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Thread: is this normal

  1. #1
    xun_18's Avatar
    xun_18 is offline Junior Member
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    is this normal

    ok so since im a teenager ive been having mild acne on my back and only my back my face chest are clear, even on cycle its still there and doesnt get any worst at all so it isnt a issue, right now im two weeks out on a tren acetate and sustanon250 cycle ive notice that my acne is going away could the it be the tren causing this cause its my first time cycling it and im not complaining its just am worried that its fades away then it just rebound on me once i cut off and start my pct

    so if anyone could have a anwser or anything all would be aprreciated

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    No, it's not the tren . And to be honest, if this indeed is your 5th cycle at 23 years old acne would be the last thing i would be concerned with. Just my .02

  3. #3
    xun_18's Avatar
    xun_18 is offline Junior Member
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    i just think its weird that all

  4. #4
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    No, it's not the tren. And to be honest, if this indeed is your 5th cycle at 23 years old acne would be the last thing i would be concerned with. Just my .02
    Agreed ^^ 100x...

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Dont know wat to tell ya bro.

  6. #6
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    5th cycle at 23? word

  7. #7
    jpowell is offline Banned
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  8. #8
    Thunderforge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xun_18 View Post
    ok so since im a teenager ive been having mild acne on my back and only my back my face chest are clear, even on cycle its still there and doesnt get any worst at all so it isnt a issue, right now im two weeks out on a tren acetate and sustanon250 cycle ive notice that my acne is going away could the it be the tren causing this cause its my first time cycling it and im not complaining its just am worried that its fades away then it just rebound on me once i cut off and start my pct

    so if anyone could have a anwser or anything all would be aprreciated
    Interesting. I'm on Test400 and Deca and noticed something similar. I only have very mild acne now that I'm well past my teenage years, however, we've both noticed that what little I have had has stopped. My suspicion is that it's related to my Aromasin use. It's my understanding that sides are generally triggered by the body rebounding the exogenous test with loads of Estrogen and this is responsible for the acne people suffer on cycle or during PCT. Vets PLEASE correct me here if I misunderstand. If that's the case, perhaps excess estro was the culprit for me even off cycle? Now that I'm controlling it maybe that's why the acne cleared up?


  9. #9
    BigGuy90's Avatar
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    How do you know it's his 5th cycle at the age of 23? I read he was a teenager?

  10. #10
    xun_18's Avatar
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    it actually my fourth cause in my profile i included the one im on right now i did two last year and is my second this year

  11. #11
    xun_18's Avatar
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    and it was simple cycle last year were just two cycle of sustanon at 500mg a week for 8 weeks and this winter was 500mg of sustanon a week for 8weeks and dbol at 30 mg ed for 5weeks my biggest is the one im on right now is 400 mg a tren acetate a week and 500 mg of sustanon per week and i aint planning on doing anything big cycle until im 30

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    It well could be because of the test/tren . Your hormones are changing due to the cycles. Enjoy it while you can because the next onset of side effect will probably not be so pleasant.

    Life does not end at 25 or 30, you are headed down the road of tough love and your body is probably not going to be very forgiving. I know every teen (I did the same) can not foresee actually reaching 40+ and they are not smart enough to take care of their bodies or think this/that will not effect them.

    I always dreamed of needing Viagra or Cialis to get it up by the time I was 30, doesnt everyone?
    This is the path you are headed. Good luck.

  13. #13
    xun_18's Avatar
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    well for now my sex drive had increase like crazy and its driving me nuts my girlfriend cant even handle it anymore i cant ven talk about sex with my friend without getting hard on

  14. #14
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Yup Im sure it has. Sound the same as most every other person/kid on here and then a few months late..... What's wrong with me???

    You are still not getting it, it's not about today, tomorrow or just next week but next month or the month after or the next 60 years. Obviously you are one of those that wont believe it until it happens to you and then again you may never be smart enough to put 2+2 together and when something goes wrong you will blame it on something else.

    Good luck and enjoy the ride while you can. It sucks when the ride is over and you have crashed. PLEASE remember when you are in your 20s or sooner and you have to buy Viagra that we told you.

    There are 100s more where this came from if you do some searching.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-27-2012 at 12:30 AM.

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