Ok so i went on vacation for 2 weeks and had only been on test about 5 weeks at that point... during the 2 week vacation i wasn't on any test and planned cutting the cycle early and getting on PCT when i got home.

So i get home and turns out while i was away i caught a staph infection, luckily i caught it early and i'm about healed.

Well in the time i've been away and the infection i've put on 5 lbs of fat i'd rather not have and lost what looks like 5 lbs of muscle.

The whole point in my test cycle was for it to run up until new year as a cutting cycle while retaining some mass.

My question is;

Have i wait too long (3 weeks) since my last shot and should i start PCT and come off completely.

Or should i resume the cycle for another 4 weeks before i go away again on another vacation.

My only concern is my natty test is probably starting to come back at this point even without the PCT and i'm thinking if i resume the cycle i could be screwing around with recovery for when i come off again
