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  1. #1
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    Jul 2010

    lose 10 lbs in 5 days of Arimidex??

    ok.. so for starters, i wanna lay out my cycle

    Week 1-12 600mg Test E
    Week 1-10 400mg Deca
    Week 1-5 100mg Anadrol ED
    Week 6-12 100mg Proviron ED
    Week 7-13 25mg Arimidex EOD
    Week 5-14 HCG 250 iu 2x per week
    followed up with clomid and nolvadex for PCT

    Starting stats 245lbs
    Week 6 265lbs
    Week 7 (end of) 255lbs

    Now i have noticed that my shoes fit again, and so does my watch since i started the Adex on sunday.. but i weighed 264-268 (at different times of the day) just weighed my self now and i weigh 254.. Yet today i set yet another record on bench.. putting 5kg more on every/every other work out..10kg on squats..

    So what i am asking is this..
    1) i thought abombs would be out of my system by last sunday.. since it was 7 days since i last took it, but i lost no size and no strength because the test and deca was kicking in.. so how long does Anadrol take for effects to wear off?

    2) I thought losing water weight would mean losing "some" strength. Is this true, and if so why am i gaining strength still??

    3) is 50% of initial gains usually water weight on a cycle like this? Or is there other things i am missing?? i definitely look and feel like i lost a couple pounds of fat, like i am now sub 20%.. so with out a BF test i can't be specific on gains..

    just figured i would throw this one out there and hear what some of your thought are on this.

  2. #2
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    Jul 2010
    really??? no one has any answers/opinions to any of these questions??

  3. #3
    inevitable's Avatar
    inevitable is offline Member
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    Jan 2004
    the A-dex/proviron is making you piss out your water weight from the deca /test/hcg and sodium intake.. simple as that your getting stronger because your still on AAS and seeing your in wk 7 your long esters have been kicked in for a either 1-3 weeks your strength will go up.

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