Planning first PH cycle. (havn't yet got my hands on epistane yet -still searching, but have everything else listed)

Epistane Weeks 1-4
Day 1: 10mg
Day 2-7: 20mg
Week 2: 30mg
Week 3: 30mg
Week 4: 40mg

Nolvadex Week 5-8
Week 5: 40 (60 first day maybe?)
Week 6: 40
Week 7: 20
Week 8: 20


Cycle Support by AI + Milk Thistle (or Liver protection from bulk nutrients, look it up + Cissus maybe?) (Pre load 2 weeks before cycle)
Joint Complex (MSM, glucosamine,chondroitin)
Fish Oil
Orange Triad
Vitamin B5
Creatine (with PCT, Load last week of cycle)
D-Aspartic Acid or Test booster combination (with PCT)

Use PWO from Week 5