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  1. #41
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by canadian-bacon View Post
    How much of that 220 is fat weight?
    This is how, I figure. . . 20% fat is a bit for me also.

    215Lbs @ 20%BF - My ideal is 10%, I don't care for going leaner. 215Lbs-10%BF=21.5Lbs

    215Lbs - 21.5Lbs = 193.5

    We'll call it 185-190Lbs @ 10%

    Started at 184Lbs @ 15%BF 185Lbs-5%BF=174.5@10%Bf

    This is how I am figuring it.

    Yes, I gain fat. But, going at 50/50 of fat to Lbm. is damn decent in my book.

    I lose fat way quick. I have no problem getting to 225-230 and having to lose 25-30Lbs of fat.

    I started leaner for this reason, if I started at 20% this would be an issue.

  2. #42
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    So you are gonna gain 50-60 pounds. Just to h e to turn around and lose half of it cause it's fat?

  3. #43
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    Sampson not decent it should be like 70/30 or higher that's the point of aas if u were gaining bulk naturally yes 50/5o wud be decent but Ur not. It don't matter how much u weigh i only care about bf I'm 235 and 12% bf I've been up to 250 bulking and got up to 15%. but i was also doing cardio which i believe Ur lacking. The body I's going to take fat over muscle for energy so you'll maintain all your muscle but burn fat at 20% i wud do i steady jog for 2min walk for 1 for about 20-30 min 3-4 times a week and your bf will go Down and your muscle will stay there. Plus cardio will help your oxygen intake and build mitochondria which on the flip side will help your endurance while your lifting, and boost your metabolic rate so ull be burning calories while your not I'n the gym at a higher rate then normal. More endurance = better workouts= more muscle = and less fat

  4. #44
    ucla2042 is offline New Member
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    do you all recommend using Aromasin while on cycle? i've heard pros and cons of both.

  5. #45
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by canadian-bacon View Post
    So you are gonna gain 50-60 pounds. Just to h e to turn around and lose half of it cause it's fat?
    About 40-50. . . Then lose 20-30

    I should have cut to 10% then did a real lean bulk.

    Didn't listen to other people who said to lower by BF to around 10-12%BF. I didn't want to be down to the 170's. . . .

    It works, just not the best way to go.

  6. #46
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    Why not eat right and gain 15-20 and be where you want. And not have to lose the extra flab?

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by ucla2042 View Post
    do you all recommend using Aromasin while on cycle? i've heard pros and cons of both.

    I am for sure, bitch tits are not cool.

    Right now I'm backing off my Ai again to about every 3 days.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by canadian-bacon View Post
    Why not eat right and gain 15-20 and be where you want. And not have to lose the extra flab?
    I don't gain weight well. Never did, even now it's hard to cram this much food. I already hit a plateau and I'm trying to up my cals as much as I can.

    BTW I do HIIT 4x per week for 15-20 minutes.

    So far, I'm happy. . . It's working, I can't complain.

  9. #49
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    I personally always have ai on hand but I've done many cycles so i know how my body feels when my estrogen I's getting to high so I'll run Nolvadex for a week and it goes away if I'm running Tren or dbol I'll take 20ml every third day 20mg jus to be safe. Sampson do u do cardio man. U say it works but it's not working u burn more fat while on cycle your metabolism goes up u shudnt be gaining that much fat. List your diet man let me c if i can help there's certain times to eat simple carbs and complex carbs jus knowing the timing you'll c great results take 2 min and list food like today for instance. What was your meals today?

  10. #50
    DeadlyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigswoll
    I'm really not angry bro i jus can't stand know it all newbies that's all. It's damaging the threads, and gives false info to newbies that are actually asking questions and trying to learn. I'll try to be nicer jus can't stand fake fuks. Your a newbie I've never seen u jus repeating shit u read or giving advice on something u know nothing about. And being a newbie on here u Shud appreciate when these guys get called out so u don't get wrong info. But Ur right I'm done.... For now
    I've got to agree here, there is no sound advise coming from samson,I've told him before to take a time out from giving advise and just read and listen.....but.

  11. #51
    JonnyConcrete is offline Associate Member
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    Bigswoll you are an idiot. Not only do you type like a 12 year old; you look like absolute shite in your DP.

    You are in no position to give advice.

    That is the main thing I hate about this site; people 21-24 are advised to not cycle, but as soon as someone hits 25 they get the go ahead even if they look like utter crap.

  12. #52
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  13. #53
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    I'm seeing this way too much on these threads lately...guys, settle down. Ok, a guy repeats what he says but is that a reason to have 3 or more post tearing into him when the thread was all about a guy wanting to get advice about using tren and then it turned into ripping someone out for being fat?? I understand the frustration from knowledgeable members when one sees a noob pass on information that was just told to him. I understand its not bright to just "pass along the facts" without knowing and understanding what those facts entail but it only makes it worse when we fight and bicker because someone drives us crazy by their methods. I know the guy is trying to help but everyone needs to settle down. Seriously. Samson bro, stop just repeating and hold back and ask questions. Dont go about passing on information you were told without knowing what is what because that could lead to something that can make something worse. This case, it wouldn' it not really true information and harmless, but there are other times when repeating what was told to you can lead someone in the wrong direction. Either way all this leads to me not wanting to be on one of the most popular and recommended forums in the world, and not to be pompous, but I really dont want to just "pack up and go" with the great amount of knowledge I have and absolutely LOVE to pass on to others. The countless years of research and trial and error have led me to the passion I have to help others with whatever they want to or need to know. So everyone take a chill pill, or a FUKIDOL, and relax...let the experienced on handle the brunt behind the questions and if you dont have the knowledge or experience, please ask and ask and ask so you can learn and one day pass along the great wealth of knowledge you now possess.

    Here is my input for you brother...being at a higher body fat, dont use tren yet. It will impact your cardio/endurance abilities some and will make doing cardio a bit difficult. The best way to bring down your bodyfat is with cardio. Run man, run! lol...Do a simple cycle of test @ 300mg every 5th day. I prefer to inject every 5th day because thats about the time the enth ester starts to decline, and I always keep a really high level of my gear in my blood. Dont bother with tren until your a little down the line. Tren is pretty serious and not recommended to just the novice. Run an AI with your test. Using dex along with test will allow more test to circulate in your body, therefore giving you a stronger lipolytic effect from your test. Use about .25mg ed or eod. I personally use .5mg a day with some test and that is my basic cutting stack. As far a pct goes, that begins when you begin your cycle. Run hcg about 2 weeks into your cycle and keep it going until the end of your cycle. Your gonna have to trial and error for your dosing protocol there but 250-500 iu 2-3 times a week works well. If you cant get any hcg, use D-aspartic acid. Thats what Im currently running along with 50mg test prop ed and 125mg test enth e5thd and dex at .5mg ed. The aspartic acid works EXTREMELY well at keeping my system up and running! Actually I prefer it to hcg lol. Run that cycle a couple times, then maybe try out some nandrolone the third or fourth time around. Nandrolone is a similar to tren, being both 19 nor compounds and effect your body in a similar fashion, and an easier way to test your body out with these compounds. Remember the 19 nors will cause 100% percent shutdown of your system with a single injection and cause progesterone stimulation, so if your prone to sides from those two attributes, nandrolone is a little less harsh in that respect. Steroids aren't a thing to rush and need just as much time and dedication planning them out and researching them that you give to your body with diet and exercise.

  14. #54
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    P.s. there is more to a pct than just running hcg throughout your cycle, I just didn't get into the details. If ya need to know, ask away

  15. #55
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonnyConcrete
    Bigswoll you are an idiot. Not only do you type like a 12 year old; you look like absolute shite in your DP.

    You are in no position to give advice.

    That is the main thing I hate about this site; people 21-24 are advised to not cycle, but as soon as someone hits 25 they get the go ahead even if they look like utter crap.
    Johnny while your sitting at home on your moms computer I'm on an iPhone texting. Your jus another example of what I'm talking about. Your 20 yrs old shut your mouth any one can act big over a computer. Where's your pic big man??? U Shud jus take a picture of your pu$$y and post that. Oh your 5"9 and 170lbs lolol so your s short skinny kid with napoleon complex. Good luck boy. I might type like a 12 yr old but at least i don't look like one
    Last edited by bigswoll; 05-01-2012 at 08:25 AM.

  16. #56
    JDBeretta's Avatar
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    Great thread.

  17. #57
    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
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    Forum fights blow my mind!!!

  18. #58
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    All this anger!!! Perhaps we should all sit in a corner, hold hands and sing kumbaya. I am in no way offering advice since I have only 2 cycles under me and am now on #3. ALL with the dreaded tren lol. I am only speaking of my own personal experience and that may be diff. from others. I have run them all at 20-22% BF. I dropped from 260 to 240 and lost noticible body fat. I lost nearly 2 pants sizes and had great strength increases. I understand that BP is a big concern being higher BF and I keep a close eye on mine that is still in the normal range even on cycle. I have continued to read this 15% BF before cycle "rule" and honestly don't buy in to it. The proof is in the pudding and I have been very happy with my experience even at higher BF. Again... I am not offering advice or parroting others so I can contribute. I am simply stating my own personal experience.

  19. #59
    ucla2042 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chuckdiesel View Post
    P.s. there is more to a pct than just running hcg throughout your cycle, I just didn't get into the details. If ya need to know, ask away
    i thank you chuckdiesel on being incredibly informative and helpful. my mind is already set on using the tren that i have, what dosage would you recommend?

  20. #60
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    Lol... We can always count on CB to post the pic of the day! high 5!!!!

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