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  1. #1
    snakebite is offline New Member
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    Red face New SERIOUS HELP with D-BOL cycle

    Hi guys,
    I'm a new member of this site. I really need help with something as well. After researching I not going anywhere by just reading forums I decided to ask for help before making a decision.
    Well, I am a 6'0 male, weight about 187 pounds and 10% body fat and I'm 31 years of age.I weight lift about 3 to 4 times a week plus a day of cardio(spinning). I eat healthy and clean for the most part. Usually about 4500 calories/day. I have been thinking of starting a d-bol cycle or Deca in the past. I have decided to go with D-bol based on reviews. I have never done steroids , just supplements and protein. Currently, I take whey protein, Creatine and Animal Pak. I have gained weight by adding more calories to my daily diet but I can't go up more. I decided to get Dbol in pills
    Can someone please help me with the cycle. I believe I should start taking about 20mg a day or so. Also for a 4-6 week period. is that right? Guys, I am super nervous of side effects. Dbol does not seem too bad. What should I be aware of? Any medications or supplements that I should take along with Dbol?
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks again!!!

  2. #2
    Bigherm21's Avatar
    Bigherm21 is offline Associate Member
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    Dbol only is not a good cycle. Most weight you gain will be water. Not to mention it shutsdown your natural production of testosterone . It makes you feel like crap. Horrible on your liver and its best used as a kickstart for a long ester cycle. 20mg is really low most people generally run it around the 40 range. Your best option would be like a test c or e cycle. Dbol only is just a horrible cycle

  3. #3
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yes run a test e for 12 wks for your first cycle. Test only! You need to read so u can understand pct and running an ai. Steroids are very serious u don't just pop a pill. But u did the right thing by asking first. Read the beginner threads

  4. #4
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    Yes run a test e for 12 wks for your first cycle. Test only! You need to read so u can understand pct and running an ai. Steroids are very serious u don't just pop a pill. But u did the right thing by asking first. Read the beginner threads
    Yea what he said.

  5. #5
    guitario's Avatar
    guitario is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigherm21 View Post
    Dbol only is not a good cycle. Most weight you gain will be water. Not to mention it shutsdown your natural production of testosterone. It makes you feel like crap. Horrible on your liver and its best used as a kickstart for a long ester cycle. 20mg is really low most people generally run it around the 40 range. Your best option would be like a test c or e cycle. Dbol only is just a horrible cycle
    1. Most weight will not be water if your diet is good.
    2. Effects on the liver would be the same no matter what he took it with. Exaggerated anyway.
    3. It makes SOME feel crap, yet I felt great on it. Everyone reacts differently
    4. 20mg is plenty and 40mg is a high dosage for most people.

  6. #6
    vBRAH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snakebite View Post
    Any help would be highly appreciated.
    Why D-Bol only and not a more decent 12 week cycle that's Testosterone based?
    What PCT and on cycle support have you got in store for your proposed cycle?
    Why can't you increase your caloric intake any further?

  7. #7
    Bigherm21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    1. Most weight will not be water if your diet is good.
    2. Effects on the liver would be the same no matter what he took it with. Exaggerated anyway.
    3. It makes SOME feel crap, yet I felt great on it. Everyone reacts differently
    4. 20mg is plenty and 40mg is a high dosage for most people.
    ok so you've tried dbol only? Most people get shutdown and for what 20mg of dbol. Hell prob put on 5lbs. No matter what your diet is high estro is high estro. As for number two I was referring to dbol only not dbol and test. It goes through your liver twice when taking. Everytime I use it It's around 40 and with test You show me someone who did a 20mg dbol only cycle that put on good amounts of muscle. Most people that do it are like 18 year old kids anyway. Which they don't relize there shutting down there already high natty test levels for well you say the normal range is 20mg. Bs you might as well not take anything cus your almost working backwards. But ya everyone's dif. I don't feel like shit cus I take test with mine. You prob do too. As for dbol only that's another story

  8. #8
    bigoz is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitario

    1. Most weight will not be water if your diet is good.
    2. Effects on the liver would be the same no matter what he took it with. Exaggerated anyway.
    3. It makes SOME feel crap, yet I felt great on it. Everyone reacts differently
    4. 20mg is plenty and 40mg is a high dosage for most people.
    Agreed with what you said. I don't agree with oral only cycles BUT it has and can be done successfully.

  9. #9
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    Hello mate, I was in the same situation as you. Test only is recommended as a first cycle but dbol only is a good way to dip your feet in the water.

    It's easy to recover from, doesn't completely shut you down (contrary to what you have just been told) and you can discontinue use pretty quickly if you want to. You will put on a lot of water weight which you will shed once you finish using dbol so you might want to be prepared for that mentally. You will get massive strength increase and you will notice size pick on pretty quickly in the mirror!

    I'd run 30mg a day for six weeks and 20mg a day of nolvadex for 4 weeks once you stop tsking the dbol.

    Have fun

  10. #10
    GymRat96744's Avatar
    GymRat96744 is offline Associate Member
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    I just starteed my first cycle. And I was planning on doing a dbol /test e cycle but after taking the advice of the guys on here I decided to drop the dbol and just go with the test. Iam glad I did it is giving me a chance to really keep track and see what the compound is doing to my body. If I took 2 compounds I wouldn't know which one is doing what. I say go with just a test only cycle. But I only have been in this game a short while so see what the vets and regulars have to say on here so you can make the best decision for you and your goals.

  11. #11
    guitario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigherm21 View Post
    ok so you've tried dbol only? Most people get shutdown and for what 20mg of dbol. Hell prob put on 5lbs. No matter what your diet is high estro is high estro. As for number two I was referring to dbol only not dbol and test. It goes through your liver twice when taking. Everytime I use it It's around 40 and with test You show me someone who did a 20mg dbol only cycle that put on good amounts of muscle. Most people that do it are like 18 year old kids anyway. Which they don't relize there shutting down there already high natty test levels for well you say the normal range is 20mg. Bs you might as well not take anything cus your almost working backwards. But ya everyone's dif. I don't feel like shit cus I take test with mine. You prob do too. As for dbol only that's another story
    I do Dbol only cycles and 20mg at that. I usually put on about 12lbs and keep about 7lb post pct. It works very well for me but I don't know how it is for other people. I am just being truthful and sharing my experience.

  12. #12
    snakebite is offline New Member
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    thank you so much!

  13. #13
    snakebite is offline New Member
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    Hi, Thanks for the input. Why Dbol only? Because I'm so new to steroids and from researching people had told me that Dbol would be safer and I'd have good gains. I don't even know much about it and now I'm kind of determined to do a cycle to get some muscle gain and more strength.

  14. #14
    snakebite is offline New Member
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    Hi, I absolutely agree with you. I probable should read and research more. I have to know what I'm doing. What do you recommend? Is there anything that I should do first then? Any help would be great. I don't know much about it.
    Thanks again!

  15. #15
    snakebite is offline New Member
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    love it. Thanks Brother

  16. #16
    snakebite is offline New Member
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    man I feel so stupid. What is Test E? I will research on that one and probably take your advice. Thanks again!

  17. #17
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I'm beside myself...OP- you said you did research and wanted to go w/d-bol after researching. Where did you research? Anyway, d-bol only is a terrible decision. And in your research, you didn't come across the most widely used steroid in the world(test)?

    One other thing, don't listen to anything guitario says...

    A real cycle and a perfect beginners is test e. Do your research on that. It's the best compound anyone could use.

    Good Luck....And if you ever have any questions please ask. Also, you need to get a PCT in order.

  18. #18
    BigGuy90's Avatar
    BigGuy90 is offline Associate Member
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    I took a dbol only cycle as a first cycle when I was 20 but it was at 50mg ed for 4 weeks..I gained 12 lbs and kept 10lbs post PCT. While on D-bol I took Adex .25mg ed, L-tox for the month I took it, and EFA. The only reason I couldn't run test with it is because it got stolen -__- I agree its not a good cycle by itself, but if its what your only able to get then just eat right and workout like an animal. You'll definitely see a lot of strength gains in the gym

  19. #19
    snakebite is offline New Member
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    Hi Stpete,
    Thanks a lot for the information. You are absolutely right. I may not have done much research. I definitely want to start something soon and should do some more research, i guess. I appreaciate the time

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