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  1. #1
    23scott16's Avatar
    23scott16 is offline New Member
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    1st Cycle Testoprim D Please Help !!

    Hey Guys,

    So im kinda new to this site, my name is Scott, i am 22 years old, and have been lifting solid for the last 16 months. I decided to start a cycle with Testoprim D, which i have heard both good and bad things about, i already know about the injection site pain,and and can already feel it haha ( did 1st injection today ). My question is: Is 250 mg good enough for my 1st cycle? Will i see any gains with 250 a week? Or is it absolutely necessary to go up to 250 twice weekly ? I am 6"1 189 pounds, am benching 225, and am looking for some gains as well as some mass. I am thinking about starting sustanon for my next cycle, depending on the effects i see from Test. Any help would be greatly appreciated guys thanks,


  2. #2
    lexruger's Avatar
    lexruger is offline Associate Member
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    what is in testoprim? short or long ester? whats your bf% ?

    Do you have a pct planned? your a bit young to cycle

    i hope you understand the risk you are taking?

  3. #3
    DaBullet is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah man you seem to young to even start on a cycle and at 189 and being 6'1" a little on the light side. But heres a link to a thread thats going on right now from a guy who started a cycle real young as well, and when we say young we aint saying you guys are kids but you still havent reached 25 which is around the age people recommend. Check this thread out.

    My balls WTF is going on I'm freaking out

  4. #4
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Welcome, Scott. First of all, as someone who has used Testoprim I'd like to recommend you throw that crap in the trash immediately. It's not that it doesn't have hormone, it's that it was the most evil gear ever. Think painful swelling and knots at injection sites that just won't go away. Trust me. Something else.

    For those who don't know Testoprim-D is Mexican pharm gear. Brown amps are 250mg. 50mg prop, 200mg enth.

  5. #5
    23scott16's Avatar
    23scott16 is offline New Member
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    What up guys?

    1st off i would like to thank you guys for the prompt responses, i appreciate you taking time to help me with this. I am aware of the many risks that anabolic steroids can have on the body, that is why i am consulting with an experienced crowd before i get too deep in it. 1st off, my goal from cycling is to put mass and weight on, my metabolism is so quick its very very difficult for me to put on any size. Most of my size came from body weight workouts in prison, as far as i know i only have 9% body fat, so the majority of my weight is muscle, and can lift a good amount for my body weight. Am i really too young to start doing this? I have a friend, the one that gave me the 1st shot today, is going to help me with my pct. Also Ernst, i have heard more than one person tell me that testoprim hurts realllyyy bad, but has good gains, what is your opinion on that. My buddy has both testoprim and sustanon 250, he said if i want i can switch to sus next week, is there something wrong with switching like that? Will that have any harmful effects? I am very serious about bodybuilding and just dont see the potential even with the diet and protein shakes alone for the size i want to be. My ultimate goal is to get to around 205-210, that is why i am doing this. Please help me out guys, i do not want to damage my body permanently, and or end up like that guy with balls perm. the size of peas lol. Thanks again hope 2 hear from u guys soon!

  6. #6
    lexruger's Avatar
    lexruger is offline Associate Member
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    im guessing the testoprim hurst because of the prop in it? Sust also has prop in it, so your hurting from testoprim i cant imagine sust being any better, it even has more prop than your testoprim

  7. #7
    glofosho is offline New Member
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    Not sure if this is the reason for your pain, but just want to make sure your doing it right. Testoprim-D comes in glass ampules, and therefore must be drawn out with a filtered straw, then injected with the pin. Hope this makes since, and I'm not tryin to be a smartass but some people break the amp, stick in the pin and draw directly out of the amp, which will not filter out the tiny chards of glass, which are then injected into your body infecting the area which will create abnormally painful injection sites with tons of different side effects in that area. P.S. this could also cause DEATH!! And that's not a joke...hope this helps....

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