I'm planning my next cycle. Need some opinions. This is my 5th cycle.
190 lbs.
Age: 31

Dbol 40ed/1-4 weeks
Test e 250x2/1-12 weeks
Deca 125x2/week 1-10 weeks
Winny 50mg/6-12 weeks
HCG 250iux2/6-12
Adex eod or e3d

Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Few questions regarding this.
1. Should I run deca for the full 12 weeks?
2. Is it ok to run HCG for 6 or should it be run at 2-3 weeks during cycle?
3. Since winny has a PCT start day of 24 hrs. after last admission and test e is 14 days after last pin, when should I start?
4. Is it ok to run nolva after taking Deca