I'm currently 5'10 165lbs and roughly 16% body fat. I've been doing a lot of research lately on aas and I'm planning starting my first cycle around the end of February. I figured I would use 400mgs of test a week (either cypionate or enanthate but not sure which) for 10-12 weeks. Also I wasn't sure if it'd be better to split this up into two injections a week or just once a week. During the cycle I plan on taking 10mg Aromasin every other day to try and aviod any side effects. After 2 weeks have passed since my last injection I would start a pct cycle with 20mg of nolvadex for 4-6 weeks. Does this seem like a sound plan??? Also would I benefit from taking 20mgs of Dianabol for the first 4 weeks on cycle?

Thanks again for your comments