At 19, I'm experiencing basically all the symptoms of low test, and my libido died at 17, but it wasn't until recently that I even knew what low test was. I've been trying to get a doctors appointment for months now but it's been hard because of money and insurance reasons, but, soon I will get one and have my blood tested. I would be willing to lay down $1000 that I have low T, and if that is the case, I would like to just go ahead and be put on TRT and get my life back and be able to get results from my only real passion (bodybuilding), there is nothing more frustrating than flawless diet and training, and solid work ethic and discipline, yet getting little results...So, hopefully I get a doc who will not be a jackass and just let me mainly select my treatment, due to money I would like to be put on injections if I am put on TRT. So, can anyone who is on TRT tell me, what is it like? Do you do the injections yourself at home, because I would much rather do this than go in every week, and also, I am pro steroids (I swear to god this is not why I'm making this thread), so how does it work to blast and cruise without getting caught? After all, if I'm 19 with hormone problems already the least I can do for myself is take advantage of rX steroids if I have them right?