Thread: Anyone stacked Primo with Deca
12-10-2010, 12:37 AM #1
Anyone stacked Primo with Deca
As the title says. Searched around a little bit, couldn't really find anything, but anyone ever stacked these two compounds. I can already predict the answers I am going to get. 5'11 ~210/220lbs ~11%bf. 1st cycle; deca (12wk@500mg/wkly), dbol (4wk orally@40mg/ed), test e(14wk@300mg/2xwkly). 2nd cycle; tren a(10wk @100mg/ed), test p(10wk @100mg/ed), var (6wk@50mg/ed). Its been 2.5 years since my last cycle, I feel for the past year I havent really made any progress. I also felt deca didnt quite do it for me. I did get results, but feel that I should of expected more especially with the dosages. Now I do like the DHT with the 19nor, which brings me to a conclusion of test e, deca, primo, both deca and primo ran for 12 weeks. primo at 350mg/wkly and deca at 500mg/wkly. Am I pushing my luck? I really need to "push through that wall" Id like to get my hands on HGH, but doesnt seem like that will ever happen. Feedback is appreciated.
12-10-2010, 03:09 PM #2
sounds like a killer cycle, i would love to run something like that too =) maybe for my next one. I would also like to see some replys if any1 has tried it?
12-11-2010, 02:35 AM #3
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