
I've been doing self injections for a couple of years now... what I'm going to relate has happened one other time and it was not pleasant for me...

I don't do high doses of anabolics, my body actually reacts very well to low doses. I use Sciroxx Testodex Enanthate 250 and Trenadex Enantate 200 and inject about every 10 days just a low 1 1/2 Cc's (a mix of the two, equal parts)... I inject in my thigh since it's easier for me to deal with.

Today I cleaned the area, as always, with a sanitary alcohol wipe, and used a fresh needle and all that safety stuff... injected and then got this weird rush, heart palpitated and I tasted anabolics on my tongue and my throat kinda hurt for a minute. I made sure and pulled up to see if there was any blood which would indicate I was in a vein but there was none, like always.... but this time, and one time before, back in April, I got this reaction.. in April I then started getting night sweats and then felt like I had a very strange flu bug for about 2 weeks, even had to take a week off of work I was so out of it. I just wanted to ask what might have happened and if there is a way to assure I don't go down that path again if there is a way to curtail nasty side effects like I had back in April if indeed I'm going to head there again after today's injection??

The bottles I've been pulling from are fine, I keep them cool and covered and safe from dust and all that so it's not like the solutions are old.. they are within the date to use (I think they expire in 2012). Got me nervous though that I'm going to have to endure being sick again for 2 weeks.

I feel OK now, little shaky but fine otherwise.

Any advice??

Please advise... thanks
