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  1. #1
    BIGSCOTT is offline New Member
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    Thoughts On My Fist Cycle

    Ok so im 6'1'' and weigh about 285lb....I just got a hold of Winstrol 50mg/ml and some Test E 300mg/ml and about to start them that a good combination and anything particular i should do to get the best results???

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    6'1 285? Age? whats your bodyfat %? Training expierience? You realize winny isn't going to do anything for fat loss right?

  3. #3
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Well for starters your alias suits you well, you definitely are a big boy.

    We'll need more information to give you proper advice including:

    training experience
    goals with this cycle
    planned pct

  4. #4
    BIGSCOTT is offline New Member
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    Im 20 and not to sure of BF% ive been working out for around 2 years at least 5 times a week...i was told stack those 2 eat right and excerise

  5. #5
    scotty51312's Avatar
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  6. #6
    BIGSCOTT is offline New Member
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    already read that thnx though

  7. #7
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Alright a few things here...

    1. You are too young to be considering these drugs.
    2. You haven't been training long enough to be considering these drugs.
    3. Whoever told you to stack those 2 should be slapped in the face.

    Read AAS: Things to consider before starting a first cycle

    Stick to the only 4 things you need at your age: food, training, rest, supplements <----in that order!

    If you need help with your diet, the nutrition section will set you up. Same applies with the training section.

  8. #8
    Roman2 is offline New Member
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    Hi mate, you seem very keen on using these drugs to help you along and i was there once too but i didn't and it was the best thing i ever did...
    1. it could stunt your growth. After a cycle the muscle will slowly fade away but you might have stopped your gowth as well.
    2. We all look at Arnold and think thats acheivable, but he was doing bodybuilding as a career... and he was genetically prone to develope better than most with what he was using.
    3. Anything you put in your body, you shuld know what it does and how to combat any possible side effects when they come along.... And believe me each one will have its own unique side effect that effects people differently. Whan one person may be ok on another may break out in bad acne or even hair loss... etc

    Put if off for a year or two until you have mastered your body, only then you wiil make the most out of it.... And thats the truth

  9. #9
    BIGSCOTT is offline New Member
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    well i have 4 buddies who all tried them and got good results all were under 18 but im considering trying a good diet for a month and see what i get outta that

  10. #10
    _ripp3d_'s Avatar
    _ripp3d_ is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSCOTT View Post
    well i have 4 buddies who all tried them and got good results all were under 18 but im considering trying a good diet for a month and see what i get outta that
    Im not gonna argue with you that they got good results because I have noticed myself that users at younger ages get better results... BUT how long until they are on TRT for life? Not too long if you ask me... Is it really worth being on TRT for life just to get big quick?

  11. #11
    timjitsu's Avatar
    timjitsu is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSCOTT View Post
    well i have 4 buddies who all tried them and got good results all were under 18 but im considering trying a good diet for a month and see what i get outta that
    do yourself a favor and listen to what Hawaiian Pride has to say. you'd be an idiot not to. and im just gunna take a guess that by you height and weight plus the time you've been training that your BF% is WAY up there. cuz im 6'1" and i used to weigh 290 and it took me almost 4.5 years to get to 15% BF and 6 years to get to 9% and be repared for excess skin my friend. (depending on your skin type) and plus if youre taking AAS in hopes to speed up your weight loss process i hope you know that rapid weight loss only makes excess skin worse. i went and saw a plastic surgeon and she said i have 5-8lbs of excess skin. and believe me when i say it sucks to have a six-pack and your stomach still jiggle. so i would advise you to take it slow.
    Last edited by timjitsu; 09-16-2010 at 12:53 AM.

  12. #12
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSCOTT View Post
    well i have 4 buddies who all tried them and got good results all were under 18 but im considering trying a good diet for a month and see what i get outta that
    Yes, we all have friends that have done this, or have done that, and are completely healthy, which makes it okay for the rest of the world to do what they do and be harm free, right?

    Do you not think the short-term and long-term risks of these drugs are serious? Do you really want to risk premature closure of your growth plates? Andropause ? TRT for the rest of your life? Permanent sterility? Stunted growth? Erectile dysfunction? All this for some quick little muscle gains that you'll most likely lose, and or could have been achieved quite easily with food alone with little to no ill side effects?

    It's so unbelievably common for kids your age to feel invincible and to carry the attitude that “if they are doing it and seem fine, then I can do it and be fine. Nothing bad can happen to me” thought process. This type of stupidity will get you in trouble both physically, and mentally. Your premature body is in a delicate state of homeostasis right now, and you want to completely screw that up because your buddies are all doing it and you want to be big and cool like them.

    Don't be a follower dude, be a leader. Show them you can get big without risking what I've said above. Educate them, don't succomb to their "I want it now and I don't care of the health risks involved" beliefs. You are only young once, if you fuk up now, you can't go back and change what you've done.

    It's your body though, no one here has control of it but you. At least take into consideration what the wiser are telling you.

  13. #13
    BIGSCOTT is offline New Member
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    Well im not gonna lie I did have second thoughts about doing them, after reading all this I am NOT going to do them...Im gonna get on a very strict diet being as my buddy is still going to do them...I really do think i can get where i want to be with hard work but for some reason when i saw all my friends achieve that with such little work i wanted to do it...Im going to save them to see how it comes along without them...anyone know of a way to help me drop going to diet hard and i am big but have really good cardio actually just ran 4 miles on the treadmill a few hours ago...any tips to guide me through this would be well appreciated and thnx for everything guys

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