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  1. #1
    Ilivetolift83 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2010

    Aspiration, and weird skin at injection site

    27, 215, 5'10 3rd cycle technically( haven't really been off for almost a year... I know that's not good) I switched from 2mls of test 450 every 4 days to 1ml every 5 days cause it was giving crazy lumps test flu and pain... So it got better but still was too painfull. Picked up some 250mg a ml test c, it's MUCH better, or so I thought... Worked my way up from .5 of ml to 2mls every 5 days.. No lumps, now I'm on my 6 th shot( I only shoot glutes btw and I switch left to right every time also) and I was about to do it the other day and b4 I even drew it it felt odd... Not a lump I would say, it's really hard to describe, I can sleep on it or sit on it np but it's a little tender, and feels like a bruise but it's not discolored at all... I know for sure injecting into these spots is a bad idea, just not sure what to do? I am 6 days behind on my shots( thought it might get better) any thoughts?

    I dunno if it is cause of scar tissue from injecting only in glutes for so long... Or I just recently found out when u aspirate that when u can't pull it back it means it's good. I was pulling back until air bubbles came into it( thought it was plasma... I know dumb) but do u think that might cause this?

    I know it's not the gear cause I have other buddies that have absolutly no prob with any of this gear. And my injection technique is good. I use alcohol swabs on me and the top of the vial. I warm my gear under hot water.. I always have a hot shower first...

    Only other thing I can think is I don't have the steadiest of hands and it moves around a bit... But I pin other ppl quite frequently and they have never had a issue...

    Please please help... Lol my test lvls r getting low!!!

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    You were taking 900mg of test every 4 days for almost a year? Ok U need to seriously stop and do a serious PCT. Then you need to get to a doc and make sure you haven't killed your natural test production for the rest of your life. When you aspirate the bubble is cause the the liquid being under vaccum in the barrel of the syringe. High MG test like T450 are often linked to injection pain. Usually due to high alcohol content. And rotate your injection spots. You could be injecting to fast. There are a lot of threads on injection pain. Read up. And seriously start a PCT before you end up with the natural test levels of a 10 year old girl.

  3. #3
    Ilivetolift83 is offline Junior Member
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    Alright let's clarify, I only did maybe 4 2ml shots of the 450 b4 it was too much... Then it was like a week b4 I could pin again. Then it was 1 ml every 5 days.. Soon had to wait like every 7 days to do the 1ml.. After that was not working I didn't pin for almost a month before starting the test c250... I've know it's bad but I just love being on test... The good mood, ultra wood all the time, insane pumps and workouts... Iv been just tryin to keep a decent amount in my system so it doesn't shut down.... ****, I know u r right with ur advice, I just can't stand the idea of losing anything I have worked so hard for,... Lol plus I was just about to do a bottle of anadrol for the first time too and I wanna be on test if I was to continue, any advice for the question in the first post?

  4. #4
    Ilivetolift83 is offline Junior Member
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    Also read all threads on injection pain, I inject ULTRASLOW all the time, I heat it up, I stand on my opposite leg do I havd no flex in the injecting glute. My new stuff hurts 0 compared to the old stuff, just not sure if it's scar tissue causing the issue or what...or maybe could I have pulled air bubbles into the needle aspirating to hard and then hurt myself injecting it? I figured this board would be the best place to ask...

  5. #5
    Ilivetolift83 is offline Junior Member
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  6. #6
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Are you alternating your injection sites?

  7. #7
    Ilivetolift83 is offline Junior Member
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    Yes on glutes only though... Just on left and right sides... Still haven't done another poke, it's been almost 3 weeks and my glute feels alot better but not perfect... Is it possible because of scar tissue it just absorbs really slowly?

  8. #8
    Ilivetolift83 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2010

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