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    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Unhappy 20 weeks deca 200mg and Test E 200mg plus masterone 200mg to repair ligaments confuse

    I have been put on TRT 6 weeks ago, by my medical doctor, he gave me 200mg of test E per week with no AI.

    He told me that this would help get me back on track repair my body and ligaments.

    I can honestly say that my chronic pain in the upper back is almost 100% gone and when i train now i feel muscle sorness but a lot less pain that was caused by scar tissue or i was told.

    I have spoken to one of my friends who is a chiro physio and has many other therapies he told me that TRT at 200mg per week with no AI was a very bad idea, and he hooked me up with is friend who is a personal trainer and very knowlegable with steroids , he has been using them for over 30 years and has healed many people with them too, he is 55 yrs old looks like a million dollars and is himself on TRT now.

    He told me that to repair the body with deca and fix ligaments and tendons issues mine are laxed it takes time, for the deca to work and produce collagen to help strenghten the ligaments and tendons, he has put me on a 20 week deca cycle at 200mg per week along my test E at 200mg week and added masteron has an AI for 200mg per week has well.

    I was getting bloated and some sides from the Test E only, and right now its far too early to tell if there is any difference from the deca, i am at my second injection. I hear it takes close to 6 weeks to start seeing benefits.

    I asked him if deca was just like a plaster and fix the problem only temporary or it would fix the issues permanently. He told me that long deca cycle where required to address the problem and fix it permanently.

    I have spoken to many of is clients that swear they got fix using deca for 20 weeks at a small dosage of 200mg along test.

    I know that GH is amazing but i don't have that kind of money to invest in a 6 month cycle, i will buy some GH for my prolotherapy treatments it will be injected in the ligament. My chiro friend has treated many with this protocol with great success.

    I do not have tendonis, or big injuries, i do have a nagging shoulder injury, and ligament laxity in the hip, snapping hip joint, and some laxity in the upper back.

    I am waiting 10 weeks in the cycle before starting a serious bout of prolotherapy again to have all the red blood cell flowing that i need for repair and collagen.

    My only issue is that going true this forum and reading studies on the internet and everywhere else i get mixed reviews on deca, some say its magic and it fix permanent and others say its only joint lubrification.

    I have been advise that deca is a lot better then equipose for joint repair, i wanted to go with equipose because it was a lot cheaper then deca.

    I had little success with OTC like glucosamine and chonoitide fish oil and such.

    I still take cod liver oil.

  2. #2
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    I'm not sure what the question is here but I'm gonna give it a try. First, any amount of deca will flat shut your hpta all the way down, but since your on HRT, that really isn't an issue I guess. Nandrolone of any ester is also good for the joints as well as for muscle development, although not so much at 200 mg per week. Eq is useless in any amount for anything outside of oiling your chain saw, that's why it's so cheap. Masteron as an AI. That's interesting. If I needed an AI on 200 mg of test I wouldn't be doing steroids at all. I love masteron, but using it as an AI is kind of like using your dick as a cro- bar. You could do it I suppose, but why would you? It is better saved for something else. If you have to use an AI, wouldn't it be better to use an AI? Don't know, unless of course the guy suggesting this is also the guy selling it, then it starts to make sense... Not sure if that makes any sense, but neither does 3 different compounds at 200 mg/week. My guess is nothing either bad or good will come of this, except you waste a little money.

    Try cissus. I really like it and it helps me a lot.
    Good luck!!

  3. #3
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    I'm not sure what the question is here but I'm gonna give it a try. First, any amount of deca will flat shut your hpta all the way down, but since your on HRT, that really isn't an issue I guess. Nandrolone of any ester is also good for the joints as well as for muscle development, although not so much at 200 mg per week. Eq is useless in any amount for anything outside of oiling your chain saw, that's why it's so cheap. Masteron as an AI. That's interesting. If I needed an AI on 200 mg of test I wouldn't be doing steroids at all. I love masteron, but using it as an AI is kind of like using your dick as a cro- bar. You could do it I suppose, but why would you? It is better saved for something else. If you have to use an AI, wouldn't it be better to use an AI? Don't know, unless of course the guy suggesting this is also the guy selling it, then it starts to make sense... Not sure if that makes any sense, but neither does 3 different compounds at 200 mg/week. My guess is nothing either bad or good will come of this, except you waste a little money.

    Try cissus. I really like it and it helps me a lot.
    Good luck!!

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    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thanks The Titan99, i am not using any of theses compounds to gain mass, or lose weight i am using to repair my body.

    I read soem pretty bad things about EQ and the guy that sells the stuff said the same its worthless, he sells it dirt cheap but warns people not to use it too.

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    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thanks The Titan99, i am not using any of theses compounds to gain mass, or lose weight i am using to repair my body.

    I read soem pretty bad things about EQ and the guy that sells the stuff said the same its worthless, he sells it dirt cheap but warns people not to use it too.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Thanks The Titan99, i am not using any of theses compounds to gain mass, or lose weight i am using to repair my body.

    I read soem pretty bad things about EQ and the guy that sells the stuff said the same its worthless, he sells it dirt cheap but warns people not to use it too.
    I don't think eq is very dangerous, it's just useless. No sides, good, bad or otherwise.

    You already know what you need. HRT test/hGH...

  7. #7
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I don't think eq is very dangerous, it's just useless. No sides, good, bad or otherwise.

    You already know what you need. HRT test/hGH...
    Yes i was put on TRT 6 weeks ago but my medical doctor knowlege is crap, he told me that at 200mg per week i don,t need an AI.

    I was offered armidex for an AI but without a prescription its very expensive, i will respect the forum rules and not post pricing on black market steroids but it was twice the price of the masteron for the same lenght of time.

    I wanted to go with materon too because i took it when younger and it was amazing. And since it has some anti esterogen properties then good.

    thanks again

  8. #8
    fossilfuel7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Yes i was put on TRT 6 weeks ago but my medical doctor knowlege is crap, he told me that at 200mg per week i don,t need an AI.

    I was offered armidex for an AI but without a prescription its very expensive, i will respect the forum rules and not post pricing on black market steroids but it was twice the price of the masteron for the same lenght of time.

    I wanted to go with materon too because i took it when younger and it was amazing. And since it has some anti esterogen properties then good.

    thanks again

    Not trying to hijack here but, Yannick..I tried to pm you about your prolotherapy thread to ask where you got the dextrose solution from since I was thinking of doing the same thing to myself.

    I have a few strains that do not seem to be healing with low dose Test/Deca /EQ and I had them before starting the AAS.
    Please pm me.

  9. #9
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Yes i was put on TRT 6 weeks ago but my medical doctor knowlege is crap, he told me that at 200mg per week i don,t need an AI.

    I was offered armidex for an AI but without a prescription its very expensive, i will respect the forum rules and not post pricing on black market steroids but it was twice the price of the masteron for the same lenght of time.

    I wanted to go with materon too because i took it when younger and it was amazing. And since it has some anti esterogen properties then good.

    thanks again
    Well, you don't need an AI at 200 mg of test a week, I'm 99% sure of that, and yea, I love masteron too. It does act similar to a SERM plus it's fairly anabolic /androgenic . If it is cheaper and it's real then that's what I would do to, but for different reasons. In this case, everything comes together where the reason doesn't really matter...

  10. #10
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    An AI is completely person dependant, you may actually not need it. If you chose to, a small dose Aromasin would be great, but definitely not go and pin more oil.

    If Deca /Nandrolone is the way you want to go for collagen issues, why not try NPP as its results will show themselves a little sooner and you will know how you feel within 3-4 weeks as opposed to 5-7.

    Hope you're feeling better soon, chronic aches and pains cannot be fun

  11. #11
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    An AI is completely person dependant, you may actually not need it. If you chose to, a small dose Aromasin would be great, but definitely not go and pin more oil.

    If Deca /Nandrolone is the way you want to go for collagen issues, why not try NPP as its results will show themselves a little sooner and you will know how you feel within 3-4 weeks as opposed to 5-7.

    Hope you're feeling better soon, chronic aches and pains cannot be fun
    Yes prolo did amazing results and i am getting more treatments in the future, but i need to boost my body to make sure its primed for the prolo to work. I needed an AI because at 200mg of test E i gained 20 pounds of water and fat in about 5 weeks, even my work buddy who did steroids when younger told me man you where bloated. Since starting masteron i lost a bit of water and also a bit of fat, i also modified my diet in a major way eating more fruits and veggies, and cutting out a lot of the fat replacing it with good fats.

  12. #12
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    none of these will repair connective tissues. ive tried deca and hgh, some relief while on but problem will come straight back when you discontinue. dont waste your time or money.

    rest is the only cure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Yes prolo did amazing results and i am getting more treatments in the future, but i need to boost my body to make sure its primed for the prolo to work. I needed an AI because at 200mg of test E i gained 20 pounds of water and fat in about 5 weeks, even my work buddy who did steroids when younger told me man you where bloated. Since starting masteron i lost a bit of water and also a bit of fat, i also modified my diet in a major way eating more fruits and veggies, and cutting out a lot of the fat replacing it with good fats.
    thats purely down to diet mate and 200mg shouldnt cause much water retention. theres no way that anyone should gain that much on only 200mg pw in 5wks

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    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    Not trying to hijack here but, Yannick..I tried to pm you about your prolotherapy thread to ask where you got the dextrose solution from since I was thinking of doing the same thing to myself.

    I have a few strains that do not seem to be healing with low dose Test/Deca /EQ and I had them before starting the AAS.
    Please pm me.
    Find someone that does prolo don't do it yourself, its really easy to injure yourself if you don't know what you are doing, i learned prolo from my medical doctor and a few other people, i know where to put the dextrose and more. It can get critical if you hit an artery in the body, i have to be extra careful when i pin the hip joint.

    You can get dextrose 50ml anywhere, search the internet and you will find some, i usually inject 3cc into an infected area every week.

  15. #15
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    none of these will repair connective tissues. ive tried deca and hgh, some relief while on but problem will come straight back when you discontinue. dont waste your time or money.

    rest is the only cure.
    Well this is why i run 20 weeks instead of 6 or 8, i spoke to people that told me different, ligaments are made of collagen, deca produces collagen, how can it not heal the laxed ligaments? also combined with prolo treatments. I do not think deca is just a patch even Test E has an effect on ligaments. What type of injury did you have, BTW rest will never ever fix a laxed ligament.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Well this is why i run 20 weeks instead of 6 or 8, i spoke to people that told me different, ligaments are made of collagen, deca produces collagen, how can it not heal the laxed ligaments? also combined with prolo treatments. I do not think deca is just a patch even Test E has an effect on ligaments. What type of injury did you have, BTW rest will never ever fix a laxed ligament.
    man i ran it 16wks with my trt, it doesnt work period. AAS cant repair connective tissues plain and simple. hell, even HGH doesnt either, i tried that for 7mths and still have my ailments.

    im telling you now theres no point in trying to convince yourself, it will not work.

    rotator cuff injury, both wrists, fingers and thumb ligaments, groin strain, something deep in my left trap, knee ligament trouble, recurring elbow trouble. i saw relief while on but back to square one when i came off
    Last edited by dec11; 12-23-2011 at 11:11 PM.

  17. #17
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    thats purely down to diet mate and 200mg shouldnt cause much water retention. theres no way that anyone should gain that much on only 200mg pw in 5wks
    So i gained that while eating the same way i did before starting the T?????? i don't think so sorry. I know its weird and my medical doctor really doesn't know what he is doing most people told me that at 200mg of test E a week i need an AI, most people on TRT are at 100mg per week even less. After my 20 weeks of cycle i will check if i can lower my test e at 100mg per week then i might not need an AI, but at 200mg i sure do.

    After my 5 week i was starting to feel the fatigue coming back, a bit of depression but my chronic pain that i had in the traps and upper back was good.

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    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    man i ran it 16wks with my trt, it doesnt work period. AAS cant repair connective tissues plain and simple. hell, even HGH doesnt either, i tried that for 7mths and still have my ailments.

    im telling you now theres no point in trying to convince yourself, it will not work. rest up, its all you can do
    what is your ailment? maybe its differnet then mine? i do not have a torn rotator cuff or anything similar , i still have weak ligaments cause by too many chiroprators manipulations.

    I have all my gear at home so i cannot simply give up now, and from all the positive feedback i have heard from people i need to ge true with this and see for myself.

    I will not go on a GH cycle for 6 months i don't have that kind of money but even Ross Hauser who is the prolotherapy guru in the USA preforms GH and Testosterone injections to heal ligaments, so at some point it works.

    My new prolotherapist also uses that technic and had great success.

    After suffering upper back pain for more then 8 years this summer everything broke loose and the pain was 100 times worst, i had to get weekly scar tissue massage to remove the pain, after 3 weeks on TRT and 200mg of test E the pain is gone.... the ligament laxity is still there but the pain is gone, i can train again. So its hard to beleive that steroids won't do anything to help the body heal up.
    Last edited by yannick35; 12-23-2011 at 11:17 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    what is your ailment? maybe its differnet then mine? i do not have a torn rotator cuff or anything similar , i still have weak ligaments cause by too many chiroprators manipulations.

    I have all my gear at home so i cannot simply give up now, and from all the positive feedback i have heard from people i need to ge true with this and see for myself.

    I will not go on a GH cycle for 6 months i don't have that kind of money but even Ross Hauser who is the prolotherapy guru in the USA preforms GH and Testosterone injections to heal ligaments, so at some point it works.

    My new prolotherapist also uses that technic and had great success.
    go back afew posts, i edited them in.

    its something to do with the fact AAS cant cross connect fibres or something to that effect. Bonaparte can explain it better

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    what is your ailment? maybe its differnet then mine? i do not have a torn rotator cuff or anything similar , i still have weak ligaments cause by too many chiroprators manipulations.

    I have all my gear at home so i cannot simply give up now, and from all the positive feedback i have heard from people i need to ge true with this and see for myself.

    I will not go on a GH cycle for 6 months i don't have that kind of money but even Ross Hauser who is the prolotherapy guru in the USA preforms GH and Testosterone injections to heal ligaments, so at some point it works.

    My new prolotherapist also uses that technic and had great success.
    thats bull, test is actually counteractive to connective tissues mate.

    go for it if you want but it wont work mate, your hearing alot of broscience claiming its a fix, i used to hear and see it too. i tried it and its not true and quite afew on here have found the same

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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    thats bull, test is actually counteractive to connective tissues mate
    I have read this study on the internet and many people said its flawed and has no scientific study to back it up, also this is why deca is used with Test.

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    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    man i ran it 16wks with my trt, it doesnt work period. AAS cant repair connective tissues plain and simple. hell, even HGH doesnt either, i tried that for 7mths and still have my ailments.

    im telling you now theres no point in trying to convince yourself, it will not work.

    rotator cuff injury, both wrists, fingers and thumb ligaments, groin strain, something deep in my left trap, knee ligament trouble, recurring elbow trouble. i saw relief while on but back to square one when i came off
    You are on TRT right now, don't you see any relief from your pains while on Test E? i did that is what amazes me. Sorry to read about all your ailements but they are very different then mine. I have been out of the gym for 10 years too and like you said resting a lot during that time.

  23. #23
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    What's all this about injecting D-50 intramuscularly?????
    It causes permanent tissue damage and is only meant for IV injection in unconscious diabetics who cannot safely ingest dextrose paste.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-24-2011 at 01:29 AM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    You are on TRT right now, don't you see any relief from your pains while on Test E? i did that is what amazes me. Sorry to read about all your ailements but they are very different then mine. I have been out of the gym for 10 years too and like you said resting a lot during that time.
    yes and no i dont have any relief from it, i would have relief when i blast a cycle in but that must just be down to water cushioning joints etc.

    ive managed to train around them in a kinda acceptable routine, some exercise are right out the window but i can still dead and squat heavy, these are most important to me

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    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    What's all this about injecting D-50 intramuscularly?????
    It causes permanent tissue damage and is only meant for IM injection in unconscious diabetics who cannot safely ingest dextrose paste.
    Do you know what prolotherapy is, i have had a lot of prolo done on me, this has stablized my pelvic, the ligaments where so laxed that it would get unaligned has soon has i bent. Prolo i know and it works when done properly.

  26. #26
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    you shouldnt need an AI at 200mg pw, im very prone to estro sides and i dont get em unless i go above 400mg

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    how did you get your injuries mate?

    ive also read that prolo can be a waste of time tbh

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    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    yes and no i dont have any relief from it, i would have relief when i blast a cycle in but that must just be down to water cushioning joints etc.

    ive managed to train around them in a kinda acceptable routine, some exercise are right out the window but i can still dead and squat heavy, these are most important to me
    I have stop squatting and deadlifting, i do not use theses exercies anymore, i do leg pressing just fine and hack squats.

    You might be right about the water retention, weird because people say that at 200mg you don't experience any, but i did.

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    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    how did you get your injuries mate?

    ive also read that prolo can be a waste of time tbh
    By being a dumb a$$ in the gym doing squats and deadlift with very bad forms, i was very lucky that my vertebral disc did not get a hernia.

    No prolotherapy will not work if your body is not primed for it, you have to have a perfect immune system, diet, i had anemia before starting treatments with another doctor, he was a jerk never told me i got minimal results form prolo that time, after i swtich to another medical doctor, got my anemia treated, and then prolo started to shine. The inflammation brings the body to heal itself also by bringing collagen to the weak and injured area, you see why deca and test E might really help with this because the body will produce a lot of collagen and that can be used to repair the weak ligaments.

    Prolo works but the dosage of the injection has to be there, my first medical doctor was a ***** giving me 12cc with 4 cc of dextrose and the rest xylocaine which often is not needed to treath 3 bodyparts, and still i got some good results with my pelvic issues. My other doctor used 40cc around 8 of dextrose and the reste of xylocaine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    By being a dumb a$$ in the gym doing squats and deadlift with very bad forms, i was very lucky that my vertebral disc did not get a hernia.

    No prolotherapy will not work if your body is not primed for it, you have to have a perfect immune system, diet, i had anemia before starting treatments with another doctor, he was a jerk never told me i got minimal results form prolo that time, after i swtich to another medical doctor, got my anemia treated, and then prolo started to shine. The inflammation brings the body to heal itself also by bringing collagen to the weak and injured area, you see why deca and test E might really help with this because the body will produce a lot of collagen and that can be used to repair the weak ligaments.

    Prolo works but the dosage of the injection has to be there, my first medical doctor was a ***** giving me 12cc with 4 cc of dextrose and the rest xylocaine which often is not needed to treath 3 bodyparts, and still i got some good results with my pelvic issues. My other doctor used 40cc around 8 of dextrose and the reste of xylocaine.
    just dont get your hopes up on repairing liagments with deca etc mate, it wont work.

    is the doctor in one of these rejuvenation clinics thats specialises in trt etc? if so, its his bank balance hes trying to improve rather than your health...

  31. #31
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    Never heard of prolotherapy till now. But I can see how diluting the D-50 and using small doses could cause a beneficial inflammatory response.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Never heard of prolotherapy till now. But I can see how diluting the D-50 and using small doses could cause a beneficial inflammatory response.
    i was going to try it for my rotator but after looking into it i found alot of negative response

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    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    just dont get your hopes up on repairing liagments with deca etc mate, it wont work.

    is the doctor in one of these rejuvenation clinics thats specialises in trt etc? if so, its his bank balance hes trying to improve rather than your health...
    The doctor is not in this anymore, he gives testosterone to almost all is patience, its very weird, and when the patient feels bad he ups the dosage.

    I went to see another chiroprator physio who just finished is prolotherapy class last year, he has treated many of is new patience with GH along with dextrose and more, its a cocktail and it has produce amazing results. He introduced me a guy that is well versed in steroids , since i am a noob and know close to nothing about them. He put me on the 20 week cycle, he told me that deca is very slow acting and to give it time, he also gave me masteron for an AI and said to keep my test E intake at 200mg per week, i inject once every 5 days split all dosage at 100mg. I had my second deca injection this week so right now has deca is concern i cannot give any kind of feedback.

    I have spoken to many clients that went to this personal trainer who gave me my 20 week cycle and the guy is well known to put back people on the map, of course if one requires surgery to fix a problem deca won't help but i do not require that at all.

    There was a boxer with a torn shoulder it was very bad, after is 20 week cycle he was back in the ring and doing good, i spoke to that guy in person.

    I guess that for now all i can do is finish my 20 week cycle and see afterward, i can come back here and give an honest feedback of my experience, either it be postive or negative.

    If it fails i will tell it like it is, but if i do have relief and fix my issues i will also share this in the end.

    The body will heal itself but sometimes it needs a little boost.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    i was going to try it for my rotator but after looking into it i found alot of negative response
    You cannot inject yourself for shoulders, you will never be able to go deep enough, the needle must be at least 3 inches, the prolo needs to reach the attachment bone and tendon and ligament. This must be done by a professional. I am able to inject the hip on the surface and my lower back i actually go all the way to the bone in the lower back and inject around 3cc of dextrose.

    There are lots of negative reviews on prolo on the internet, i have read them all, what can i say it worked wonders for me, without prolo, my pelvic would always get out of alignement and i would have debiliating pains in the lower back, my hip pain woud still hurt, now it snaps but does not hurt anymore. I can now train legs with leg press and leg extension without any pains.

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    Doing reseach on the board i found this, amazing i guess it answers all my questions

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    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Find someone that does prolo don't do it yourself, its really easy to injure yourself if you don't know what you are doing, i learned prolo from my medical doctor and a few other people, i know where to put the dextrose and more. It can get critical if you hit an artery in the body, i have to be extra careful when i pin the hip joint.

    You can get dextrose 50ml anywhere, search the internet and you will find some, i usually inject 3cc into an infected area every week.

    Do you mix lidocaine or B12 with your Dextrose or do you just inject only the Dextrose?

  37. #37
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Only dextrose to buy lidocaine at least on the sites i went too you need to put your medical license which i do not have hehehe.

    My new prolo that i am going to see might mix the b12 with the injection he got some pretty good cocktails with is prolo. My other medical doctor is old school in is prolo treatments. He mix dextrose with xylocaine, sometimes lidocaine.

    In the link i posted above there is a lot of talk about proliferation this is the same thing that prolotherapy does, apparently deca and testosterone do it has well, making ligaments and tendons stronger. This is great stuff right there.

  38. #38
    Todd the truth is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte
    What's all this about injecting D-50 intramuscularly?????
    It causes permanent tissue damage and is only meant for IM injection in unconscious diabetics who cannot safely ingest dextrose paste.
    You mean IV injection. IM or SQ is painful and dangerous, causes osmotic and oncotic edema which usually leads to cellulitis andante times compartment syndrome

  39. #39
    Todd the truth is offline Associate Member
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    Lidocaine is not a benign drug 40cc at what concentration I'm not familiar with this therapy but it is probably a small amount of lidocaine in large amount of saline.

  40. #40
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    interesting...I have been one to see deca helps with joint pain, but does not heal anything..I will look into prolo know for my elbow

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