I am interested in doing a very strong cutting only cycle. I have alot of muscle but too much fat. I am 30ish (getting older and its more difficult to be shredded) and a bit above 6 ft/230 lbs. i must be around 20%bf or a bit more right now and am just dissapointed with myself. I need a boost. I also have job interviews coming up and this would help. i just want experienced people to chime in.

i was thinking of DNP , clen or albuterol, T3, ostarine or anavar , and some other OTC supplements like l-carnitine or yohimbe, etc (if things even go smoothly with DNP).

My goal is purely to just shed as much freaking fat as i possibly can during 1-2 months (i don't mind if i lose a little muscle since it comes with the territory). i ultimately want to be in the 8% fat range after a couple of cycles of this stuff.

Anything I can add to my list? I was also thinking of getting some lipodissolve for my problem areas like the waist. I am absolutely familiar with the risks of all of this so please just help out someone who is def going to take the risks with or without peoples input. anything thats got massive fat dropping effects like DNP?