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  1. #1
    The Carter 117 is offline New Member
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    Test Sus help.. Needed asap

    This is my 3rd cycle using gear... I used Sus the last cycle but i injected 1 cc every 5 days. The sus i have is 250mg/ml ... I was reading up on the Steroid Profiles and I saw that sus only lasts in the system for 3 days....

    So my question is, how do you guys take your Sus??????? Do you take it every 3 days? I was thinking of doing 250mg every 3 days. I dont wanna use too much! I want to use just enough to get good gains from. So if you guys would give me some ways that u take it, id be appreciative....

    Planned Cycle=

    D-bol 2 x15mg tabs ed (except sat and sunday)
    Deca (I dont remember the mg-age, but I was going to take it every 5 days along with my Sus...but i guess I will be taking it by itself every 5 days???)
    Sus 250mg every 3 or 5 days....


  2. #2
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    I'm guessing this is amps or you'd just draw less and inject more frequently if you were concerned...

    More frequent injections will result in more stable levels, and sust lasts longer than 3 days. Shooting sust every 3 days is sufficient, 5 days could work too. It seems that it sort of depends on the individual. I've seen guys complain about more sides and stuff from less frequent injects, but if 5 days worked for you before I wouldn't fret over doing it again.

    Dbol is not a 5 days a week thing. Build a real cycle plan and pct and post with stats for review.
    Last edited by Ernst; 01-10-2011 at 12:26 AM.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Carter 117 View Post
    This is my 3rd cycle using gear... I used Sus the last cycle but i injected 1 cc every 5 days. The sus i have is 250mg/ml ... I was reading up on the Steroid Profiles and I saw that sus only lasts in the system for 3 days....

    So my question is, how do you guys take your Sus??????? Do you take it every 3 days? I was thinking of doing 250mg every 3 days. I dont wanna use too much! I want to use just enough to get good gains from. So if you guys would give me some ways that u take it, id be appreciative....

    Planned Cycle=

    D-bol 2 x15mg tabs ed (except sat and sunday)
    Deca (I dont remember the mg-age, but I was going to take it every 5 days along with my Sus...but i guess I will be taking it by itself every 5 days???)
    Sus 250mg every 3 or 5 days....

    I think you need to do alot more research before starting this cycle, dbol is taken everyday not 5 days a week. what are your stats and cycle history? sus can be taken various ways the more frequent the shots the more stable the blood levels will be,

  4. #4
    The Carter 117 is offline New Member
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    well first off, writing on this forum is doing research wouldn't you say? I got lots of friends at all ages that help me when cycle stuff. I just wanted more peoples opinions....

    The only reason I was saying dbol only 5 days is because it is liver toxic and I have people who just pulse it taking it on workout days and i have friends that take it ed... I am only planning on taking it for the first 4 weeks of my cycle.

    I havent heard of amps before? what are you meaning?

    I am 24 300LBS and 6'7''

    first cycle
    8 weeks, Tren Ace 80mg EOD (I know dont bitch at me for taking it by itself, but it went great and had no sides or problems.)

    2nd Cycle
    8 weeks Tren ace 120mg EOD
    Sus 250 every 5 days

    This is why i cant tell if the sus really worked well or not because I was also taking tren ace. So thats y i was wondering about the amount/frequency i should take...

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
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  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I wouldnt listen to your friends who advice you, running tren on your first and second cycle is a very wise to do. What i mean by more research is more reading in the education threads and profile, use the search button and so on.

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    No source checks
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    Your bf is at least 20+% as you have stated yourself and your 23 years old.

    Imo you need to spend at least the next 12 months learning how to diet correctly and concentrating on cardio.. You have the potential to build a solid base that will take you a long way. Use what you have naturally and leave aas well alone...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I would also advice you to stop lying about your stats, in this thread you posted on the 4/27/2010 you state different stats 22yrs old at 280lbs, you have also been told in many other threads not to cycle because of your age and your high bf, why even ask if you don't take the advice!!!

    Your just wasting everyone's time when you cant even be straight with our members,

    Out of here,

    Quote Originally Posted by The Carter 117 View Post
    So I am 22 6'' 7' 280lbs and i am homebrewing tren acetate. I got a 4g kit and two cartridges of finaplex h... I am going to take it EOD. I'm going to start with .5cc for a week then take 1cc after that for a 6 week cycle. I am also on somatrophin. I am taking 5ius of that a day also. I am not looking to get mass just cut up (reason I'm not stacking With test.). I also am going to take nolvadex for PCT... Does this sound good??? Any pointers?

  9. #9
    The Carter 117 is offline New Member
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    Ok first off, do u not think it is possible for me to turn a whole YEAR OLDER? I postEd that in april. And i do weight 300 lbs. I have done 2 cycles since that post.

    Anyway, i am going to do them, i have done them, nor did i ask about what u guys think about if i should do them or not... I asked about test sus and a good way to take it. I have taken it before and i want to know if it would be better to take a cc every 3 days. So i guess that would be 500mg a week.

    I cycle my gear properly, so i will be ok. People go on this site to ask questions, not to hear ur too young every 2 seconds. I understand u wouldnt do it at 23 but i am. I played bball in college all natural, and lIved in the gym the whole time. Also all the pro athletes who take them are all in there 20's....

  10. #10
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the carter 117 View Post
    ok first off, do u not think it is possible for me to turn a whole year older? I posted that in april. And i do weight 300 lbs. I have done 2 cycles since that post.
    anyway, i am going to do them, i have done them, nor did i ask about what u guys think about if i should do them or not... I asked about test sus and a good way to take it. I have taken it before and i want to know if it would be better to take a cc every 3 days. So i guess that would be 500mg a week.

    I cycle my gear properly, so i will be ok. People go on this site to ask questions, not to hear ur too young every 2 seconds. I understand u wouldnt do it at 23 but i am. I played bball in college all natural, and lived in the gym the whole time. Also all the pro athletes who take them are all in there 20's....
    you have done 2 tren cycles in 8 mos and used only nolva in pct..oh man. And now you wanna run a third cycle.
    not for nothing dude i think you need to listen to whats been said and back off for a bit and get blood work.
    how do you know if you suffered any irreversable damage when you havent done proper pct or taken enough time off cycles

  11. #11
    The Carter 117 is offline New Member
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    Those two cycles were very short. Only 6-8 weeks at a time.

  12. #12
    The Carter 117 is offline New Member
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    And im not taking tren again...

  13. #13
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    oh, ok no problem! for a minute i thought you were making a bad decision....c'mon bro even if they were 8 week cycles with proper pct that runs into 12-13 weeks per cycle and then time i said back off the aas for a while and read alot more

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