline Senior Member
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    Spend some time on this site and you can steer both yourself and your friend in the right direction. Theres alot to learn so take your time.

  5. #5
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    From one of your other threads...

    they mentioned a possible cycle of deca durabolin, diabanol, sustanon, equipoise, anavar, and clomid tablets to replenish the estrogen levels.
    Dude...your friends are dickheads if they are recommending all that to a person who has never used AAS.

    Your first cycle shouldn't be anything more than testosterone by itself. The reason being is if you run into problems, you already know whats causing them. If you're running 5 fking compounds how do you know where do start searching for the cause of a problem? Ridiculous.

  6. #6
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Hit up the steroid profiles section and give that a good read then come back to this section and read all the stickies bro very knowledgeable people have written these for your help there's even a stickie on how to use the search button all the info you will ever need is here you just got to find it. This board is by far the most mature and well informed on the net the advice of the members here is second to none and the advice given by the mods and vets can be taken as gospel as they've been there and done that.
    Please take time to do your research plan out a cycle including pct and then post it nobody here will do this for you.
    Good luck in the future

  7. #7
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    The way you described your friends, makes your friends sound ignorant in the matter.

    Here is the profile section:

    And here is the diet section:

    Start reading.

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