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  1. #41
    guitario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Test at 500mg/wk isnt a "damage limitation cycle". Not by a long stretch.

    You'de use androgens that do NOT aromotase first off. Why? Because they wont cause growth plate closure nor will they highly impact the HPTA (obviously 19-Nors are exceptions).

    Tbol, Hdrol, Dbol+AI, Winstrol are some examples. Yes, they're oral only cycles and not including any form of testosterone. Herbs and Proviron can be used for labdio/energy.
    I said test at 500mg a week IS NOT a damage limitation cycle. I am agreeing with you and your thread that says that dosage is too much. The OP took 500mg of test for his first cycle and I am just saying he didn't need that much. We are both in agreement with our posts.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Not ALL the age groups hav an undeveloped Endocrine / HPTA. And THAT is the basis / foundation of the reason we try 2 talk them out of it..................4 now.
    You are correct but again if your going to use this as an example then please show me some hard facts... From my experience most people i now who cycle under the age of 25 bounce back far better than those over the age of 25, just 2 examples here, Swifto and the op....

    Look Bear it doesnt matter what you or i want, its what the Board owner wants, simple as...
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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    I'm not sayin it's OK 2 flame the newbs, & YES, I've been guilty of it myself, but when they lie & get caught in that lie, they're gona get called out, it doesn't hav 2 b a torching, but due 2 the fact that 98% of the reason they lie is cuz they're 2 yung, they do indeed need 2 b "called out", in an effort 2 educate them of the potential damage they can do 2 they're undeveloped system. Unfortunately, most of the time when u do call them out, they flip, they get cocky & mouthy & so begins the bashing.
    Since ive been here we've run this site with an iron fist hittting those that want to cycle under the age of 25 hardest....

    And of course we drive them away and the knock on effect is our regular member numbers have massively fallen. If we carry on like this we wont have any members left in a year or two. Now if you feel itys wrong to cycle at a young age then fine, we are not trying to change your opinion. Just don't comment in their threads unless it helpful or constructive, yes to are more than welcome to point out the health risks but thats it. No flaming or brow beating will be tolerated......
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    I'm not tryin 2 educate, & I cant c how u deduced that from my post. I hate 2 say it, but I think this site is on the fast track 2 being a carbon copy of "those other sites", & I'd really hate 2 c that happen, this is great place 2 learn, & I hav 2 say, if we turn our head in an effort 2 salvage some1's feelings, then we will lose our credibility as the only site that cares 2 even try 2 help a yung user mak a wiser decision, & that's just 1 step close 2 being just like those other sites.
    You see this is the issue mate, those other boards are becoming more and more popular whilst we are becoming less popular...

    Two years ago we'd have almost 600 members on every day now if we get 300 its been busy, see where this is going??
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  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    I said test at 500mg a week IS NOT a damage limitation cycle. I am agreeing with you and your thread that says that dosage is too much. The OP took 500mg of test for his first cycle and I am just saying he didn't need that much. We are both in agreement with our posts.
    Ah I see. I must have misread your post late last night.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Since ive been here we've run this site with an iron fist hittting those that want to cycle under the age of 25 hardest....

    And of course we drive them away and the knock on effect is our regular member numbers have massively fallen. If we carry on like this we wont have any members left in a year or two. Now if you feel itys wrong to cycle at a young age then fine, we are not trying to change your opinion. Just don't comment in their threads unless it helpful or constructive, yes to are more than welcome to point out the health risks but thats it. No flaming or brow beating will be tolerated......
    This is your opinion as well Matt, and itīs a serious health issue which doesenīt change to satisfy any type of ratings.
    On the other hand, where are the other 300/day members? Not here getting advise, which doesenīt do them or us any good.
    The harsh treatment of new members, and bashing definitely need to stop, and I think it has, but the fundamentals of the HPTA will only change through evolution, not because a board "lightens up".
    I also believe youngsters will bounce back easier than us seniors, theoretically. But the only way to know is BW. Otherwise a 22 yo may be 800 test pre cycle and 700 after, and "feel" recovered, but I may be 400(which sadly I am) pre and 300 after, feel like crap, and not recovered, but we both damaged our HPTA.
    So "recovered" might be the most misunderstood/abused term regarding AAS use, and Iīll believe that Swifto and the OP "recovered" only if they did BW before and after the cycle.

  7. #47
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    ^^ No thats not my opinion, its the opinion of the people that own the board, if this is the direction they want the board to go in then sorry but thats the way its going and theres nothing you can do about it...

    Listen to what im saying as you seem to agree, "we need to stop bashing and flaming new members", thats it..

    If a 19 year old starts a thread about wanting to run his first cycle then either avoid the thread and don't post, make a post stressing the potential health risks or make a post stressing the health risks and if they still insist on cycling then give them the best advice possible....

    Now if people can't get on board with this then please just stay out of the Q&A forum or take the matter up with the board owners....
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  8. #48
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    Sorry if I rant, but this post is making me rage.

    First off, I'm 19 also I understand your temptation.
    But what pisses me off, it how you talk about taking aas young is biased because of how everyone discourages it.
    you may not know this but a lot of our vets and mods were young too, And a lot of them took aas too young its not biased its experience! They KNOW what it does because they went through it! It's true and honest advice that they are giving, facts.

    I'm happy you recovered successful, but now that you've experienced the amazing growth you've gone through now you'll want more, you won't gain as much naturally, And you'll use more. Being such a young age you'll keep ****ing with your undeveloped system!
    Let's compare this to dogs, and eating human food.
    Okay so you're a dog, all you've eaten is dog food (IE you being natural)
    Your owner gives you a piece of cake, YOU ****ING LOVE IT AND FEEL GREAT!
    you eat your dog food still but it's not as desirable.
    Your owner keeps feeding you Good human food, you beg more and more soon you're barely eating your dog food, you need this human food(steroids ) to feel good and full.
    Later down the road you're getting diseases, you're getting eye infections, your body wasn't made to ingest this and you didn't realize what it was doing until your older. Sure it made you feel great when you ate it but Now down the road you're a ****ed up dog and can't have fun like your friends do even though you're the same age.

    Just an example of what I'm raging about, think of the future. THE FUTURE. No body wants regrets in their life, what if you can't have kids with your true love because of this?.

    Sorry, had to get it off my chest. Rethink your situation. From a teen to a teen, I understand my brother was doing steroids in our house we had together, yet I kept strong, I know what happens when you give in to temptation, there's always the bad side to good things.

    Good luck.. -Addictive.
    P.S. please read my thread about "Teens ready for AAS".
    Last edited by Addictive; 10-24-2011 at 06:09 AM.

  9. #49
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    I cycled at 19 years old, got terrible terrible acne and now have scars on my back, chest and shoulders. So much so, I VERY rarely take my top off in public and a small case of gyno. I did, though, bounce back (HPTA) very fast.

    I didnt research enough and thats why I got the above. Simple hard lesson. Which is why you see me preaching to newbies about the dangers.

    Not to mention I have forgotten the amount of PMs from teenagers and those UNDER 25 with serious sexual side effects, during and after using steroids . Some years after use.

  10. #50
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  11. #51
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    I haven't visited the forum in sometime been without a computer...It's changed somewhat in the "helping of young ones" however I think and hope the direction is first and foremost to help whoever is in need whether 18 or 80...With that being said HELP can come in many forms and I strongly feel first and foremost discouraging "younger adults" needs to be the norm...being a parent of a 20 yr. old I would hope if he visited this board the help he would get would be in that manner.

    Now let me further say if my 20 yr old visited this board and said I'm doing steroids and your not going to stop me I would hope he would get all the help that would guide him with the proper details he needs so he has the best chance for a smooth recovery and I would pissed if he had been turned away and gained no knowledge from this site..

    In this country 18 he vote pay taxes join the military and fight for freedom... Do I want him to cycle NO..can I stop him if he chooses to NO and I would support him if he decided to...That's my 2 cents for what its worth


  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjohnson1968 View Post
    I haven't visited the forum in sometime been without a computer...It's changed somewhat in the "helping of young ones" however I think and hope the direction is first and foremost to help whoever is in need whether 18 or 80...With that being said HELP can come in many forms and I strongly feel first and foremost discouraging "younger adults" needs to be the norm...being a parent of a 20 yr. old I would hope if he visited this board the help he would get would be in that manner.

    Now let me further say if my 20 yr old visited this board and said I'm doing steroids and your not going to stop me I would hope he would get all the help that would guide him with the proper details he needs so he has the best chance for a smooth recovery and I would pissed if he had been turned away and gained no knowledge from this site..

    In this country 18 he vote pay taxes join the military and fight for freedom... Do I want him to cycle NO..can I stop him if he chooses to NO and I would support him if he decided to...That's my 2 cents for what its worth

    And trust me, thats all we are doing with these new changes..

    Make no mistake we are not going to start encouraging younger members to cycle, our first stance is to explain the health issues involved.. If armed with all the facts the young member decides he is still going to cycle regardless then its our view that they should receive the best advice possible, as you say to allow them to recover in the best possible way...

    I find a couple of things strange in all this, first as you say we are prepared to give them a gun and send them off to possibly die for their country yet some feel it wrong to give them aas advice..

    Second most of you guy's here are from the US where aas are completely illegal, think about it....
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  13. #53
    Sc0rch is offline Associate Member
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    Believe me, this isn't the primary reason membership has declined...

  14. #54
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    I know guy's that are playing football, and using gear at 17, 18 and 19 years old. Football is very competitive, and these guy's feel they have to compete, win, and want a college to pick them up. Without advice, counseling, or training, they get what they get what gear they can off the street and go for it.
    I also see the side effects that are going along with the young men's desire to be better, faster and stronger than their opponent. Unfortunately, two of the four young men are recovering from serious acne, that has left permanent scars on their body, that can only be repaired by by a Dermatologist and a lot on money. One has jaundice and is under medical care for liver issues, the other has serious "man" issues, and he is also under the care of medical community. The reason I know this as I have something to do with the footballs booster club, and the parents of these young men have serious concerns. Rightly so.

    To me, until you have reached adulthood, worked out hard, had the diet right on the money, and get a lot of rest, could not make any more gains with the natural test GOD has given you, done a vast amount of research, I wouldn't attempt the steroid route. Everyone reacts different to steroids and reacts different to individual steroids makes. What a certain dosage of Testosterone , Winstrol , Equpoise or Turanibol does for me, may not be good for someone else.

    I have seen the effects on teenagers, and some of those issues may even be more permanent then they realize. Under doctors care they may, and will probably recover, from the short term effects. I pray they do! But as the team doctor stated, it may be a while before we know the long term effects.
    Just something to consider....Good Luck on your decision.

  15. #55
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strongarm5791 View Post
    I know guy's that are playing football, and using gear at 17, 18 and 19 years old. Football is very competitive, and these guy's feel they have to compete, win, and want a college to pick them up. Without advice, counseling, or training, they get what they get what gear they can off the street and go for it.
    I also see the side effects that are going along with the young men's desire to be better, faster and stronger than their opponent. Unfortunately, two of the four young men are recovering from serious acne, that has left permanent scars on their body, that can only be repaired by by a Dermatologist and a lot on money. One has jaundice and is under medical care for liver issues, the other has serious "man" issues, and he is also under the care of medical community. The reason I know this as I have something to do with the footballs booster club, and the parents of these young men have serious concerns. Rightly so.

    To me, until you have reached adulthood, worked out hard, had the diet right on the money, and get a lot of rest, could not make any more gains with the natural test GOD has given you, done a vast amount of research, I wouldn't attempt the steroid route. Everyone reacts different to steroids and reacts different to individual steroids makes. What a certain dosage of Testosterone , Winstrol , Equpoise or Turanibol does for me, may not be good for someone else.

    I have seen the effects on teenagers, and some of those issues may even be more permanent then they realize. Under doctors care they may, and will probably recover, from the short term effects. I pray they do! But as the team doctor stated, it may be a while before we know the long term effects.
    Just something to consider....Good Luck on your decision.
    And this is a WIDESPREAD ISSUE in high school sports...I stated above I have a 20 yr old son who was a very gifted high school athlete..He was recruited by division 1 colleges in football... at age 14 he hit the gym...dieted proper strong as a freaking 17 he without my knowledge began numerous prohormone cycles followed by the typical d-bol winstrol oral cycles most teens do...he later faced side effects that we all know what they are...Had I known as a parent and one who has cycled myself I could have educated him and the many others and when I say others I mean most of the team..He has recovered SHORT TERM...long term who really knows???

    I wish in hind site he would have visited a board like this or came to me before he decided to take this route

    I don't agree or condone the "younger adults" using AAS but lets face it, its happening anyone we can convince NOT TO we should...others need educated in the proper way

    If you don't agree stay out of these threads that's all you have to do..

    To the OP...I only hope you truely have a successful recovery...but think about what impact your future post may have on other "younger adults"


  16. #56
    SufferToReturnHarder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjohnson1968 View Post
    And this is a WIDESPREAD ISSUE in high school sports...I stated above I have a 20 yr old son who was a very gifted high school athlete..He was recruited by division 1 colleges in football... at age 14 he hit the gym...dieted proper strong as a freaking 17 he without my knowledge began numerous prohormone cycles followed by the typical d-bol winstrol oral cycles most teens do...he later faced side effects that we all know what they are...Had I known as a parent and one who has cycled myself I could have educated him and the many others and when I say others I mean most of the team..He has recovered SHORT TERM...long term who really knows???

    I wish in hind site he would have visited a board like this or came to me before he decided to take this route

    I don't agree or condone the "younger adults" using AAS but lets face it, its happening anyone we can convince NOT TO we should...others need educated in the proper way

    If you don't agree stay out of these threads that's all you have to do..

    To the OP...I only hope you truely have a successful recovery...but think about what impact your future post may have on other "younger adults"

    I wish my dad was as cool as you..haha

  17. #57
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    As a trainer, it was not hard to notice the side effects in the weight room, and I would agree, that telling young men NOT to do steroids is a hard issue in High School Athletics. But, as you have stated, maybe counseling, educating, and proper training could help. As a parent of a gifted Wide Receiver, and a parent who has done a Cycle or Two myself, can agree with them wanting to be more competitive. I don't agree with them using at that age, but most do cycles to compete. It's hard not to line up with a middle linebacker twice their size, and just as fast, and not want to give themselves and edge. Very few can afford the gear, or are uneducated about gear, and go off on the black market to get that edge!
    I will admit, not all that do the cycles have shown adverse sides, and some may not.
    But most of the ones that do, had minor to serious sides, and most of us trainers can tell, and end up having to get them medical attention.
    I guess it a topic of discussion at best...

  18. #58
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strongarm5791 View Post
    As a trainer, it was not hard to notice the side effects in the weight room, and I would agree, that telling young men NOT to do steroids is a hard issue in High School Athletics. But, as you have stated, maybe counseling, educating, and proper training could help. As a parent of a gifted Wide Receiver, and a parent who has done a Cycle or Two myself, can agree with them wanting to be more competitive. I don't agree with them using at that age, but most do cycles to compete. It's hard not to line up with a middle linebacker twice their size, and just as fast, and not want to give themselves and edge. Very few can afford the gear, or are uneducated about gear, and go off on the black market to get that edge!
    I will admit, not all that do the cycles have shown adverse sides, and some may not.
    But most of the ones that do, had minor to serious sides, and most of us trainers can tell, and end up having to get them medical attention.
    I guess it a topic of discussion at best...
    My son just happens to be that middle linebacker...LOL

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sc0rch View Post
    Believe me, this isn't the primary reason membership has declined...
    Well thanks for that piece of wisdom...

    Ive no idea how we've managed so far without you....
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  20. #60
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    i def agree with Matt on this one. I cant find myself to say dont use AAS at 22 or 23 when i know you prb have a better chance of recovering than me at 34. We use to use guidelines to help members and for some reason itswitched over to this black and white code where if you dont hit the criteria you cant use AAS or youll fk yourself up.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sc0rch View Post
    Believe me, this isn't the primary reason membership has declined...
    Whats the reason(s) then clever clogs?

  22. #62
    BML600lb is offline New Member
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    Now that shit is funny

    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    are stupid enough to not know you titled this '19'

    you asked for cycle advice in june, did you bump into marty mcfly and go back in time to recover?

    and btw you opened with '' i know im going to get alot of crap from the members''

    you then post ''wow strong post''

    which gives me and the rest of the board a legit reason to call this BS, and you a troll
    Seriously made my day... Do what you want kid but 19 isn't the smartest age to start messing with big boy stuff

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by BML600lb View Post
    Seriously made my day... Do what you want kid but 19 isn't the smartest age to start messing with big boy stuff
    what i thought was funny was no one got that he was 19 in jan when he started cycle and turned 20 in march ????

  24. #64
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sc0rch View Post
    Believe me, this isn't the primary reason membership has declined...
    This type of post shouldn't even be entertained...If he had any idea he would have listed it and if he does he should start his own thread in the proper place


  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I cycled at 19 years old, got terrible terrible acne and now have scars on my back, chest and shoulders. So much so, I VERY rarely take my top off in public and a small case of gyno. I did, though, bounce back (HPTA) very fast.

    I didnt research enough and thats why I got the above. Simple hard lesson. Which is why you see me preaching to newbies about the dangers.

    Not to mention I have forgotten the amount of PMs from teenagers and those UNDER 25 with serious sexual side effects, during and after using steroids. Some years after use.
    Iīm very sorry to hear that.
    Usually itīs the ED side that get the most attention, but as you have experienced, improper use, or even educated use, can hit you from many angles.
    I assume this is why you always advocate the use of an AI on cycle.

    If you donīt mind, since you must have dwelled on this, will you share your thoughts of why users experience sexual side effects years post. Even though BW is perfect?
    I have discussed this often with my Andro, and when the BW is good, the only conclusion is Psychological. But I donīt agree.

    Iīve been meaning to ask this for a long time. Swifto, Matt, Marcus, Admin, there are so many threads on sexual dysfunction, I think it deserves itīs own forum. It will get a lot of traffic, and a nice addition to the website.
    Last edited by Flier; 10-24-2011 at 01:01 PM. Reason: Spelling

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Iīm very sorry to hear that.
    Usually itīs the ED side that get the most attention, but as you have experienced, improper use, or even educated use, can hit you from many angles.
    I assume this is why you always advocate the use of an AI on cycle.

    If you donīt mind, since you must have dwelled on this, will you share your thoughts of why users experience sexual side effects years post. Even though BW is perfect?
    I have discussed this often with my Andro, and when the BW is good, the only conclusion is Psychological. But I donīt agree.

    Iīve been meaning to ask this for a long time. Swifto, Matt, Marcus, Admin, there are so many threads on sexual dysfunction, I think it deserves itīs own forum. It will get a lot of traffic, and a nice addition to the website.
    PCT Forum?

    I experienced ED on my second cycle at 20 years old in front of a hot blonde I pulled in a night club after a night out. You can probably assume I wasnt happy about it, nor was she. My PCT was sloppy and so was my HCG use.

    I advise an AI for those reasons, yes. It prevented my acne a great deal, stops my gyno gettin worse and I also believe AI's should be used because estrogen is a known carcinogen in males. Why, on 1g/wk of Test Enan, do you want an estrogen level thats also sky high? Simple, you dont IMHO. No brainer for me, yet you still see people suggesting NOT to use an AI. The effects on IGF are also very mild (15-20%) reduction. And those studies dont take into account exogenous testosterone again raises serum IGF. Much like other androgens, mostly Tren .

    You see, many uder dont get baseline values of endogenous androgens prior to using steroids . So when they cycle and conduct a PCT, get BW done and still dont have a sex drive at 500ng/dl (looks good right). They cant work out why they still have ED. May be becuase they're endo. T prior to starting was 830ng/dl.

    Steroids exert a host of neurological effects, some lasting longer than others. Take 19-Nor's for example, I'm pretty dam sure they cause sexual side effects because of neurological activity, not just the effects on the hypothalamus/pituitary/leydig-germ-steroli cells and/or prolactin secretion.

  27. #67
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    [QUOTE=Swifto;5785619]PCT Forum? I guess. Could still have a separate ED forum

    I experienced ED on my second cycle at 20 years old in front of a hot blonde I pulled in a night club after a night out. You can probably assume I wasnt happy about it, nor was she.Been there My PCT was sloppy and so was my HCG use.

    I advise an AI for those reasons, yes. It prevented my acne a great deal, stops my gyno gettin worse and I also believe AI's should be used because estrogen is a known carcinogen in males. Why, on 1g/wk of Test Enan, do you want an estrogen level thats also sky high? Simple, you dont IMHO. No brainer for me, yet you still see people suggesting NOT to use an AI. The effects on IGF are also very mild (15-20%) reduction. And those studies dont take into account exogenous testosterone again raises serum IGF. Much like other androgens, mostly Tren .

    You see, many uder dont get baseline values of endogenous androgens prior to using steroids . So when they cycle and conduct a PCT, get BW done and still dont have a sex drive at 500ng/dl (looks good right). They cant work out why they still have ED. May be becuase they're endo. T prior to starting was 830ng/dl. Sounds good on paper. But there should not be any difference in the quality of the erection from 830 to 500. Possibly a slight difference in Libido. The role of Testosterone in erection is still not conclusive. Castrated Men will have an erection a year post castration.

    Steroids exert a host of neurological effects, some lasting longer than others. Take 19-Nor's for example, I'm pretty dam sure they cause sexual side effects because of neurological activity, not just the effects on the hypothalamus/pituitary/leydig-germ-steroli cells and/or prolactin secretion.

    I absolutely agree with this. Not only 19 norīs, but abnormally high levels of test, or even possibly neurological side effects from SERMS./QUOTE]

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    PCT Forum? I guess. Could still have a separate ED forum

    I experienced ED on my second cycle at 20 years old in front of a hot blonde I pulled in a night club after a night out. You can probably assume I wasnt happy about it, nor was she.Been there My PCT was sloppy and so was my HCG use.

    I advise an AI for those reasons, yes. It prevented my acne a great deal, stops my gyno gettin worse and I also believe AI's should be used because estrogen is a known carcinogen in males. Why, on 1g/wk of Test Enan, do you want an estrogen level thats also sky high? Simple, you dont IMHO. No brainer for me, yet you still see people suggesting NOT to use an AI. The effects on IGF are also very mild (15-20%) reduction. And those studies dont take into account exogenous testosterone again raises serum IGF. Much like other androgens, mostly Tren .

    You see, many uder dont get baseline values of endogenous androgens prior to using steroids . So when they cycle and conduct a PCT, get BW done and still dont have a sex drive at 500ng/dl (looks good right). They cant work out why they still have ED. May be becuase they're endo. T prior to starting was 830ng/dl. Sounds good on paper. But there should not be any difference in the quality of the erection from 830 to 500. Possibly a slight difference in Libido. The role of Testosterone in erection is still not conclusive. Castrated Men will have an erection a year post castration.

    Steroids exert a host of neurological effects, some lasting longer than others. Take 19-Nor's for example, I'm pretty dam sure they cause sexual side effects because of neurological activity, not just the effects on the hypothalamus/pituitary/leydig-germ-steroli cells and/or prolactin secretion.

    I absolutely agree with this. Not only 19 norīs, but abnormally high levels of test, or even possibly neurological side effects from SERMS./QUOTE]
    The neurological effects of SERMs are still not entirely understood, same as with androgens. But I have seen Swale (Dr. John Crisler) state Clomid exerts more neurological side effects than most other SERMs before.

    I'm not stating testosterone is solely responsible for ED because (like you have pointed out) castrated males can get an erection. But I will say, during my research, it plays a role. An exmaple of this is the small article I wrote when stating AM erections correlate to endogenous testosterone secretion in males. IE; If you're getting an AM erection, your PCT may well be working.

    Well done Flier. You saved this thread from lockdown.

  29. #69
    Bigherm21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    So your telling me that the younger community can't think for themselves and the op has made their minds up for them??

    Taking aas at any age can have serious health issues, so if your going to take that stance then you need to preach to all age groups....
    so your telling me that when other young kids read a post like this it doesn't make them want to do it more. It's like anything when young kids see something that other kids are doing they try it. I agree some people aren't ready for gear regardless there age. I may be new on these fourms but I've been around for a while Any young kids that promotes steroids use is just wrong

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigherm21 View Post
    so your telling me that when other young kids read a post like this it doesn't make them want to do it more. It's like anything when young kids see something that other kids are doing they try it. I agree some people aren't ready for gear regardless there age. I may be new on these fourms but I've been around for a while Any young kids that promotes steroids use is just wrong
    Well let me tell you ive been doing this for almost as long as you've been alive, i don't know where you live but the 18 to 24 year olds where im from get a lot more credit than you give them..

    Yes you are correct when kids see other kids doing something then they like to do it to, but thats the type of thing id expect from 10 year olds.....

    What part of the world are you from??
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  31. #71
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    This thread should not be showing the positives of a 19 year old and it being right to cycle at that age just because he's HPTA has recovered. Its clearly not a good idea, which is exactly what some of have outlined in this thread (me included).

    Steroids are not safe at 19 years old. They're not safe full stop. But the risks are higher during the pubertal stages of adulthood.

    If anything should be taken from this thread, its that you should not be cycling at this age, although its possible. The OP did not have BW done proir to starting this cycle, so who's to say they returned to baseline?

    The reasons we have age guidelines is simple.

    - The HPTA is not fully developed

    - Higher risk of temporary or permanent sexual side effects

    - Erectile Dysfunction

    - Psycological side effects and preperation

    - Stats. 18-19 years old are not physically fully developed

    - Other side effects, including higher chances of acne (unbalanced hormones during puberty), gyno.

    End of story.

    End of thread.

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