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  1. #41
    gregghowie is offline Junior Member
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    I like it! The agro! "As you dwell in the past, your past becomes the jailer of your present"! Power you are doin the right thing no matter what certain dick heads will say on this thing!

  2. #42
    powerws is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gregghowie View Post
    I like it! The agro! "As you dwell in the past, your past becomes the jailer of your present"! Power you are doin the right thing no matter what certain dick heads will say on this thing!
    I appreciate the encouragement! It means a lot. I also want to say to all of the guys that I appreciate your input and thoughts. It's hard but I will achieve my goals. I've been spending a lot of time in the diet and nutrition forums and realize now more than ever how much diet play the most important role. I just have to figure out how to put my diet together quickly and get with it. I will be posting pictures along the way. Thanks again.

  3. #43
    TRT2010's Avatar
    TRT2010 is offline Member
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    Power, u deff have the size to look great later down the line. Just start off trying to drop 15-20 l bs and then see where ur at. i bet if you do that and then another good clean bulk that by years end you wont ever recognize that was you in the top picture

  4. #44
    powerws is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRT2010 View Post
    Power, u deff have the size to look great later down the line. Just start off trying to drop 15-20 l bs and then see where ur at. i bet if you do that and then another good clean bulk that by years end you wont ever recognize that was you in the top picture
    Thanks TRT. I have got to get a diet down and implement it now!

  5. #45
    Bullnutz is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigxx44 View Post
    well your doin the right thing now read up and get it done. remember diet and train hard, but seriously bro u dont even come close to working out as hard as me, im under 10 percent bf and i have way more muscle then you. matter of fact i dont see hardly any muscle on you so dont sit there and say you work out harder then me when you have no clue what my body looks like.[
    This is the best site for solid info.Dont let a douche with 85 posts get to you.It took balls to post that photo and nobody knows your work ethics better than you.Good luck buddy.

  6. #46
    powerws is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerws View Post
    Here is a pic
    What do you think? 30% BF

  7. #47
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I'd guess 25+, are you relaxed in that pic?

  8. #48
    powerws is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I'd guess 25+, are you relaxed in that pic?
    Yes, Let me ask you. I've spent quite a bit time on the diet forums and wanted to know how many calories I would need to cut or shred my fat **
    I did the BMI and it equaled 30.5
    My BMR is 2110
    The Harris Benedict formula said I needed 3270 daily calories, I'm assuming to stay where I'm at.
    The questions are: Should I be around 1996 or 2000 calories to start cutting and will the PCT which I start in 11 days affect my diet or make it harder to eat, or will it help my appetite? Thanks.

  9. #49
    LouHulk's Avatar
    LouHulk is offline Associate Member
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    you bf% is just slightly more than mine. I was told mine is between 20-24 so the 25 ish sounds right. I doubt that's 30.

    I started out around 30% and your not near what I looked like six months ago. Keep reading, working out, and hone in your diet and the fat will start to fall off. My diet is so much better since I have studied on here. Post your diet up and you will get some tips. I posted mine and was able to see what I was missing of adding that I should not eat. Good free info from knowledgeable folks.
    Last edited by LouHulk; 08-17-2010 at 02:42 PM.

  10. #50
    powerws is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouHulk View Post
    you bf% is just slightly more than mine. I was told mine is between 20-24 so the 25 ish sounds right. I doubt that's 30.

    I started out around 30% and your not near what I looked like six months ago. Keep reading, working out, and hone in your diet and the fat will start to fall off. My diet is so much better since I have studied on here. Post your diet up and you will get some tips. I posted mine and was able to see what I was missing of adding that I should not eat. Good free info from knowledgeable folks.
    Thanks Lou! I gained more knowledge on diet than ever before. I Will Get There!

  11. #51
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerws View Post
    I have been reading my **s off and have learned so much in the diet fourms. Man was I way off base! My question, I will be starting my diet in two days. Have to buy my groceries. I'm assuming with my diet I will loose some size as well as water bloat and fat. The question is if I change my diet now and start PCT as scheduled, should my training stay the same and will there be a difference in the way I feel? as far as PCT. Anything I should look out for?
    you never stop learning in this game, esp when you start to chemically enhance yourself. ive been training for 18 odd years now and i still learn new tweaks on my training and diet etc, from ppl on here. stick around on here. ask quests, there are some very experienced/knowledgable guys on here, more than willing to help you out.

  12. #52
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerws View Post
    Yes, Let me ask you. I've spent quite a bit time on the diet forums and wanted to know how many calories I would need to cut or shred my fat **
    I did the BMI and it equaled 30.5
    My BMR is 2110
    The Harris Benedict formula said I needed 3270 daily calories, I'm assuming to stay where I'm at.
    The questions are: Should I be around 1996 or 2000 calories to start cutting and will the PCT which I start in 11 days affect my diet or make it harder to eat, or will it help my appetite? Thanks.
    BMI is a crock of crap, it doesnt take in consideration the weight of muscle mass in trained individuals, im morbidy obese according to it!!

  13. #53
    powerws is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    BMI is a crock of crap, it doesnt take in consideration the weight of muscle mass in trained individuals, im morbidy obese according to it!!
    Same here! I don't think I'm morbidly obese. I know I've some weight to cut though.

  14. #54
    powerws is offline Associate Member
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    Well, I have been working very hard on my diet. I have lost 11 pounds and obviously some size. I now weigh 214, down from 225. I have continued my pct and I'm almost into the third week. I dropped 3 inches in my waist and would say that I'm down to 18-20% BF. Honestly I lost most of the size I gained on the deca cycle. The good news is that I have learned so much here, it has prepared me for the next cycle. I figured 2 weeks after pct, which will be in 5 weeks, I'll get my blood work done and establish my baseline numbers. I will evaluate at that time as to when I should start to think about another cycle. I'll post some pics in a few days.

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