HI !

My stats:

Age 19
Height: 187cm
weight: 190Lbs / 85kilo
Body fat: around 12-14% i guess.

Been training serious for almost 2 years now...

Strength stats:

-Bench: 275lbs
-dead lift: 440lbs
-Squat: 330 lbs

Im starting my first cycle now because ive seen how good all my friends has been doing with the steroids ... I know you think im to young and stuff . but im going to start now anyways.. ive already bought my stuff inn and started my cycle so i wont quit.. so please just try help me.. instead of saying ur way to young and stuff...

My cycle:

ive bought in Cut Mix 150 ,( which is a mix of trenbolon , testo P and Drosta) Each ML contains 50mg of each ( tren , testo p, drosta).

Ive also added some extra testosterone with it, Testo C .

Im taking the Cut mix 3 times a week with a 1 ML dosage each time.. which is 3ml a week ( 150mg tren , 150mg testo P and 150mg drosta.

About the testo C i take injections 2 times a week with a dosage of 250 mg total each week . ( 125 mg testo c each injection .. 2 injexctions a week. )

vie just got 1 bottle of each cut mix 150 and testo C .. so the cycle wont last so long... about 4-6 weeks i think... the cut mix 150 will be used up faster then the testo C,.,, so ive been told i can cut down the dosages of cut mix 150 when the Testo C has kicked inn ...

What do you guys think about this??

--- Btw my biggest question... What abou8t PCT. ??! ive been reading for week about PCt and peoples say its the msot important think in a cycle... but the guy ive got this from say its no need and .. no1 else buys it exept of bodybuilders which is using steroids all the time... for me which is only 19 years old.. and since its just a 4-6 week cycle... he says i dont need it,, and that he has never cared so much about pct... he has never lost his strength or size for not using pct after a cycle.. not gotten any gyno or sides either..

but this sounds wired because i thouight this was important... but is it true what he says that i dont need since im so young and my natural testo production will come up fast again .. and since its a short cycle.,.. and my first..

IF i need it.. please tell me what i should use and how long i should use it and stuff... ive heared nolva is normal after testosteron...because ive read that testo gives estrogen's ... and nolva both increases testo prod and blocks gyno...