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  1. #41
    binsser's Avatar
    binsser is offline Senior Member
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    lololol cant believe you have all this trouble with here in the uk i can have cupboards full and i cant get done im just not allowed to sell it but to be honest they dont really give a shit it a very low class here !!

  2. #42
    brad1986's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by critical View Post
    Donjuice, it sounds like you were a big time dealer in some illicit substances. Guessing steroids . There's no reason to hide your stuff in the backyard if you're just a user. I have my vials just sitting on my computer table since I'm injecting everyday. The only reason a cop would come in here would be if they had a warrant. But there is absolutely zero change of them getting one.

    We would like to believe that is true but unfortunaitly it is not. I have been illegally searches several times. No warrent and no concent from me. The cops will do what they want to do... if not to bust you then to take youyr gear for his own useage

  3. #43
    Minion0812's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Though it sounds like your situations may have needed the burying of your goods, i think i will pass on letting my dog piss on mine
    Damn right NOLES! Don has mande the case for burying it because he was a huge ass dealer lol!!!! Maybe 1 percent of people on here are dealing this shit in that quantity if any...For the normal user there is zero need to bury anything. That is ludicrous!!

  4. #44
    brad1986's Avatar
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    Maybe its because i come from a simialr background that i totally understand where dons coming from. although for the op it maybe a lil extreme but YOU NEVER KNOW!! Cops are tricky mother ****ers and will do what they want... Id hid it behind refirgerater panel in the back or somwehre safe but not too muc of a hassle for you... if i had mass quanitys i would def burry that shit fa sho

  5. #45
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    i like our relaxed laws on AAS, vials in kitchen, in bathroom and in the bedroom. 'did you see my tren dear'?, 'why yes its on the kitchen counter' lol

  6. #46
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    The point here is that we all have different circumstances. Some are extreme and require extreme measures when doing anything illegal...but everyone should remember that this is illegal, and it will be inconvenient if you are ever caught. Even a night in jail and a few hundred dollars in fines is a pain in the *ss.

    Everyone should be careful, and don't think you are anonymous. Your name and/or address might be in a website's database, or your dealer might keep info on you in a log book. Sources sometimes get staked out and they record license plate numbers of people that visit. You oftentimes only realize how NOT anonymous you are AFTER getting in trouble.

    Personally, I cannot take the stress of doing things illegally. I am on TRT and am happy with that.

  7. #47
    cb714's Avatar
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    Bury it? bank deposit box? Wow you guys are paranoid! My stuff is sitting pretty right next to the aspirin in my medicine cabinet.

    Unless you're selling that shit in bulk I would say once you have it in your hands and you are at home that you're pretty much in the clear. Cops aren't looking for somebody with a couple vials for personal use, they want the big fish. If you don't get caught buying it then your chances of getting your house raided for 2 vials are pretty much non existent.
    Last edited by cb714; 07-17-2011 at 07:47 PM.

  8. #48
    TheClinch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post
    Bury it? bank deposit box? Wow you guys are paranoid! My stuff is sitting pretty right next to the aspirin in my medicine cabinet.

    Unless you're selling that shit in bulk I would say once you have it in your hands and you are at home that you're pretty much in the clear. Cops aren't looking for somebody with a couple vials for personal use, they want the big fish. If you don't get caught buying it then your chances of getting your house raided for 2 vials are pretty much non existent.
    Imagine putting your gear in the bathroom when you live with several fellow students you do not want to ever find out about your usage. For the person this thread is about the fallout of his future colleagues finding out could be devastating to his career.

    I'm sure he wishes he could be so haphazard with his gear like most of us.

  9. #49
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    It's nice being mature enough to not have problems like that. It's nice to have a large gun safe to keep my gear and ALL prescriptions safe. It's nice to have a prescription for gear so it doesn't matter one way or another.
    Safes are cheap. Spend $100 and get a nice sold safe to keep all your documents you dont want burned kept in them. I have 3 safes that are around 13x13 I keep most of my old photo albums in and important documents as well as a large gun safe to keep other hard to replace things like cameras, jewelry, guns and what ever else safe.

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