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  1. #1
    beefy_bod's Avatar
    beefy_bod is offline Associate Member
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    neep help please>loose skin<

    hey everybody i need help, ok ive been reading and searching up quite a bit on her. i recently lost a bunch of weight i was 243 now im 182 and was thinking about bulking up or getting cut to help my kinda loose skin problem and also wanna be big lol, but i was thinking about doing dbol to get big or winstrol to get cut or half and half not for sure just wanting to know some of yalls experience and thoughts!

    my stats:
    18 yr old
    bf- roughly 12.2
    i know im young and this is just a thought to see what yall think, dont mean im gonna do it i have buddys in highschool that do it and look like beasts.i got a decent size frame butt ya help please.

  2. #2
    Big Balta's Avatar
    Big Balta is offline Junior Member
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    Those friends of yours are ****ing their HPTA up. If you don't know what that is then you have a lot to learn.
    It seems to me that you are a lot like myself when I started working out seriously. I was 18, 6'2, 185 lbs. I got to 225 lbs at 14% bf in 2-3 years. You can grow a lot on your own buddy, trust me.

    If you take steroids , they are not without consequences. First off, your body is not done adjusting it's hormones. If you take steroids, you're body will think it has finished growing and you will end up with lower natural testosterone than you would have if you had just waited. So you are damaging your long-term results, for short term glory. Those friends of yours will be smaller, weaker and much more unhealthy than yourself. If they're lucky, they'll end up on TRT under a doctor's supervision. You don't want to be sterile do you? You want to have kids... right?

    If you have loose skin, you will grow into it by adding new, natural muscle. From here suggest you ask questions in the nutrition and workout sections of this forum. Good luck man, you got a good frame to build on and you have good genetics, just train hard, eat healthy, sleep at least 8 hours, and you'll be seeing results in no time.

  3. #3
    beefy_bod's Avatar
    beefy_bod is offline Associate Member
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    big balta- thank you man your right i am young, you showed me alot guess its just the hole wanting to be big and good looking butt your right thanks im just gonna bust ass, eat right, train hard and do it the natural way, thanks brotha!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your skin will tighten back up especially since you are so young. Going from 225 down to 185 is really not that much and you wont have a problem, it just takes a little time. Luckily you are also still growing and will fill out more, broader shoulders and such as long as you dont screw it up by using aas now, before you are 24/25 and fuse your growth plates. Every 18 yr old thinks they are done growing but ask any 30 years old and they will tell you in retrospect they know they kept growing well into their mid 20s. Maybe not taller but filling out, bigger chest, broader shoulders and such. You really dont want to screw that up do you?

    Good job on the weight loss and with a little research and learning in the diet section you can make great gains and surpass your current goals easily with zero chance of side effects like you risk using aas. You will also be able to lol at all your buddies who use steroids as they blow up with water weight acting like dick heads then shrink back down to the original size due to poor diet after cycle while you continue to grow. You can also help console their girlfriends while the guys try to figure out why they cant get hard anymore not having any clue about PCT or the side effects of using steroids at a young age.

  5. #5
    beefy_bod's Avatar
    beefy_bod is offline Associate Member
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    thank man ur right, lol loved the console girlfriends part haha butt ya im gonna go the natural way its just searching on the internet some people say if you loose weight quick you wont loose the skin or some bull and i was just wondering deff not gonna do aas gonna just train hard, eat right and go natural thanks

  6. #6
    0tolerance's Avatar
    0tolerance is offline Associate Member
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    as the others have said dude, natural is the best way to go at such a young age.

    If your serious about getting big, just get a nutritionist to write you a good diet or do alot of research and then post it in the diet section here there is some gurus on this board when it comes to nutrition.
    make sure you get a good routine.
    Get some good sleep in and maybe a multi vitamin.

    I think the idea alot of people have, myself include when i was alot younger was that you take steroids eat lots train hard and you get as big as a pro(this is coming from the 14 year old me).
    But infact it could take some one more than a decade to get there body to professional level and maybe another 5-10 from there to be your first place finisher.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Good for you. Now if you were 300+ and went down to 175 you may have a problem but still at your age more than likely it would still tighten up or at least mostly. It's us old guys who have a problem due to the skin not being so elastic as when we were younger but also HGH can help with that long term. I was 210 and dropped back down to 165 and only had a little loose skin around the belly but after a little muscle gain there was nothing that was noticeable anymore.

  8. #8
    Awesome_Archy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Good for you. Now if you were 300+ and went down to 175 you may have a problem but still at your age more than likely it would still tighten up or at least mostly. It's us old guys who have a problem due to the skin not being so elastic as when we were younger but also HGH can help with that long term. I was 210 and dropped back down to 165 and only had a little loose skin around the belly but after a little muscle gain there was nothing that was noticeable anymore.
    So how do the Pros combat stretch marks from constant gaining and loosing?

  9. #9
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Good tanning spray. They have stretch marks for sure but you can also help reduce them by staying hydrated and plenty of good skin lotion.

  10. #10
    Awesome_Archy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Good tanning spray. They have stretch marks for sure but you can also help reduce them by staying hydrated and plenty of good skin lotion.
    haha Always something i couldn't figure out, but i guess covering them up on stage with tanner does make since.

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Awesome_Archy View Post
    haha Always something i couldn't figure out, but i guess covering them up on stage with tanner does make since.

    Yup look at the all the flaws women are able to cover up with a little makeup. LOL

  12. #12
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Awesome_Archy View Post
    So how do the Pros combat stretch marks from constant gaining and loosing?
    yep, they don't, the reason for stretch marks is rapid size loss, and genetics.. sucks but it happens i have them on my legs, nothing really to be done about it..
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  13. #13
    oatmeal69's Avatar
    oatmeal69 is offline Productive Member
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    Do some reading here in the diet section. At your age, if you can get on a good diet and training regimen, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish naturally - and how fast.

  14. #14
    beefy_bod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oatmeal69
    Do some reading here in the diet section. At your age, if you can get on a good diet and training regimen, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish naturally - and how fast.
    Will do thank you man

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