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  1. #41
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    Ask to be referred to an ear/nose/throat specialist and ask to have a sleep study done.
    doc told me to see blood test results and he will inspect my nose and throat with a specialist if the allergy pills dont work since he thinks i might be allergic to something....i have to use the allergy pills for 5 days and head back to him. i will get the blood work results tomorrow though

    is a sleep study putting me a sleep in a room while they monitor me? trying to understand it

  2. #42
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    smoking is the only bad habbit i have. i dont drink alcahol, nor take any other drugs.

    i did my research before going on juice and noticed allot of poeple agree that smoking has minor to nothing side effects when on juice and from my smoking experience during my training when i was training naturally i never encountered such issue. many probuilders smoke too! Marcus Ruhl smokes...i even saw a video of Arnold smoking too. i read that smoking and steroid usage is way less dangerous compared to drinking alcahol and steroid usage.

    i dont wont to say smoking is good, but when i decided to go on cycle i didnt want it to be harsh on my life style thats all.
    Last edited by kml999; 04-26-2011 at 04:48 PM.

  3. #43
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    it could from the smoking, but lets see the results and clarify from there.

  4. #44
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro dont justify smoking tobacco,its worse 4 you. full of man made chems,
    Quote Originally Posted by kml999 View Post
    am not smoking to get high....well thats how it started, but then it became a habbit. i dont drink alcahol, nor take any other drugs. maybe am wrong, but i put smoking, alacohol and steroids at the same level since thats what our parent told us to keep away from when we were kids.

    i did my research before going on juice and noticed allot of poeple agree that smoking has minor to nothing side effects when on juice. many probuilders smoke too! Marcus Ruhl smokes...i even saw a video of Arnold smoking too. i read that smoking and steroid usage is way less dangerous compared to drinking alcahol and steroid usage.

    i dont wont to say smoking is good, but when i decided to go on cycle i didnt want it to be harsh on my life style thats all.

  5. #45
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    bro dont justify smoking tobacco,its worse 4 you. full of man made chems,
    am not justifying smoking tobacco and just saying smoking is way less dagerous than drinking alcahol. believe me its not easy to quit just like that i already reduced my heavy smoking last year to a moderate smoker this year. am trying to quit, but i have to do it the hard way. this thread will turn into a smoking subject and ill just say that i dont care about nicotine! i tried the nicotine pills...etc and i realised am not addicted to nicotine and its the smoking habbit. i will go with lighter cig this week too. i understand you arent a smoker and no smoker likes the smell of it. me as smoker dont like the smells of it but its a bad habbit of mine....all i know am trying my best to reduce it and quit it one day.

    Update: i quit smoking cigs,hookah, pipe for sure and only vaping off E-Cig right now. i still crave to smoke analog cigs, but i think am managing well
    Last edited by kml999; 04-26-2011 at 04:51 PM.

  6. #46
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    sorry to hear that ffm ,lifes a marvel,wtf
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Seek a second opinion. My best friend ( He was 50 though) had a simalar problem. I was sure it was painic attacks, he said he felt like could not breath but was never huffing and puffing. Well I told him to go to a doc which he did, the doc said it was a respiratory infection but the problem remained despite antibiotics. This went on for a month. I finally talked him into going to the hospital (basically told him he would go or I would force him) and they diagnosed him as with congestive heart failure. He died about 3 months later.

    I doubt if you have congestive heart failure, but my point is to seek a second opinion, and find out what is really going on. Dr's are like mechanics there are 4 idiots for each one who knows his ass from a hole in the ground.

  7. #47
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    guys am on 2nd wk of PCT and that breathing problem gone in the middle of 1st wk of still smoking like i normally do....hmm

    still waiting on doc since he is on emergency leave

  8. #48
    Microbrew's Avatar
    Microbrew is offline Member
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    After reading this and from the PM's you sent me on OLM. It sounds a lot to me like it's a allergic reaction to EO. The same thing happen to me when I took gear made with EO. Made me feel like total shit and hard to breath, felt like I had sinus problems the friggin whole cycle. Once I stopped the gear, I felt better within a week.

    I've been doing this for over 20 years and that's was the worst I ever felt on any cycle.

  9. #49
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Microbrew View Post
    After reading this and from the PM's you sent me on OLM. It sounds a lot to me like it's a allergic reaction to EO. The same thing happen to me when I took gear made with EO. Made me feel like total shit and hard to breath, felt like I had sinus problems the friggin whole cycle. Once I stopped the gear, I felt better within a week.

    I've been doing this for over 20 years and that's was the worst I ever felt on any cycle.
    was busy with work, but i have an update!
    about my gear it doesnt have EO...i just checked it and it says it contains Arachis Oil (which is peanut extracted oil)

  10. #50
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    Today i had some quality time with the doctor and these are the results i got up now During cycle that is on wk10 before pct:

    1- sugar being normal (5.8)
    2- waiting on urine results to check my kidney function
    3- Normal heart pulse reading when i did an ECG test (laying down, doc said no need to do the tridmill heart test if the results are good when laying down)
    4- blood test results which i did during cycle before PCT by 1 week:
    W.B.C. 5.76 (3.6-9.6)
    R.B.C. 5.73 (4.5-6.3)
    HEMOGLOBIN (HB) 16.4 (14-18)
    HEMATOCRIT 48.2 (38-52)
    M.C.V. 84.2 (82-97)
    M.C.H. 28.7 (27-33)
    M.C.H.C. 34.1 (32-36)
    R.D.W. 17.6 (11.5-15.5)
    PLATELET COUNT 267 (140-450)
    M.P.V. 7.31 (7.8-11)
    P.C.T. 0.196 (0-0.99)
    P.D.W. 17.3 (0-99.9)
    NEUTROPHIL(%) 50.7 (42-75)
    LYMPHOCYTESLY(%) 36.1 (20.5-51.5)
    MONOCYTES(%) 8.46 (1.7-11.7)
    EOSINOPHILS(%) 4.83 (0.5-5)
    BASOPHILS(%) 0 (0-3)
    NEUTROPHIL 2.92 (1.4-6.5)
    LYMPHOCYTESLY 2.08 (1.2-3.4)
    MONOCYTES 0.488 (0.1-1)
    EOSINOPHILS 0.278 (0-0.4)
    BASOPHILS 0 (0-0.3)


    ALB (ALBUMIN) 45.5 (34-50)
    TP (TOTAL PROTEIN) 83 (64-83)
    ALT 27.5 (9-41)
    AST 23.3 (6-37)
    TBIL (TOTAL BILIRUBIN) 7.7 (3.4-17)
    ALP (ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE) 80.1 (40-129)
    TSH 1.38 (0.27-4.2)
    FT4 14.05 (12-22)
    Last edited by kml999; 04-16-2011 at 11:46 AM.

  11. #51
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    any comments guys? am still feeling weird. its like after 3-4 days i get heart palpation when am laying down, no more shortness of breath and i noticed something is annoying me when i sit as if my ribs are hitting something swell (with no pain that is)...hmm... explained this to the doctor and recommended to do a scan for thyroid, kidney, liver within these weeks. i already past ~1-1.5 months after PCT and will do hormone blood test this week. i think the test should clear my body after 3 months, but i want to check if my hormones are stable or not

  12. #52
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    by the way Doctor gave me Xanax to use for 4 days (0.25mg per day) and see if my problem goes away. even the doctor belives i have anxiety! the strange thing i dont feel depressed

  13. #53
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    OP, quit worrying about if the dr. Puts your gear use on file. This sounds like a potentially serious condition to me, you need to go have the appropriate tests done. I would suggest getting an echo cardiogram to identify any potential heart defects. An enlarged heart causes shortness of breath.

    I have struggled with panic disorder my whole life and if these problems can't be attributed to manifesting themselves within your head first, then physically. You need to get to a professional who will analyze your situation thoroughly.

  14. #54
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    OP, quit worrying about if the dr. Puts your gear use on file. This sounds like a potentially serious condition to me, you need to go have the appropriate tests done. I would suggest getting an echo cardiogram to identify any potential heart defects. An enlarged heart causes shortness of breath.

    I have struggled with panic disorder my whole life and if these problems can't be attributed to manifesting themselves within your head first, then physically. You need to get to a professional who will analyze your situation thoroughly.
    i agree! the doctor knows about my steroid usage and he said its fine not to put it on file and just have to remember to inform each specialist about the usage to take proper action when diagnosting the problem

    by the way when you said Echo cardiogram test dont you mean ECG? i already did that today and the results were normal!

  15. #55
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Excellent. Another step in ruling out a serious complication. I hope all other tests come back with good news too!

  16. #56
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    Seen this a hundred times,

    Stop smoking, Putting on mass to fast (water), too little cardio (should be at least 30 mins at moderate to intense 5-7 days a week, Allergies and maybe some exercise induced asthma.

    Do you have after cycle results. Your thyroid is fine, which is the first thing Dr. check.

    Stay away from starch carbs, high fat read meats, whole foods like leafy greens and grains.

    No dairy, and gluten free products for awhile. Say 6 months.

    If you do not see any results withing a short amount of time. Look into getting a exercise stress test with respiration and whats called ROR values. If insurance pays for it, ask for a lactate threshold test. If they dont, pay for it anyway. That tells you more than a stress test and gas exchange reading will tell you.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  17. #57
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Seen this a hundred times,

    Stop smoking, Putting on mass to fast (water), too little cardio (should be at least 30 mins at moderate to intense 5-7 days a week, Allergies and maybe some exercise induced asthma.

    Do you have after cycle results. Your thyroid is fine, which is the first thing Dr. check.

    Stay away from starch carbs, high fat read meats, whole foods like leafy greens and grains.

    No dairy, and gluten free products for awhile. Say 6 months.

    If you do not see any results withing a short amount of time. Look into getting a exercise stress test with respiration and whats called ROR values. If insurance pays for it, ask for a lactate threshold test. If they dont, pay for it anyway. That tells you more than a stress test and gas exchange reading will tell you.
    by the way i wasnt putting great mass and bloating (water) was almost 0%, so i dont see where i was putting on mass so quick?
    you mean hormone panel after cycle results? am going to do that this week!
    Last edited by kml999; 04-17-2011 at 07:07 AM.

  18. #58
    cyounger100's Avatar
    cyounger100 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    it def sounds like a panic attack your are having i use to get them bad like that when i was a teenager with all the same symptons as yourself

  19. #59
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyounger100 View Post
    it def sounds like a panic attack your are having i use to get them bad like that when i was a teenager with all the same symptons as yourself
    so what did you do to resolve that issue? used specific AAS or you no more a steroid user?
    Last edited by kml999; 04-18-2011 at 12:57 PM.

  20. #60
    throwaway is offline New Member
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    Last edited by throwaway; 04-17-2011 at 06:49 PM.

  21. #61
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    further update: Did further blood work and i think am worried now after pct by 1.5months. i tested alot of things and some were HemoGlub A1C, Cholesterol,hormones, liver values....etc....i will mention the ones that are out of range:

    Hemoglubin A1C 6.5% (4.5-5.7)
    estradiol 170.4 (28-156)
    testosterone 3.07 (9.9-27.8)
    C02 31.6695 (23-29)
    calcium 3.35 (2.1-2.55)
    LDL 3.5 (0-3.36)
    cholesterone CHOL 5.45 (2.66-5.2)
    R.D.W. 16 (11.5-15.5)
    M.P.V. 7.7 (7.8-11)
    neutrophil 28.2% (42-75)
    lymphocytesly 60.7% (20.5-51.5)

    is LDL related to my diet? how can i fix the above? need some advice here, cause i havent sat with the doc yet and dont know what should be my next step here?

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