Hello Everyone,

I am an endurance athlete and need serious help with weight loss. It is average for me to gain 10-20 pounds in my off season (October-De***ber), but I usually lose it quickly once I get into the full swing of training.

This year I gained 30 pounds and have been in full swing of training since new years day and haven't lost any of my weight. Doing up to 3 hours of cardio 5-6 days a week. Diet is clean, in fact compared to most endurance athletes who stick to high carbs since I am a recovered fat ass I stick to a high protein diet.

My race is in April and I need to lose weight faster so I am looking for an edge. All this weight is slowing me down. I am in the end of my first week of a clen cycle (firswt ever) and other than normal side effect (jitters, hunger, etc.) I haven't seen any loss. I am 209 lbs 25% BF. Last year I raced at 275 lbs 17% BF. I would like to get to around 165 my the peak of my season. I want to keep my power and lose the fat.

Can anyone suggest anything to stack with it or any good alternative option?