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  1. #1
    SuperBird's Avatar
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    reasonable 3rd element to stack. Masteron?

    Im cycling TrenAce/TestEnanth. Ive never cycled Masteron . Ive never really seen a need for masteron. but in my stack, winstrol is the only reasonable benefit of a third element. unfortunately i dont have access to winstrol at the moment. and Dbol makes my back break out like bubble wrap, instantly and lasts 3 months after i take the last tablet. i hate that stuff.

    i was looking at masteron and saw mild reasoning. being i dont have any arimidex , and i am suffering devestating libido failure and E.D. Im taking Prami .5mg a day.... was taking it at night but its half life is only 8-10 hours.... and my sex life is Noon-ish. so im moving the Prami to 7am, in spite of its ability to cause drowsiness. being that Prami is a 1st line defense against Libido issues.

    anyhow back to masteron..... according to this........

    and in fact Masteron may interact with the aromatase enzymes to inhibit aromatization of other steroids into estrogen, and may additionally interact with estrogen (as a “blocker” of sorts) at the receptor site. (4)(5) This is how it helps to combat breast cancer, obviously, but this could also be part of the reason that Masteron is considered a “cutting” or “Pre-contest” drug. Masteron may actually be very useful for combating estrogenic/progesteronic side effects yes, you read that right….if you include Masteron in your cycle, you may not need other “ancillary” drugs like Arimidex or Letrozole). Hence, much like Proviron, Masteron could be used as an anti-side-effect-drug (remember, most ancillary drugs we use to combat estrogenic sides, like nolvadex, letrozole, and arimidex were originally developed to combat breast cancer...and thats exactly what Masteron was developed and used for). Along a similar line, being a DHT (DiHydroTestosterone) derivative, it’s got a very nice ability to add muscle hardness to an already lean physique

    would this be my only reasonable benefit is that it would replace arimidex, and make the muscle appear harder (how ever thats possible)?.

    says also that finasteride is a must with masteron, i wasnt even sure finasteride worked very well to save hair loss.

    any interesting feed back is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Atomini's Avatar
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    I have used masteron before. Both ran it on its own and with test prop.

    I am not sure of the aromatase-inhibiting strength of masteron and whether or not it is as strong as arimidex or aromasin , but I can definitely say it does work in that department. It did harden me up and prevent water retention to a degree.

    Finasteride won't do shit in terms of stopping hairloss from masteron. You have to understand what finasteride does, first of all... finasteride inhibits the 5-alpha reductase enzyme in the body. This is the enzyme responsible for converting TESTOSTERONE into DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE. This is much like the way aromatase converts testosterone into estrogen. Less DHT = less occurrance of male pattern baldness, as DHT causes an autoimmune response in the scalp, which results in hair loss.

    So... now lets look at masteron. Well, if you've read up on it, you will see that masteron does NOT convert to DHT. But guess why? Masteron IS a DHT. It is a modified form of DHT, so using finasteride while using it is a waste of money.

    What I would reccomend if you're worried about hair loss is this: go out and buy Nizoral shampoo (get the 2%). If you live in the US, apparently the 2% over there is not available over the counter. Well, the 2% is available OTC over here in Canada. Solution: order it from an online store based here in Canada. Nizoral is great because it is a topical DHT blocker. Let it soak in when you're in the shower and it will block DHT at the receptors in the scalp. Also works great for reducing oily skin (as that is caused by DHT too) and reducing acne-prone areas on the body (caused by DHT too). It really should be more well known.

    Anyhow, masteron is great from my experience and I hear if you run it with test and tren , you get great hardness and it makes for a good cutting stack. Right now i'm using test/tren/turinabol . Turinabol is similar to masteron... kinda like an oral masteron.

    Final note: you may be using too high a dose of arimidex and/or too frequently.

  3. #3
    SuperBird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    It did harden me up and prevent water retention to a degree.

    Finasteride won't do shit in terms of stopping hairloss from masteron . Nizoral is great because it is a topical DHT blocker. Let it soak in when you're in the shower and it will block DHT at the receptors in the scalp. Also works great for reducing oily skin (as that is caused by DHT too) and reducing acne-prone areas on the body (caused by DHT too). It really should be more well known.

    Anyhow, masteron is great from my experience and I hear if you run it with test and tren , you get great hardness and it makes for a good cutting stack. Right now i'm using test/tren/turinabol . Turinabol is similar to masteron... kinda like an oral masteron.

    Final note: you may be using too high a dose of arimidex and/or too frequently.

    hmm, and in that same article it said use the finasteride, but yet its no good against it. well i see two good effects in that, tren causes me to hold lots of water so it can stop that. and if it enhances cutting then its a good addition to tren and clen .

    seems its a decent copy of winny, and i cant get any winny.... at the moment anyhow.

  4. #4
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    I wouldn't ever replace an AI for a steroid that supposedly carries AI-like properties.

  5. #5
    SuperBird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    I wouldn't ever replace an AI for a steroid that supposedly carries AI-like properties.
    well you know, i was thinking the same thing, but from this article it says the studies actually showed increased performance over even arimidex . as a matter of fact i believe it says that masteron was initially developed as an AI, but is regarded as steroidal. all i can do is just look at what the article points out as far as supposed fact and then get the general consensus.

    but logically i agree with you.

  6. #6
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Yeah, it'll get ya thinking that is for sure.

    Still though, it only claims it "may" do this or "may" do that. I have an article that's very similar regarding Winstrol and it's supposedly Anti-Progesterone effects it "may" have. No concrete data is provided in either articles to back up these claims. But I'll agree, it gets you thinking.

    As a side note, I love my masteroni. Especially stacked with a short acting Test and Tren .

  7. #7
    SuperBird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post

    As a side note, I love my masteroni. Especially stacked with a short acting Test and Tren.
    thats what i want to hear, what do you really like of it with the test and tren ?

  8. #8
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Prob my favorite combination with the addition of Var. It'll please anyone that's sub 10% tremendously.

  9. #9
    no1tou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Prob my favorite combination with the addition of Var. It'll please anyone that's sub 10% tremendously.
    That is the exact cycle I plan on running in a month. How many mil did you run the masteron ?

  10. #10
    SuperBird's Avatar
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    I think i will throw it in, just because its here, and id like to see how it does for me for the first time. so i have some experience with it, but it would be nice if it really is good as an AI substitute as documented. but maybe i'll see those effects. i can only experiment with it.

  11. #11
    Neevor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    As a side note, I love my masteroni.
    Cheesy Masteroni... Beef and Masteroni... Masteroni Salad...

  12. #12
    SuperBird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I have used masteron before. Both ran it on its own and with test prop.

    I am not sure of the aromatase-inhibiting strength of masteron and whether or not it is as strong as arimidex or aromasin , but I can definitely say it does work in that department. It did harden me up and prevent water retention to a degree.

    Finasteride won't do shit in terms of stopping hairloss from masteron. You have to understand what finasteride does, first of all... finasteride inhibits the 5-alpha reductase enzyme in the body. This is the enzyme responsible for converting TESTOSTERONE into DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE. This is much like the way aromatase converts testosterone into estrogen. Less DHT = less occurrance of male pattern baldness, as DHT causes an autoimmune response in the scalp, which results in hair loss.

    So... now lets look at masteron. Well, if you've read up on it, you will see that masteron does NOT convert to DHT. But guess why? Masteron IS a DHT. It is a modified form of DHT, so using finasteride while using it is a waste of money.

    What I would reccomend if you're worried about hair loss is this: go out and buy Nizoral shampoo (get the 2%). If you live in the US, apparently the 2% over there is not available over the counter. Well, the 2% is available OTC over here in Canada. Solution: order it from an online store based here in Canada. Nizoral is great because it is a topical DHT blocker. Let it soak in when you're in the shower and it will block DHT at the receptors in the scalp. Also works great for reducing oily skin (as that is caused by DHT too) and reducing acne-prone areas on the body (caused by DHT too). It really should be more well known.

    Anyhow, masteron is great from my experience and I hear if you run it with test and tren , you get great hardness and it makes for a good cutting stack. Right now i'm using test/tren/turinabol . Turinabol is similar to masteron... kinda like an oral masteron.

    Final note: you may be using too high a dose of arimidex and/or too frequently.
    ok, so really then, the masteron will only be good to run if your bodyfat is already leaned out substantially, just before or during a final cutting phase??

    because it seems to me like clenbuterol logic, run it if your ripping up, but not if your holding 20 percent body fat.

    unless your using it for its AI affect. im wondering because i have it here, and i want to having a good understanding of WHY i would want to use it. but im getting ready for some bloodwork first.

    out of curiosity....what would be the dosing protocol? with the tren/test.

  13. #13
    Brodon is offline Junior Member
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    masteron p 350mgs/week (*100mgs Every other day) to 500mgs/week
    masteron e 400-600mgs/week

    probably want to cycle it like...

    test p
    masteron p
    injectable winny
    tren a

    since you are injecting everyday/otherday

  14. #14
    SuperBird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brodon View Post
    masteron p 350mgs/week (*100mgs Every other day) to 500mgs/week
    masteron e 400-600mgs/week
    i dont know if this would be E or P. its unofficial name is remastril100 drostanolone. i dont know if i crossed a line posting that because i dont know if thats a generic name for masteron i posted.

    this stuff is more expensive than my bulking compounds.

    hahaah im a moron today. its official. i read right past the answer. im hiding that. thats embarrassing.
    Last edited by SuperBird; 08-21-2010 at 03:12 AM.

  15. #15
    Brodon is offline Junior Member
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    thats the prop version

  16. #16
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    ok. thanks for that.

  17. #17
    Brodon is offline Junior Member
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    also if you cant get any kind of winny you can try anavar or proviron for some oral portion if you want to get into it...

    but I know someone who only did

    150mg Testosterone p every other day
    100mg Masteron p every other day

    and he liked it, it was his second cycle and tried a short estered cycle and got almost the same results as the first..

    it all depends on how much you want to take per week, i suppose

    running 100mg test p, 100mg masteron p, and 100mg tren a every other day might be a decent cutting cycle but thats almost... a 1g per week

  18. #18
    SuperBird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brodon View Post
    also if you cant get any kind of winny you can try anavar or proviron for some oral portion if you want to get into it...

    but I know someone who only did

    150mg Testosterone p every other day
    100mg Masteron p every other day

    and he liked it, it was his second cycle and tried a short estered cycle and got almost the same results as the first..

    it all depends on how much you want to take per week, i suppose

    running 100mg test p, 100mg masteron p, and 100mg tren a every other day might be a decent cutting cycle but thats almost... a 1g per week

    i do take the proviron .50 per day also.

    then sounds like that tren test mast would be a pretty nice stack. if each compound is 500g per week that could be ok.

  19. #19
    Brodon is offline Junior Member
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    oops, wrong post

  20. #20
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Drostanolone propionate is a short-acting ester :]

  21. #21
    SuperBird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Drostanolone propionate is a short-acting ester :]
    so eod would not be as efficient? acceptable but not as efficient? ..... in a tren100ed/testE250eod stack. ?

    im shooting for blood work, before i modify anything else. but i own the stuff, and i need to be knowledgeable about what i own.
    Last edited by SuperBird; 08-21-2010 at 08:10 PM.

  22. #22
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    You can get away with EOD but I'd stick it ED.

  23. #23
    SuperBird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    You can get away with EOD but I'd stick it ED.
    ok. thanks for that.

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