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  1. #41
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    If you have any experience with Anavar , you would know that this oral is the least effective in producing weight gains. I'm not talking out of my ass I'm talking from experience. I've ran it at virtually every dose from 50-150mg. To sit there and conclude that 20lbs can be achieved with Anavar alone on any given diet is blowing smoke out of your ass.

    Now about your idea of giving him steroid advice just because he's asking for steroid advice is beyond me. How can you so calmly, dis-regard his training and diet methods and go straight into preaching "here take x amount of var for x amount of time and your goals will be met" when you know damn well this will not happen? You and I clearly have different methods in trying to better others in a safe and healthy manner.

  2. #42
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    Not saying there aren't, but 20 pounds can be acheived EASILY by anyone regardless of diet with 60mgs of var. What am I stating that is incorrect? This guy is asking for steroid advice, NOT diet and workout advice. I'm simply trying to give him the answer to the question he asked unlike you who just likes to parrot every other person on this board. If the OP wants a diet please pm me we can get started on creating one for you no problem. But for now, ill just advise the question at hand.
    no you clown, i speak about what i know about or have been advised about by more knowledgable members than myself. maybe you should take note of that statement, because you havent a clue what your spouting about. or better still, hopefully you just get banned for reckless brainless advice. OP, dont take any advice from this moron

  3. #43
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    Than you my friend have never ran var have you? Its one of my favorite steroids and I more familiar with it than just about anything else so I'm not here talking out of my ass. 20lbs would be conservative I wouldn't be suprised if a steroid virgin got 100lbs with 60mgs for 6 weeks.
    OMG, someone get shot this idiot please, what total and utter BS!!

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