
I'm 24 years old, almost 6'2 and about 110 lbs. (might be a little less). As you can imagine, I look really skinny because I am.

After 4-5 years, working out every other day, taking supplements recommended by a lot of forums and GNC stores (pretty much tried everything), physical therapy, dieting, etc.; I can't seem to gain any weight at all.

So I'm thinking about steroids as a start, just to gain a few pounds and maybe give me that extra lift/start to potentially gain weight. I follow a very healthy diet, taking in about 10,000 calories a day, eating every two hours (even waking up in the night to eat). I take vitamins, protein shakes, etc. I'm spotlessly healthy; have taken so many exams for my bones/muscles (even CT scans on organs) and very healthy (nothing wrong with me). Just can't gain the weight.

Typically, I feel very tired. I have some muscle spasms here and there that are seriously in pain and minor arthritis in my joints. Never did any test for teste. I do have a workout trainer and follow his schedule so I don't work out too much or little, and never tire myself out.

Basically, I'm asking you all if going on a cycle is a good idea. I plan to talk to my doctor (MD) tomorrow and see what he thinks as well, if he can prescribe something or make any recommendations. Like I said, I'm not looking to get huge or anything, but simply remain healthy and look healthier (as you can imagine, being this skinny doesn't really look good for the real, professional world). I do not have any eating disorders and nothing psychologically wrong (from what I know since I've talked to counselors, etc). I've been through multiple tests and talks, so I'm really looking for any sort of advice from anyone that's "new" to me or if going on an AAS is really for me. I'm only considering this since my trainer mentioned it and some spinal cord doctors have as well, to help my muscles expand to cushion my spine a bit more and better (I get back adjustments and spinal cord analysis for my muscle spasms and joint pains).

As much as the idea sounds appealing, I want to know if people think if it's safe and if it is, what should I ask my doctor or what should I think about trying. I don't want to do anything that's not healthy in the long run, but I really do want to gain the weight or start with this AAS method and then go on from there to see if I can maintain.

Thanks for the help!