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  1. #1
    Colton is offline New Member
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    Smile deca-durabolin/testosterone enanthate cycle

    For starters i'm 19 years old, weigh 180 and have a body fat composition of 5.7%. I am currently a little over halfway through my first cycle of dbol and test enanthate but i havent really noticed a whole lot of change apart from slightly increased size, strength, and most noticeably increased aggression/anger. My protein/calorie intake per day is 250g of protein a day and around 3500 calories a day. I usually eat 5-6 times a day and have protein shakes between meals and after i lift. I work out from 5-6 days a week for 2 hours at a time. My current dosage is 600mgs a week of test and 500mgs of deca . This is week 5 and i have yet to really see any of the results that have been promised. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to what is going on or what i need to do differently? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
    Last edited by Colton; 08-09-2011 at 09:17 PM. Reason: Typo

  2. #2
    Bigd89's Avatar
    Bigd89 is offline Senior Member
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    Too young. And I can gurantee you your not 4.7% bf

  3. #3
    Srobis15's Avatar
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    First off, Test Enth takes usually around 3-4 weeks to start fully working. Secondly, 3500 calories really isnt enough, especially is alot of those are from your protein shakes. You need real food, not protein shakes. 250g of protein, and with a few of those being shakes protein, you arent getting enough food in your system to be bulking heavily. You should probably post all your stats along with your diet for people to critique if you want help. But 19 years old taking Test and Deca ? Good luck with the aftermath...

  4. #4
    Colton is offline New Member
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    So what would you suggest? increase calorie and protein intake and cut the steroids ? i mean should i stop now while i have the chance or go ahead and finish the cycle and then call it quits? this is my first cycle and i was curious so i decided to give it a shot and see what would happen.

  5. #5
    Colton is offline New Member
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    For athletes and at my age, thats quite normal but ok dude.

  6. #6
    Srobis15's Avatar
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    I personally would increase my caloric intake. When I am bulking, it is usually over 5000 calories, with 2g per bodyweight in protein. Everyone is different, of course. Some do it with 1.5g per lb, etc. And if you are trying to lean bulk, you wont get as much in size gains, but they will be more solid. Still, a diet post of what you usally eat would help

  7. #7
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    You are really on the wrong website...actually you are on the right one its just that no one here with any credibility is going to give you advice on how to do a cycle much less a 500/600 deca /test cycle at 19 years of age. Stop the cycle and get on the nutrition and workout forums and work on building a natural base, other than that best of luck to you and you are very likely to need it as long term damage to your HPTA system is likely in your future. PS no way are you at 4.7 BF

  8. #8
    juttsdm5's Avatar
    juttsdm5 is offline Associate Member
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    Eat More and more intense! and why 2 hours ? focus on 1 large muscle a day. let your body rest. it sound like you are burning those calories off. let them work. eat complex carbs. Potatos, brown rice. Lots of chicken, Fish, light red meats. every 2 hours you should be eating.

    Train legs the hardest, the rest will follow !

  9. #9
    Colton is offline New Member
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    Thanks I appreciate the help. I do try and eat as much fish and meats as possible but I will definitely increase the complex carbs intake.

  10. #10
    Colton is offline New Member
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    @Far from massive
    Yeah I was already considering stopping I know I'm too young I was just experimenting with my body. And you are right I posted the wrong body fat comp. my bad it was an honest mistake, it is actually 5.7 and that is legit cause I just had it measured a couple of weeks ago. This also goes out to anyone who jumped my ass about there being no way in hell I'm 4.7.

  11. #11
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'd like to see a picture just out of curiosity.

  12. #12
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I dont know wats worst seeing a young kid cycle or someone here giving underage kids advice on cycling.Sad thing but a least the kid cycling knows he messed up.

  13. #13
    AstheticKing's Avatar
    AstheticKing is offline Associate Member
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    deca is the worst thing u can do at ur age.....hell u should even do a cycle but if u do do test only nothing else and only a 8 week cycle so u have to use propionate ...but plz dont do it wait a year at least but u should wait three

  14. #14
    ct-7 is offline New Member
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    cant believe most people on here wont give this young lad advice! at least he's grown up enuff to ask so he can do it right weather you think he's old enuff or not,afterall this is the place to come and ask!

  15. #15
    AstheticKing's Avatar
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    a test only cycle if u must with a strong ai during the cycle...(aromasin or arim) and 40 mg nolvadex for 3 weeks after cycle is over if u use enthanate then stop pinning it at week 6 and switch to propionate so u can walk into pct.... thats the best cycle to do without harming ur hpta as bad as any other cycle(s) at such a young age.

  16. #16
    AstheticKing's Avatar
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    drop the deca is the moral of the story drop it asap....if u screw ur pct up ur ****ed for life

  17. #17
    TheClinch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I dont know wats worst seeing a young kid cycle or someone here giving underage kids advice on cycling.Sad thing but a least the kid cycling knows he messed up.
    ^^ This x2

  18. #18
    dirtysouth's Avatar
    dirtysouth is offline Associate Member
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    You said this is your first cycle of Dbol and Test but then at the end you say Test/Deca ( which is it?? ). 1st your already 5 weeks in, finish up with what you got and make sure you run a full pct ( browse the pct stickies and do it right to make sure a full recovery is in play ). 2nd dont even think about another cycle for 4 to 5 years. Eat Eat and Eat some more, heavy lifting, and plenty of rest. Build a great foundation for a couple years then if you decide you to use again you will have a few years of researching to do to better plan your next cycle the right way. I started at a young age and wish I didnt but hey we were all young once and wanted that quick satisfaction of looking like the magazines. Keep your head, yea you made a mistake starting too early but hey your young enough to bounce back. Most guys on here love to flame and love to talk negatively about what your doing but there are guys on here that really want to help so brush off the guys making fun of you they have nothing better to do. Good luck buddy

  19. #19
    songdog's Avatar
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    Well ct-7 One good reason is.Lets say he does a cycle.At the end of the cycle his hepta is really messed up.He kid cant get wood no libdo.He is depressed his parents spent a lot of money for Doctors.But nothing is working.Then one day his mom trurns on his puter.And there we are giving kids advice on aas.Now aas has a bad rap to begin with.But how do you think we will look after she leaks the news to the press.This is just one of the reasons why we dont.I see on your profile you didnt put your age down.You want to spread the word on cycles? to underage kids.Do it in your home then.There is nothing wrong with us trying to be safe.Maybe someday it will be your kid.

  20. #20
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ct-7 View Post
    cant believe most people on here wont give this young lad advice! at least he's grown up enuff to ask so he can do it right weather you think he's old enuff or not,afterall this is the place to come and ask!
    because there is NO RIGHT way for a 19 year old to use. So any advice on a cycle is wrong

  21. #21
    Colton is offline New Member
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    It was supposed to be deca not dbol my bad. Thanks for the advice.

  22. #22
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  23. #23
    ata1979's Avatar
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    I did my first cycle at 20. I wish I had someone telling me to wait 4-5 more years. Took me 2 years to properly recover. I was young, stupid and didn't have good advising like you could get here. Listen to the older more experienced guys they know what they're talkin about.

  24. #24
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtysouth View Post
    You said this is your first cycle of Dbol and Test but then at the end you say Test/Deca ( which is it?? ). 1st your already 5 weeks in, finish up with what you got and make sure you run a full pct ( browse the pct stickies and do it right to make sure a full recovery is in play ). 2nd dont even think about another cycle for 4 to 5 years. Eat Eat and Eat some more, heavy lifting, and plenty of rest. Build a great foundation for a couple years then if you decide you to use again you will have a few years of researching to do to better plan your next cycle the right way. I started at a young age and wish I didnt but hey we were all young once and wanted that quick satisfaction of looking like the magazines. Keep your head, yea you made a mistake starting too early but hey your young enough to bounce back. Most guys on here love to flame and love to talk negatively about what your doing but there are guys on here that really want to help so brush off the guys making fun of you they have nothing better to do. Good luck buddy
    really man? is that what you think we are doing here is just sitting on our pc's just waiting to flame the newbies?...grow up man i know your still just a kid as well but a lot of us have morals and a concience and can not and will not advise a kid to do something thats just plain wrong even if hes already started, not to mention the questions he has can be answered in countless threads contained here in this forum he just has to look around...

  25. #25
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    OP, here is what you do, take the rest of those steroids you have. The Dbol , Deca and Test and throw it in the trash. Including any needles you have. Everything. And you start your PCT in 14 days. And don't ever touch steroids again for 6 years.

  26. #26
    Colton is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    OP, here is what you do, take the rest of those steroids you have. The Dbol, Deca and Test and throw it in the trash. Including any needles you have. Everything. And you start your PCT in 14 days. And don't ever touch steroids again for 6 years.
    Fair enough. I don't plan on doing another cycle anytime soon after hearing all of this.

  27. #27
    Colton is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ata1979 View Post
    I did my first cycle at 20. I wish I had someone telling me to wait 4-5 more years. Took me 2 years to properly recover. I was young, stupid and didn't have good advising like you could get here. Listen to the older more experienced guys they know what they're talkin about.
    2 years with or without a pct?

  28. #28
    Colton is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AstheticKing View Post
    drop the deca is the moral of the story drop it asap....if u screw ur pct up ur ****ed for life
    Can I just stop the ethenate now and go into pct or do I really need to get propionate before I do so?

  29. #29
    ata1979's Avatar
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    couldn't find PCT products right away back then and didn't really know about them. When I came back home for the summer college a local gym buddy hooked me up with HCG /Pregnyl. I figure that about 4-5 months passed before I did a proper PCT.

  30. #30
    Colton is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ata1979 View Post
    couldn't find PCT products right away back then and didn't really know about them. When I came back home for the summer college a local gym buddy hooked me up with HCG/Pregnyl. I figure that about 4-5 months passed before I did a proper PCT.
    And that screwed you up for 2 whole years?

  31. #31
    deeznutts's Avatar
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    ahh, this is where research becomes important. Too often people just starting out trust info they receive from a friend of some guy at the gym. They get 1/1000th of the info available then jump the gun and start aas only to fund out later they were not properly prepared. Dont take the criticism as a reason to leave the forum. You need to stay and spend a majority of your time in the diet and pct section. Research is your friend, its your body, dont trust it to anyone. We are here to help and offer up personal experiences. That being said here is some important info...

    1. Both deca and test e are long acting compounds. You should start to see results around weeks 4-6. I dont even feel deca kick in until around week 4 let alone see any results. Thats why it is typically suggested for longer cycles and more experienced users.

    2. Deca is one of the most suppressive compounds available. Meaning it has a profound affect on your HPTA preventing your body from producing testosterone naturally.

    3. If you do not have PCT planned yet do it now! IMO you should run a strong and possibly a long PCT such as Nolva, Clomid, and prob HCG . With some blood work so you know where your levels are, once back to normal you can come off your PCT.

    4. Stop your deca now, but do not stop your test e. Test needs to be run at least 2 weeks after stopping deca. Decas half life is 15 days. That means for 15 days it will have an anabolic effect, after that the anabolic effect is gone but it will continue to suppress your natural levels. So test is run min 2wks longer.

    5. Most important (imo) do not stop test until you have PCT in hand, not ordered but in hand! Once you have it, since you're using test e, start your PCT 2 weeks after last test injection.

    Continue to do research, train and eat right.... I would also get your Dr. involved as an added safety measure.

  32. #32
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colton View Post
    Can I just stop the ethenate now and go into pct or do I really need to get propionate before I do so?
    you can stop the ethanate right now. it'll still be active for 14 days so that's when you start your PCT. DO NOT USE PROPIONATE !

  33. #33
    Colton is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by deeznutts View Post
    ahh, this is where research becomes important. Too often people just starting out trust info they receive from a friend of some guy at the gym. They get 1/1000th of the info available then jump the gun and start aas only to fund out later they were not properly prepared. Dont take the criticism as a reason to leave the forum. You need to stay and spend a majority of your time in the diet and pct section. Research is your friend, its your body, dont trust it to anyone. We are here to help and offer up personal experiences. That being said here is some important info...

    1. Both deca and test e are long acting compounds. You should start to see results around weeks 4-6. I dont even feel deca kick in until around week 4 let alone see any results. Thats why it is typically suggested for longer cycles and more experienced users.

    2. Deca is one of the most suppressive compounds available. Meaning it has a profound affect on your HPTA preventing your body from producing testosterone naturally.

    3. If you do not have PCT planned yet do it now! IMO you should run a strong and possibly a long PCT such as Nolva, Clomid, and prob HCG . With some blood work so you know where your levels are, once back to normal you can come off your PCT.

    4. Stop your deca now, but do not stop your test e. Test needs to be run at least 2 weeks after stopping deca. Decas half life is 15 days. That means for 15 days it will have an anabolic effect, after that the anabolic effect is gone but it will continue to suppress your natural levels. So test is run min 2wks longer.

    5. Most important (imo) do not stop test until you have PCT in hand, not ordered but in hand! Once you have it, since you're using test e, start your PCT 2 weeks after last test injection.

    Continue to do research, train and eat right.... I would also get your Dr. involved as an added safety measure.
    Thanks for the advice. What dosage would your recommend for the pct?

  34. #34
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    100/100/50/50 clomid
    40/40/20/20 nolva

  35. #35
    Colton is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    100/100/50/50 clomid
    40/40/20/20 nolva
    Say i run HCG as well, what would you recommend?

  36. #36
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colton View Post
    Say i run HCG as well, what would you recommend?
    Jesus H. Christ, stop running more shit. Just do what Glixxerboy recommended to you and never touch the shit again. ****ing eh.

  37. #37
    Colton is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Jesus H. Christ, stop running more shit. Just do what Glixxerboy recommended to you and never touch the shit again. ****ing eh.
    I didn't say I was going to actually run hcg , it was a hypothetical question. Chill out bro. Im not going touch this shit again anytime soon either.

  38. #38
    ata1979's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colton View Post
    And that screwed you up for 2 whole years?
    2 years before I was functioning completely normal.

    I'm not gonna call you an idiot or a moron, your 19, your young, you wanna look good, bang alotta ladies. We've all been there. I was just a year older than you when I did my first cycle and I can tell you from experience, wait at least until your 24. Let your endocrine system completely settle in. You have a lotta long years ahead of you. Concentrate on building a good natural base, clean up the diet, hit the cardio. In the long run your body will thank you for it. When your young you always think your gonna stay young but unfortunately your not. Don't do things that your gonna regret down the line.

  39. #39
    Colton is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ata1979 View Post
    2 years before I was functioning completely normal.

    I'm not gonna call you an idiot or a moron, your 19, your young, you wanna look good, bang alotta ladies. We've all been there. I was just a year older than you when I did my first cycle and I can tell you from experience, wait at least until your 24. Let your endocrine system completely settle in. You have a lotta long years ahead of you. Concentrate on building a good natural base, clean up the diet, hit the cardio. In the long run your body will thank you for it. When your young you always think your gonna stay young but unfortunately your not. Don't do things that your gonna regret down the line.
    I put my trust in the wrong hands and believed people i shouldnt have so i am an idiot, i should of known better. But thanks for the advice i appreciate it.

  40. #40
    munsun86 is offline Junior Member
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    just listen too what people have said irelly hope you dont just do it anyway!!!what i will tell you is i have a mate took gear at 18 and now has the biggest set of tits i have seen on a man!

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