Ok I am on my first ever cycle. Test prop at 750m/g a week, PCT and everything is set up etc.

my problem is when I first started 4 weeks ago, I start to feel like death, I later learned that this was called 'test flu' and some people get it. So that was my first week wasted because of low energy workouts and low appetite.

I then got better and back in to the swing of things. But now for the past week or so I think I have some sort of infection. I woke up one day and my trachea was swollen and it hurt to even cough. Now I don't feel so bad during the day but when I wake in the morning I always cough for a few minutes, and will also have coughing fits throughout the day, apart from that I feel fine.

I remember reading something ages ago about a guy who had a friend that didnt gain any weight for a year, he somehow guessed he had a 'dormant' viral infection or something and gave him some medicine and then his friend started making gains again? wtf, how many countless people out there could this be happening to? why dont more people know if this is true? anyway what should I do about this!!!
