Ok first I am trt, not a true cycle. Background.

Lost 30 lbs. Got t levels checked, were low, started trt. Did that for some months, gained about 19 lbs back. Did my pct, stay off the t for 3 months, realized t levels were low still, got back on trt. Gained another 10 lbs. Ive been back on trt for 5 weeks now.

33 yo, 205 lbs, 5'8"' bf is 25ish

I am on 200mg per week. I know diet and cardio is the key but I cant seem to eat low cals because the test makes me so darn hungry. I can do cardio of all kinds but not everyday because I am so heavy I need a couple days to recoup, so using cardio alone right now wont cut it.

When I lost 30 lbs before it was all diet at 1600 cals per week. If I try that now I get in bad sape, shaking, brain fog etc..

What do I do? Should I try some sort of appetite supressant? Should I lower my trt dose? I am taking an ai and some hcg as well. I do have bloating but I eat too much cabs is why.

This sucks. I was able to control my eating before but now its impossible..