First off I will like to thank any and everyone who takes there time time to read this and reply. I will listen to all advice and criticism. Hello my name is Tarik. I ma 32 male/5'11"/190lbs. I have done two cycles before the last being over a year ago. I have worked out on and off for a while but for the last 3 years been strong. The past 2 years were the best ever. I started a year ago with a personal trainer, and the last 4 months on my own. Over a year ago I was at 230, now I am at 190 w 10% BF maybe less. I am looking to harden up cut up some more. I have spoken to friends at my gym. They recommend test prop/tren /win. I have done some reading and research and still not sure what I should go with. One even suggested to add some var in there. I work out 4-5 days a week and once I will do a two a day in there. My eating/diet is good. I eat 6 times a day w strictly nuts.fruits/protein shakes as my snacks. The eating I am sure I have down. Let me tell you that I have started drinking organic wheat grass as well as hemp hearts and I feel great. SO please feel free to help/elaborate and tell me why you all suggest or think. I am not worried about gaining a few pounds if I do. oct important id like to cut some more and get more vascular.

Thanks in advance.