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  1. #41
    dec11's Avatar
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    you need to ask ppl why they're advising you something and have they done this themselves. just dont take longevity or post counts as necessarily equalling knowledge.

    my advice to you stays the same, dont bother with AAS at all mate, you're going to be shutting yourself down over paltry amounts. its just not worth it

  2. #42
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Why is joint support your big question? Are you anticipating a huge bump in the weights you will be pushing? Do you have an injury?

    EDIT: I typed something that made me sound like a d*ck, so I deleted it as that was not my intention. I would recommend being open minded when listening to advice and not just believe the guy that says something that agrees with what you already think. A lot of experienced guys gave solid advice in this thread.
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 11-28-2011 at 07:13 PM.

  3. #43
    particularly_another's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    means absolutely nothing, the guy's 'advice' is mostly shocking and as ive said before, its time someone clipped his wings. his avi suits him well lol. i'd love for him to post his stats and full training and AAS history. you noticed he hasnt returned to explain his 50mgs of NPP? cause its just a BS statement for the sake of it, thats why.

    deca will do jack, you might get a bit of relief from extra water cushioning the joints but its temporary. hell even hgh did jack for me
    yah im on a low dose of gh , i dun feel anything for my joints.. so next step is chiropractor

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Why is joint support your big question? Are you anticipating a huge bump in the weights you will be pushing? Do you have an injury?

    Your thinking in general seems flawed, and your resistance to advice makes me wonder why you even ask questions. Especially since you will latch on to one guy that agrees with your preconceived notions over others with obvious experience.

    ...and obviously you should listen to me over everyone else. Hell, I have been here since 2003.
    im wanting to keep the strength i have while leaning out, the only problem is the joints is starting to give out.. i know i cant keep all my strength but i wanna be close to it tho

    no one has given me advice except this guy, but that didnt mean i went out n did my first deca shot right away.. im just more happy that someone has answered the question on if doing deca or eq will benefit my joints on a shorter cycle.. but im just going to leave the eq n deca out anyways n stick with my test prop

  5. #45
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    I cannot believe this thread is this floating. If its on top 2morrow im going postal.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    you need to ask ppl why they're advising you something and have they done this themselves. just dont take longevity or post counts as necessarily equalling knowledge.

    my advice to you stays the same, dont bother with AAS at all mate, you're going to be shutting yourself down over paltry amounts. its just not worth it
    i already did my dose of test prop of 100mg yesterday so im going to do 400 a week
    my ass is ****in sore

  7. #47
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    After all this you're doing 400mgs a week? Bro WTF!

  8. #48
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    whats wrong with 400?

  9. #49
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by particularly_another View Post
    whats wrong with 400?
    Nothing is wrong with 400. But you wasted a lot of our time and energy discussing doing 200mgs.

  10. #50
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    what exactly is this joint problem, and which joint is it?

    i really disagree with using AAS for joint problems, its cracking a nut with a sledgehammer. i experimented with low deca because im on trt so shut down/recovery doesnt matter for me, im on synthetic for life. it did very little to help and any relief went as soon as i discontinued it. even test provides relief for me when im on a cycle, its just extra water in the joints and once you stop the relief stops.

    no AAS will magically fix up joint problems, you need to know the exact problem and cause and go from there to alleviate it, chucking stones in the dark is a bad way to go about it

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    Nothing is wrong with 400. But you wasted a lot of our time and energy discussing doing 200mgs.
    lol after alot of discussion from u guys especially dec11 i decided to do 400

    if im going to shut down might as well get the most out of it

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    what exactly is this joint problem, and which joint is it?

    i really disagree with using AAS for joint problems, its cracking a nut with a sledgehammer. i experimented with low deca because im on trt so shut down/recovery doesnt matter for me, im on synthetic for life. it did very little to help and any relief went as soon as i discontinued it. even test provides relief for me when im on a cycle, its just extra water in the joints and once you stop the relief stops.

    no AAS will magically fix up joint problems, you need to know the exact problem and cause and go from there to alleviate it, chucking stones in the dark is a bad way to go about it
    right shoulder, i always had problems with it on and off.. maybe its more of the rotary cuff? aas seems like it will just mask the problems so i should just check it out with physio therapist or a chiropractor first and see whats good with it

  13. #53
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    seems like aas wont fix the prob just eaze the pain if anything thanks guys

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by particularly_another View Post
    right shoulder, i always had problems with it on and off.. maybe its more of the rotary cuff? aas seems like it will just mask the problems so i should just check it out with physio therapist or a chiropractor first and see whats good with it
    get your rotator seen to mate, could be a myriad of things. my left rotator is giving trouble and i wont know for sure until my scan. i wouldnt bother going to a chiro or a physio, you'll need an MRI scan to see what is going on in your shoulder
    Last edited by dec11; 11-28-2011 at 10:30 PM.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by particularly_another View Post
    seems like aas wont fix the prob just eaze the pain if anything thanks guys
    definitely not and if you did happen to be lucky enough to gain some relief, theres a big chance you could screw it up even further by training too hard on it

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    get your rotator seen to mate, could be a myriad of things. my left rotator is giving trouble and i wont know for sure until my scan. i wouldnt bother going to a chiro or a physio, you'll need an MRI scan to see what is going on in your shoulder
    thanks dude thats what ill do instead..

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    definitely not and if you did happen to be lucky enough to gain some relief, theres a big chance you could screw it up even further by training too hard on it
    yah makes it even more sense, it prolly make me believe it did something better and i would ruin it even more .. thanks again still

  18. #58
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Glad to see this thread turned around. You won't find a better group of knowledgable, more experienced guys anywhere else.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Glad to see this thread turned around. You won't find a better group of knowledgable, more experienced guys anywhere else.
    yah this is the first and only forum i joined and im not looking to join anywhere else

  20. #60
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    whjat do u guys think of water retentive gear like dbol on a cut cycle involving low carbs - 100 grams a day?

    water retention involves carbohydrate intake, but if following a low carb diet, wouldnt being on dbol benefit from this and make it less water retentive?

  21. #61
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Personally, I think you are over thinking this. Stick with the Prop and see what happens. After that (in a future cycle) you can add something else. That way, you will know how your body reacts to the compounds by introducing them one at a time. You won't be disappointed by using Test only. There are a lot of big guys here that still only use Test only cycles and at moderate doses.

    Have a plan and stick to it. Impatience will only make it complicated and confusing.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Personally, I think you are over thinking this. Stick with the Prop and see what happens. After that (in a future cycle) you can add something else. That way, you will know how your body reacts to the compounds by introducing them one at a time. You won't be disappointed by using Test only. There are a lot of big guys here that still only use Test only cycles and at moderate doses.

    Have a plan and stick to it. Impatience will only make it complicated and confusing.
    true say, nothing beats test as so i read.. the bottle i tried yesterday was from BD and i hear that it makes ur ass hurt.. tomorrow im going to try a diff prop bottle hopefully that wont make my ass hurt as much lol

  23. #63
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    i did my first test shot on sunday by a brand called BD, it expired in 2009 but it hasnt been open. its yellow liquid. that shot hurt my ass still til now. I did a second shot of another brand, K P , which is white liquid and it expires in 2015.. The white liquid didnt hurt my ass at all.. I read that some test prop gets something like crystalized when injected thus for the pain..

    with the white one not hurting at all, is this still ok?? Honestly both bottles are 1ml/100mg and i wanted to try the white one since it mite not hurt my ass. This company is suppose to be one of the top in canada..

    Last edited by particularly_another; 11-30-2011 at 12:23 AM. Reason: fixed gear names

  24. #64
    10nispro's Avatar
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    You need to edit the names of the gear. Board policies.

    BD is no longer a company and is faked LOTS. If the other feels better then use it. Prop + virgin muscle alone will cause some pain period. Try warming the loaded syringe under running water a few minutes then inject really slow.

  25. #65
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    Also if you are using prop you should be injecting ed or eod

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    You need to edit the names of the gear. Board policies.

    BD is no longer a company and is faked LOTS. If the other feels better then use it. Prop + virgin muscle alone will cause some pain period. Try warming the loaded syringe under running water a few minutes then inject really slow.
    oops sorry ok bout that.. i will do so now

    they bought the bd back in 2005 or 2006?? but never opened it.. the bd shot hurts but the other brand is fine.. wow ok nice ill do that next time ill warm up the needle thanks

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    Also if you are using prop you should be injecting ed or eod
    i injected on sunday, then i did my next shot tuesday, both at 100mg but two different results, one ass hurts the one one with the different brand isfine

    ill just keep using the non ass hurt one for now

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