I have been reading quite a bit on here and to be totally honest i find it all a bit hard to take in. I think the main reason that i am confused is that in the UK i know a lot of people who have cycled gear many different times and some have used many different courses also, some even have competed upto nabba and national levels. These men that i know never talk of the details in the way that the useres on here do, and as far as Pct is concerned they take ' a bit of clomid if your nipples get a bit sore '
Are these men abusing steroids ? Or are they just poorly educated in this field? I would normally ask these peoples advice on all things related to AAS but now, the more i read the more reluctant i am to seek there advice. I am looking to see if using hgh and winstrol together is advisable and what way i should take the two, but i would much rather be too careful than being wreckless about it, and as for pct i'd need to know a bit more than what my mates tell me.