Well i took a year long break cleared the mind was not in any state to be playing with anabolics. But all is well i am in the best shape of my life ready to embark back into the vast world of anabolics. I have leaned out nicely from 195lbs to 180lbs sitting around 10% bf at 5'11. Have 4 previous cycles and In the past i have used such compounds as sust test e deca dbol anadrol and of course pct orals. So my plans are to run Test E weeks 1-14 at 600mg Tren E weeks 1-12 at 480mgs and tbol week 1-5 at 50mg-75mgs followed up with pct. Anyways any feedback would be great! I started today kind of wanna know what i am to expect from the tbol kickstart and how long does the tren take to get in my system?