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  1. #1
    Solonjk is offline New Member
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    Used Finasteride 7 years ago - Today dying testicles

    I am posting this in the PCT as well because i would like as many ppl as possible to read and help if they can..

    I know medicine from books and med school yet, now very little about steroids and pct. 7 years ago this wanka professor of mine gave me propecia for hairloss at 1mg/day. He said its a perfect drug and if i have any sides just stop it.

    One month on, i notice that whilst having sex i cannot achieve full erection, cannot orgasm, my dick is sort of rubbery, i have very little ejaculate volume. This started 4th week. At the end of the month i stop use.

    After this i recover a bit and two to three weeks later i crash completely.
    Well, two years later and after not having any morning wood, any sex whatsoever or even a sexual fantasy (no joke) i managed to get a bit better and hold an erection for some few seconds. I did this through weight lifting and dieting, no alcohol, not even a sip, and no smoking. I thought everything was fine, but soon i was to be mistaken. I started feeling nervousness and fatigue time after time and i could'nt sleep properly at nights. Finally i crashed metabolically and after several weeks of not being my self, lethargic, fatigued i started testing. 3 months later being in a horrific state i discover i have messed up adrenals and HPA function. To make a long story short, i had to lay in bed 2.5 years to recover somewhat from the messed up adrenals.

    Last year i started walking properly again, and going outside my house. Libido all them years was very low but i could at least hold an erection for a bit and ejaculate. 6 months ago i started noticing similar problems like on finasteride again. Pains in testicles, and continuous shrinking. Actually my testicles feel very very hot all day long and they ache .

    I went to a clinic in Belgium and run tests, (have them attached)

    It seems that my 5-ar II enzyme got permanently downregulated since 7 years ago that i used the drug.

    All the testosterone that my balls are directed to produce gets converted to estradiol and very very little to dht so i get these problems in my testicles (now down to 1/3d original size). The inflammation is so intense that i can't sleep or sit on a chair it seems that my genitals are boiling in heat and pain.

    I have tried many treatments but wanted to ask experienced ppl or MODS this

    Because my body has been through a lot i cannot tolerate strong drugs like nolva and arimidex, even if they would help so i am looking for milder ways to suppress my estradiol and boost T to such levels that eventually some will be carried into DHT production.
    So i found them pro-hormones that say to act as anti-estrogens

    Is it possible that some of this ATD or some 6-OXO can act as a serious Testo and DHT booster and at the same time block plasma estradiol levels or/and aromatase activity??

    If some ppl have experience pls let me know, and if they have seen blood tests on pro-hormones like that. Otherwise if any other possible treatments exist pls go ahead and share, im in a really really psychological breakdown.

    Loosing ones genitals for any reason is detrimental

  2. #2
    Solonjk is offline New Member
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    Hormonal Tests

    See high e2, high progesterone, normal LH and FSH and very low 5-ar II activity (androstanediol-gluc)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Used Finasteride 7 years ago - Today dying testicles-hormones-test.jpg  

  3. #3
    Maverick_J8's Avatar
    Maverick_J8 is offline Member
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    You was in bed for 2.5 years because of messed up adrenals? From taking propecia?

    This all seems a little extreme - have I misinterpreted your post?.

  4. #4
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I am no doctor so I can certainly offer no advice on further action, however let me take the time to say DAMN that really sukx solonjk I hope you recover.

    PS My brother was lifting back when he was 23 (1980s) he was doing real well but had started taking creatine and protein and during this period he started experiencing abdominal pain and eventually swelling ( well at the advice of the docs and his own feelings he stopped all supps. Two years later he was emaciated with a severly distended gut and after many many test and specialists they wanted to do exploratory surgery. Well he remembered that this wierd guy at the gym had asked if he had ever been exposed to heavy metals, well at this point he was desparate wanting to avoid surgery and met with the guy in his Quack type Dr's office the guy on questioning him found that he had extensive dental work done at 17-19 (bonding of upper and lower teeth) and since much of the dental work and bonding was done with alalgm which contains mercury he said he should have it all ripped out (he explained that it was not unusual for the leakage and effect on the body to take years to present itself) and replaced with ceramic and start on kelation therapy to remove the toxins...Well he was never a big fan of alternative medicine but he also was not a fan of having exploratory surgery with the most likely outcome being removal of the damaged portion of his lower intestine, so he went ahead with plan b. Well he said within a couple of weeks he could feel a change in the way he felt and within a month his abdominal swelling was starting to deminish greatly.

    The thing I am pointing out is that some people can have severe reactions to substances felt to be harmless or a minor irratant in most.

    Again good luck on your recovery,


  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I'm not buying this story at all.

  6. #6
    kleaver's Avatar
    kleaver is offline Associate Member
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    my dr cut me back to 1/4th of a finasteride pill eod... not sure on the concentration. after a fe months to reach a consistent blood concentration, feel fine. make good natty and supplemented muscle gain, no more fatigue than normal (i'm prone to naps with or without finasteride haha- i don't attribute it to low T), normal sex function, etc.

    i'd say, if you need the drug, try eod. otherwise, i wouldn't risk burning nuts... common sense... my genitals are on fire and i'm bed ridden... let's stop the hairloss/prostate drug. sounds like bizarre story though, imho
    Last edited by kleaver; 12-02-2010 at 06:29 AM.

  7. #7
    Myalansky's Avatar
    Myalansky is offline Junior Member
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    Reads like nonsense. Your problems were likely something other than finasteride.

  8. #8
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    unlucky wouldnt clomid help with the test and hormone balance maybe give that a try

  9. #9
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Hormones can be mysterious at times but the possibility that 1mg of fina daily for one month could disable an otherwise healthy man is highly improbable. It’s far more likely that you had a few other problems, which may have been exacerbated by fina.

    Quote Originally Posted by Solonjk View Post
    I am posting this in the PCT as well because i would like as many ppl as possible to read and help if they can..

    I know medicine from books and med school yet, now very little about steroids and pct. 7 years ago this wanka professor of mine gave me propecia for hairloss at 1mg/day. He said its a perfect drug and if i have any sides just stop it.

    One month on, i notice that whilst having sex i cannot achieve full erection, cannot orgasm, my dick is sort of rubbery, i have very little ejaculate volume. This started 4th week. At the end of the month i stop use.

    After this i recover a bit and two to three weeks later i crash completely.

    Well, two years later and after not having any morning wood, any sex whatsoever or even a sexual fantasy (no joke) i managed to get a bit better and hold an erection for some few seconds.

    I did this through weight lifting and dieting, no alcohol, not even a sip, and no smoking. I thought everything was fine, but soon i was to be mistaken. I started feeling nervousness and fatigue time after time and i could'nt sleep properly at nights. Finally i crashed metabolically and after several weeks of not being my self, lethargic, fatigued i started testing. 3 months later being in a horrific state i discover i have messed up adrenals and HPA function. To make a long story short, i had to lay in bed 2.5 years to recover somewhat from the messed up adrenals.

    Last year i started walking properly again, and going outside my house.

    Libido all them years was very low but i could at least hold an erection for a bit and ejaculate. 6 months ago i started noticing similar problems like on finasteride again. Pains in testicles, and continuous shrinking. Actually my testicles feel very very hot all day long and they ache .

    I went to a clinic in Belgium and run tests, (have them attached)

    It seems that my 5-ar II enzyme got permanently downregulated since 7 years ago that i used the drug.

    All the testosterone that my balls are directed to produce gets converted to estradiol and very very little to dht so i get these problems in my testicles (now down to 1/3d original size). The inflammation is so intense that i can't sleep or sit on a chair it seems that my genitals are boiling in heat and pain.

    I have tried many treatments but wanted to ask experienced ppl or MODS this

    Because my body has been through a lot i cannot tolerate strong drugs like nolva and arimidex, even if they would help so i am looking for milder ways to suppress my estradiol and boost T to such levels that eventually some will be carried into DHT production.
    So i found them pro-hormones that say to act as anti-estrogens

    Is it possible that some of this ATD or some 6-OXO can act as a serious Testo and DHT booster and at the same time block plasma estradiol levels or/and aromatase activity??

    If some ppl have experience pls let me know, and if they have seen blood tests on pro-hormones like that. Otherwise if any other possible treatments exist pls go ahead and share, im in a really really psychological breakdown.

    Loosing ones genitals for any reason is detrimental
    Please make an appointment soon.
    Best to you.
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  10. #10
    Fevershock's Avatar
    Fevershock is offline Junior Member
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    I've been on Finasteride for over 2 years, while I don't get the morning wood anymore, when legs are open I've never had a problem - lol. (thank God) I did notice that my sex drive had decreased, but as mentioned above, some things effect everyone differently.

    It seems that you're suffering extremely hard to this substance and should avoid it all costs. I would also consider finding a new doc and getting some decent direction on what steps you can take. Good luck!

  11. #11
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I really feel like a sucker, even though his story was kinda out in left field since his alleged situation sucked bad I took the time to write a long reply to a guy, who started a thread that 9 other people have replied to..meantime the OP has never taken the time to respond to anyones comments....what a waste of time...

  12. #12
    Solonjk is offline New Member
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    Fina doesn't impact adrenals??

    It blocks more pathways in adrenal glands than in genitals. Plus when ones dht levels are decreased you start experiencing stress signals from the increased noradrenaline output that dht and testosterone can easily bring down as they work synergistically and properly. But with less dht on the receptor many stability issues arise. Anyways once noradrenaline levels spike too much for test/dht to bring down then you get cortisol spikes and overproduction. Not weird since many on finasteride find it harder to gain muscle and feel energetically down. Another problem is that progesterone metabolism is hindered from 5-ar II activity suppression and also prolactin rises too. Is it hard to understand what fina does to the adrenals?? It slowly but steadily exhausts their output, like many drugs whose effects are not widely known on the stress (HPA) system.
    Also not strange since most people affected by finasteride tend to supplement with all hormones for a while, pregnenolone, cortisol, thyrohormones and big amounts of testosterone. I went that route too, but it was very unhealthy.

    How would one explain that after finasteride i couldn't lift as good as before. I only used it for a month. Used to hit the gym 4 times a week before fina, while after, 2 times where like a massive effort to me. More time to recover, less energy to be spend, very noticeable.

    Ah its too complicated what it does on ones hormones, if it weren't there would be an easy way out of this.

    It doesn't happen to everyone apparently but to those that have been affected it has been a trip to hell.

    The problem now is what the **** to do with this locked enzymatic situation. AS you see estrogen is high, progesterone is slightly high too, and dht levels are very very low. Actually the 5-ar II activity is so low it cannot combat estrogen effects on my body. No wonder i have constantly atrophying and painful testicles. Its a process that has been going on for ages. Other causes could be my low levels of zinc and d3 and vitamin A but supplementing with them didn't change something.

    There has to be a way to rebalance my body. I am looking into 6-oxo or inhibit-e but don't know how the **** they work since i haven't tried them yet. I just got some and hopefully they will push T levels enough to bring dht to a new desirable point and it could possible lock there. I have tested and tried so many things over those years that i pretty much understand how and what works and what doesn't. This throws my years of medical studies down the bin since what is written in books is very far away from practical reality.

    So i turn to you and ask you, since many ppl here have used different substances and realise what effect they have on ones bodies.

    a) does a suicide inhibitor like aromasin increase DHT while at the same time droppin estrogen levels or does it also bring down dht levels by stalking the HPA feedback. Because if it did increase dht then why wouldn't you use it solely for pct and what would be the need for serms then?

    I ve read anecdotal evidence that anti-aromatases also signal residual or cross linking anti-dht activity. Also a good doc that i went to told me not to use arimidex without testosterone.. Hmm, has me thinking

    b) Is an ATD and 6-oxo able to do this work of bringing down e2 and increasing dht or will i be having a rebound effect after i stop it??

    c) what about herbal anti-estrogens?? I have the whole deal, DIM, Chrysin but i think they are also anti-androgenic at some point. Any experience with them increasing DhT (hairloss as a sign for example and oily skin/acne) or they just seem to control e2 somewhat??

    What the **** to do?? im open to suggestions

    I ve been to medical institutes all over, sex medicine clinics, anti-agin docs, researchers. Even asked patrick arnold but he seemingly doesn't want to help, don't know why (i have an email adress don't know if its him answering or some other dude because his knowledge seemed vague)

  13. #13
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I would look into supplementing with proviron indefinitely. It is oral 1-methyl DHT, so it acts much like DHT in the body and is only slightly toxic (it could safely be run year-round). This would replace the androgens you're lacking and lower the estrogen, with little to no HPTA suppression in moderate doses (maybe 25-50mg a day).
    I have also seen DHT Enanthate used in a medical study or two, but I've never heard of it being produced for distribution. There is also DHT gel you could look into. It is made for the topical treatment of gyno.

  14. #14
    Solonjk is offline New Member
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    Started ARomasin 12.5 mg 3 days ago for testicle shrinkage/pain and got NIPPLE PAIN

    Now, today, I am having problems with this examestane (aromasin ) dosage. I am taking 12.5 mg per day for the last 3 days but failed to notice any improvement in my symptoms (testicular aches and shrinkage). In return i started having pains in my nipples too today!!!! WTF!!! Why would this happen?? I am taking an anti-aromatase and i get more pains in my testicles and new pains in my nipples that i never had. Should i be adding some dostinex to bring progesterone down too??

    My original levels where 54 pg/ml of estradiol2 and very low androstanediol glucuronide 1.24 (with normal 3.5-21)

    could i be needing a higher dose of aromasin ?? 25mg is one pill, i thought to start with half a pill to not make it so hard on my body.

    My feeling is still that the rate of conversion to dht is so extremely low that even aromatase inhibition causes rebound rises in testosterone that bring dht up very little and estrogen back up again to a higher margin. I never had such pains in my nipples, how can they happen with the use of aromasin???

    Should i increase the dose of aromasin to 25mg/day ??? or add some dostinex too?? I think this is a definate sign that this balance is ****ed somehow and nothing more or less.

  15. #15
    Barbaros is offline New Member
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    I am no doctor but:
    Did you have any tests or examinations for your prostate? DHT is synthesized primarily in the prostate gland, what if you have atrophied prostate from Finasteride use? (mind you finsteride is primarily used to treat benign prostatic growth)
    DHT is synthesized in prostate, DHT causes prostate growth, atrophied prostate = low DHT = more atrophy in prostate, looks like a closed loop ?
    Using a supplemental DHT like proviron seems a good idea to me but I think you should discuss this idea with your doctor first

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