Okay, I'm 23 years old, 6'5, 190 lbs. I have been lifting weights consistently since I was 18 and I've maintained a low weight to continue to fight MMA in my current weight division. I have a very strict diet consisting of 5 solid ass meals a day (sometimes 6) and I believe I am ready to start my first cycle. I have been seriously contemplating steroids for about 5 years. I've spent a couple hours each day for the past week delving into the massive world of AAS. I understand that I barely know anything but that's why I am here. I would like to start my first cycle of steroids beginning in January. I have looked over many of the entry level steroid cycles and have found that Enanthate /Cypionate were the most popular for injectors and danabol for the so called "jumpstart" process. I would just like some opinions from actual users on what I should do and some information that will help steer me in the right direction.