Hopefully some one here could give me some insight as to what I could be doing wrong. I'm 6'2 232lbs currently about 16%bf I'm currently on 500mg/week test cyp, liquid Dbol 50mg Ed, I also take insulin 10u pwo, arimidex 1mg eod, Letro 1.25mg Ed. I've been on this for about 4 weeks now and I've only gained 2.5-3lbs. My caloiries are in the neighborhood of 4000-4500 a day. I eat a lot of complex carbs. 5 solid food meals a day with one shake.

The only thing I've noticed off this cycle so far has been slight increased strength and more vascualrity. I thought with the test cyp and dbol about a month I'd see a little more than 2.5-3 lbs.

I lift very heavy and workout 4-5 times a week with minimal to no cardio at all.

Im trying to think if something in my blood work could be out of whack that could be cashing the next to nothing gains. Anyone think this could be a possible cause? Thanks!