Hey guys, here are my stats
24 Years Old Male,
6'0 - 190Lbs
Weight trained from 15 to 20
Boxing from 20 until now
Around 13% Body Fat

I'm in the process of preparing my first cycle, I know a lot of you guys might not agree however it's going to be an oral only cycle, I'm looking to maybe drop a bit of weight and gain some lean muscle mass. My diet is on point I'm also currently taking aHD(Test booster / estrogen blocker) and Pro-Vit(Similar to Vita-Stack) also taking Lecithin,Milk Thistle,Liquid Ginseng and Glucosamine supplements.

I was thinking of this:
1-8 Liv-52 twice a day (I was thinking of cycle support aswell, overkill?)
Week 1 & 2: 50mgs / day (30mgs morning & 20mgs evening)
Week 3-4: 60mgs / day (30mgs morning & 30mgs evening)
Week 5-6: 70mgs / day (40mgs morning & 30mgs evening)
Week 7-8: 80mgs / day (40mgs morning & 40mgs evening)

Post Cycle:
100mg Clomid /day for 2 weeks then 50mg / day until bottle finished
Nolva 40mg/day for 2 weeks then 20mg /day until bottle finished

I was wondering if i should maybe add an extra 2 weeks of var and taper off down to 60mg/day and then 40mg/day while starting the PCT..

Please take in consideration I am not a body builder I am a boxer, im looking for performance / strength gains..