I will be running 1st cycle soon and wanted too hear some thoughts on what i should run of stats are- 30 years old 6ft 210lbs lifting for 14 years 16 -17 percent bf i am running clen right now for another 4 weeks as i am almost 2 weeks into it too shred as much bf as i can too get prepared.
looking at test e -400 mg week already have var will run that week 4 thru 12 at 60 mgs ed i am looking more too get cut will the var help with the test too burn more fat while on cycle and should i add it in week4 or just start it right at the start .Also does anyone think since being first cycle i could run 250 mg of test a week and still b happy with results .diet is in check also have pct planned with nolva and clomid 40/40/20/20/ 100/100/50/50 since im looking too cut would test e not b a good choice for me .??