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  1. #1
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    Test/Deca/Anadrol cycle critique

    12 weeks

    Stats and cycle experience in profile. Been 2 years since last cycle.

    Test cyp per week/Deca per week/Anadrol per day/Nolvadex per day

    Week 1: 800/800/75/20
    Week 2: 800/800/75/20
    Week 3/4: 600/400/75/20
    Week 5-12: 600/400/0/20

    2 weeks PCT
    Clomid first few days 100mg then down to 50mg/day
    Nolva 20mg/day

    - Doin a frontload with deca and semi frontload with test cuz dont want huge amounts of test nearing 1000mg per week.

    Wut y'all think?
    Last edited by Schwarzenegger; 05-09-2012 at 04:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Ramli is offline New Member
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    Dude I be following your tread as I doing the same stack except I use sustanon

    Week 1 - 6 anadrol 50mg ed
    Week 1 - 12 sustanon 750mg weekly
    Week 1 - 10 deca 300mg weekly

    Week 12- 14 Pct nolva 40/40/20/20
    Sorry dude if I hijack your tread

    As I can"t make out your cycle
    Last edited by Ramli; 04-29-2012 at 11:35 PM.

  3. #3
    SG2009 is offline Member
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    This is a weak pct; u might need more expensive pct program after this cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger View Post
    12 weeks

    Stats and cycle experience in profile. Been 2 years since last cycle.

    Test cyp per week/Deca per week/Anadrol per day/Nolvadex per day

    Week 1: 800/800/75/20
    Week 2: 800/800/75/20
    Week 3/4: 600/400/75/20
    Week 5-12: 600/400/0/20

    2 weeks PCT
    Clomid first few days 100mg then down to 50mg/day
    Nolva 20mg/day

    - Doin a frontload with deca and semi frontload with test cuz dont want huge amounts of test nearing 1000mg per week.

    Wut y'all think?

  4. #4
    Ramli is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger
    12 weeks

    Stats and cycle experience in profile. Been 2 years since last cycle.

    Test cyp per week/Deca per week/Anadrol per day/Nolvadex per day

    Week 1: 800/800/75/20
    Week 2: 800/800/75/20
    Week 3/4: 600/400/75/20
    Week 5-12: 600/400/0/20

    2 weeks PCT
    Clomid first few days 100mg then down to 50mg/day
    Nolva 20mg/day

    - Doin a frontload with deca and semi frontload with test cuz dont want huge amounts of test nearing 1000mg per week.

    Wut y'all think?
    Week 1- 2: Test c at 800mg ?
    Week1 - 2: Deca at 800mg ?
    Week 1-4 anadrol at 75mg ?
    Week 3- 12 test at 600mg ?
    Week 3-12 deca at 400mg ?
    Week 1 - 12 nolva 20mg daily ?

    Sorry Dude is this you mean?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by SG2009 View Post
    This is a weak pct; u might need more expensive pct program after this cycle.
    yo thanks for the reply

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramli View Post
    Week 1- 2: Test c at 800mg ?
    Week1 - 2: Deca at 800mg ?
    Week 1-4 anadrol at 75mg ?
    Week 3- 12 test at 600mg ?
    Week 3-12 deca at 400mg ?
    Week 1 - 12 nolva 20mg daily ?

    Sorry Dude is this you mean?
    ya Ramli

  7. #7
    Ramli is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger

    ya Ramli
    Deca Best run lower then test
    Run anadrol at first weel till six week
    Run test longer than deca

  8. #8
    PRyan is offline New Member
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    Where is the PCT in this cycle?

    12 weeks of nolva? I don't understand that.

  9. #9
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    I really think that you need to drop the deca down from 800mg. This is not an appropriate compound to frontload with, and you shouldn't be matching the test/deca dose. You need to be doing no more than 600mg of deca in this cycle. In fact frontloading with deca and/or cypionate is absolutely, 100% pointless. Frontloading is done with a short ester, which neither test cyp nor deca is. However, Anadrol takes care of every aspect of frontloading necessary. Have you ever taken it before? If not, you do not want to start with 75mg per day, trust me.

    Also, I don't know what 6 year old manual you read, but you don't want to take Nolvadex during the cycle either. This should be set aside and taken with your Clomid in order to form a proper PCT. What you need, ESPECIALLY with the three compounds you're taking, is an AI, and plenty of it. I just finished a very similar cycle, and Arimidex was an absolute must.

    Don't worry about the comment above about stopping deca before test. The cyp and decanoate esters are close enough to not to have to worry about this. What you do need to ensure is that you give yourself enough time after your final injections to begin PCT, as you are using very long esters here to the very end...something I do not prefer, unless you have some HCG to blast while you wait.

    In summary, you need to drop the deca dose, forget about frontloading doses with the oils, and change Nolvadex to Arimidex or Aromasin , saving the Nolva for PCT w/ Clomid. This cycle needs a lot of adjusting.

  10. #10
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    - the 6 year old manual i read was by warmachine to prevent gyno before it happens as i had puberty related gyno and got the shit taken out. (ie which means im prone to it more than the normal person)

    - As for deca ,,, if u bothered to read 3rd line, deca is at 400 while test is at 600 after frontloading

    - Did anadrol before at 50/60 worked good but developed tolerance on subsequent cycle.

    - If u know anything about pharmacology, you would know that the therapeutic range is dependent on the therapeutic index of any particular drug. Loading dose shoots the plasma drug concentration into the therapeutic range quicker.

    ie. the whole concept behind frontloading.

    - You have a valid point with the substitution of anadrol for frontloading. But it takes 5-6 weeks for the gear to kick in for me from experience. Since anadrol is a high dose i'd rather not tax my liver longer than necessary, hence the frontload, giving me the most bang for my buck in terms of size and time.

    - As for ur nolvadex comment, maybe u should look on steroids .com for some cycles where u will clearly see nolva throughout up to 18 weeks even on some cycles.

    Sounds to me, even though ur profile says u have extensive cycle experience, ur the one that needs to do some research . Appreciate the try tho. Def cycle needs to be tweaked in terms of pct, something u didnt mention, however.
    Last edited by Schwarzenegger; 05-08-2012 at 01:26 AM.

  11. #11
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Well excuse us for not being able to understand trash you wrote down.Most people will write test 000mgs week.Not that junk you got up there.Well with that said you have did some pretty heavy cycles and at 6'1 you are still under 200lbs.This tells me your diet is off and you need to learn how to eat properly.So I would suggest you hit the diet section post your diet they will help.And your pct sucks!

  12. #12
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    190 and abs is better than 230 and a gut in my opinion

    but thanks for the pct tip, any recommendations or...
    Last edited by Schwarzenegger; 05-08-2012 at 05:31 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger View Post
    190 and abs is better than 230 and a gut in my opinion

    but thanks for the pct tip, any recommendations or...
    running over 400mg of deca , you wont have abs , running letro or nova in a cycle with drol you wont see yoru abs.

    if u want abs, just stack dnp with ephedrine and u will be jacked bra

  14. #14
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    running over 400mg of deca , you wont have abs , running letro or nova in a cycle with drol you wont see yoru abs.

    if u want abs, just stack dnp with ephedrine and u will be jacked bra
    This may be the worst crap I ever read. Please do not try and give advice anymore.

  15. #15
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramli View Post
    Deca Best run lower then test
    Run anadrol at first weel till six week
    Run test longer than deca
    Wtf is wrong with you people? Why should he run the harshest oral for 6 weeks? Deca doesn't have to be run lower than test although 800mg is too high.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Wtf is wrong with you people? Why should he run the harshest oral for 6 weeks? Deca doesn't have to be run lower than test although 800mg is too high.
    finally someone with some sense

  17. #17
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger View Post
    ...........- As for ur nolvadex comment, maybe u should look on for some cycles where u will clearly see nolva throughout up to 18 weeks even on some cycles.

    Sounds to me, even though ur profile says u have extensive cycle experience, ur the one that needs to do some research . Appreciate the try tho. Def cycle needs to be tweaked in terms of pct, something u didnt mention, however.
    just curious...what did "they" say about your proposed cycle on steroids .com? or did you simply not like the advice given there too?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    just curious...what did "they" say about your proposed cycle on or did you simply not like the advice given there too?
    steroid .com is a website not a forum,,, (my bad, added in the s to steroid before)

    Its not bout liking or not liking any advice. Its about the validity of it. The advice on this page save for a few comments is not really viable to a person that's done even a little bit of research and not shootin in their own opinions. I can shoot opinions that are wrong and still call it advice. hankdiesel is the only one that makes sense, and BBrian only was right about the PCT. That's confirmed by the search function at the top from other posts as well as the articles written by members. You Got any tips or just passin thru...?

    glad to see to this forum hasnt changed much over the years in terms of everyone thinkin they know everything
    Last edited by Schwarzenegger; 05-08-2012 at 11:55 AM.

  19. #19
    cb714's Avatar
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    Bro, taking Nolva on cycle doesn't do anything to control your estrogen levels. All it does it block estrogen from binding to receptors, particularly in the nipple region, it's still floating around in your blood though which will cause other sides. You want to take an AI to keep your estrogen down. Some people like arimidex but I prefer aromasin . Works great for me, just personal preference I guess. Also, aromasin (exemestane) has been shown to have positive effects on lipids.

    As far as deca , I'd drop it down to 500-600 instead of 800.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post
    Bro, taking Nolva on cycle doesn't do anything to control your estrogen levels. All it does it block estrogen from binding to receptors, particularly in the nipple region, it's still floating around in your blood though which will cause other sides. You want to take an AI to keep your estrogen down. Some people like arimidex but I prefer aromasin . Works great for me, just personal preference I guess. Also, aromasin (exemestane) has been shown to have positive effects on lipids.

    As far as deca, I'd drop it down to 500-600 instead of 800.
    ya i know nolva only works on estrogen receptors, im doin it so no gyno problems,, aromasin is a good point
    deca is at 400 throughout cycle,,, frontload is 800

    i used letro wayback and i couldnt get it up and had headaches, so hesitant with AI but letro was more potent than aromasin. so ya i just might switch up the nolva for aromasin, good lookin out
    Last edited by Schwarzenegger; 05-08-2012 at 01:22 PM.

  21. #21
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    Dude, letro is a bitch even at super low doses. I avoid it at all costs although I have a bottle sitting at home just in case. You're right in the fact that nolva will prevent gyno but so will aromasin . The + about aromasin is that it seriously reduces the total amount of estrogen in your body compared to nolvadex that doesnt. Go with aromasin, you wont be disappointed.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post
    Dude, letro is a bitch even at super low doses. I avoid it at all costs although I have a bottle sitting at home just in case. You're right in the fact that nolva will prevent gyno but so will aromasin. The + about aromasin is that it seriously reduces the total amount of estrogen in your body compared to nolvadex that doesnt. Go with aromasin, you wont be disappointed.
    wut dosage aromasin , cuz ive never used it before?

    arimidex would work the same too with the effects right?

    I got arimidex, so 0.5 or 0.25mg/day?
    Last edited by Schwarzenegger; 05-08-2012 at 01:27 PM.

  23. #23
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    If your running adex then i'd start at .25 ed to begin mate and up it if needed, if your going with aromasin then 12.5mgs ed to begin with.....

    I have to say i always like to run nolva when using tren /deca , it just helps eliminate any possibilities of gyno...

    Btw Hank is correct, theres some shity advice being parroted here.....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  24. #24
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    I'm sorry, but you hardly have any idea what you're talking about. And by the way, the steroid .com information is terribly outdated, as is your understanding of how the compounds you're taking work.

  25. #25
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger View Post
    steroid .com is a website not a forum,,, (my bad, added in the s to steroid before)

    Its not bout liking or not liking any advice. Its about the validity of it. The advice on this page save for a few comments is not really viable to a person that's done even a little bit of research and not shootin in their own opinions. I can shoot opinions that are wrong and still call it advice. hankdiesel is the only one that makes sense, and BBrian only was right about the PCT. That's confirmed by the search function at the top from other posts as well as the articles written by members. You Got any tips or just passin thru...?

    glad to see to this forum hasnt changed much over the years in terms of everyone thinkin they know everything
    im here to learn like most folks. but it just seemed to me like you were acting a bit arrogant when BBrian offered some helpful advice. so i guess if this site hasn't changed much in term of folks knowing everything, i think you'll fit in nicely. and here's a tip, perhaps you could be a little more appreciative towards members who are trying to steer you in a positive direction. im sure BBRians advice was well intentioned as i have never seen him dole out any dangerous or irresponsible advice.

    not looking to fight with you...just my .02

  26. #26
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger

    ya i know nolva only works on estrogen receptors, im doin it so no gyno problems,, aromasin is a good point
    deca is at 400 throughout cycle,,, frontload is 800

    i used letro wayback and i couldnt get it up and had headaches, so hesitant with AI but letro was more potent than aromasin. so ya i just might switch up the nolva for aromasin, good lookin out
    Read swifto sticky at top of Q&A

    Alot of the info in the profiles is outdated hence why people like swifto and other staff take the time to research and post the up to date info

  27. #27
    gonebluffn is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    I really think that you need to drop the deca down from 800mg. This is not an appropriate compound to frontload with, and you shouldn't be matching the test/deca dose. You need to be doing no more than 600mg of deca in this cycle. In fact frontloading with deca and/or cypionate is absolutely, 100% pointless. Frontloading is done with a short ester, which neither test cyp nor deca is. However, Anadrol takes care of every aspect of frontloading necessary. Have you ever taken it before? If not, you do not want to start with 75mg per day, trust me.

    Also, I don't know what 6 year old manual you read, but you don't want to take Nolvadex during the cycle either. This should be set aside and taken with your Clomid in order to form a proper PCT. What you need, ESPECIALLY with the three compounds you're taking, is an AI, and plenty of it. I just finished a very similar cycle, and Arimidex was an absolute must.

    Don't worry about the comment above about stopping deca before test. The cyp and decanoate esters are close enough to not to have to worry about this. What you do need to ensure is that you give yourself enough time after your final injections to begin PCT, as you are using very long esters here to the very end...something I do not prefer, unless you have some HCG to blast while you wait.

    In summary, you need to drop the deca dose, forget about frontloading doses with the oils, and change Nolvadex to Arimidex or Aromasin, saving the Nolva for PCT w/ Clomid. This cycle needs a lot of adjusting.

    ^^^ This is good sound advice.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger View Post
    190 and abs is better than 230 and a gut in my opinion

    but thanks for the pct tip, any recommendations or...
    And the body of a long distance runner doing bulk cycles with cutter results.NO MASS

  29. #29
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    fat short midgets r better cuz they can push more? lol

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    This may be the worst crap I ever read. Please do not try and give advice anymore.
    right cause running 800mg a week deca doesnt make you bloat up and hold water like a damn. im horrible for telling teh truth.

    the guy said he doesnt want bulk,

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    right cause running 800mg a week deca doesnt make you bloat up and hold water like a damn. im horrible for telling teh truth.

    the guy said he doesnt want bulk,
    read original post

    deca dosage of cycle is 400mg/week

    Frontload is 800

    Its a bulk cycle, didnt say anything bout not being bulk cycle. I said i have abs now, was talking bout the other poster at 230, so there was a misinterpretation.
    Last edited by Schwarzenegger; 05-09-2012 at 04:14 AM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    And the body of a long distance runner doing bulk cycles with cutter results.NO MASS
    long distance runners actually have a weight of 155lbs or less with an average of 145-ish lbs

    Although not alot, I squat 365lbs for 5reps, clean 90 degrees.
    Dont know many long distance runners squatting that.

    less than 8% bf with a six pack at 190lbs for 6'1"

    I aint no frank zane and although I'm taller, he won mr olympia at 185lbs at 5'9"

    If i was 160-170lbs id understand ur point but

    If i was At 210lbs with 20% bf as opposed to 190lbs and 8%bf would that make u feel better? no need to hate man
    Last edited by Schwarzenegger; 05-09-2012 at 04:59 AM.

  33. #33
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    This may be the worst crap I ever read. Please do not try and give advice anymore.
    agreed man wtf?...

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    I really think that you need to drop the deca down from 800mg. This is not an appropriate compound to frontload with, and you shouldn't be matching the test/deca dose. You need to be doing no more than 600mg of deca in this cycle. In fact frontloading with deca and/or cypionate is absolutely, 100% pointless. Frontloading is done with a short ester, which neither test cyp nor deca is. However, Anadrol takes care of every aspect of frontloading necessary. Have you ever taken it before? If not, you do not want to start with 75mg per day, trust me.

    Also, I don't know what 6 year old manual you read, but you don't want to take Nolvadex during the cycle either. This should be set aside and taken with your Clomid in order to form a proper PCT. What you need, ESPECIALLY with the three compounds you're taking, is an AI, and plenty of it. I just finished a very similar cycle, and Arimidex was an absolute must.

    Don't worry about the comment above about stopping deca before test. The cyp and decanoate esters are close enough to not to have to worry about this. What you do need to ensure is that you give yourself enough time after your final injections to begin PCT, as you are using very long esters here to the very end...something I do not prefer, unless you have some HCG to blast while you wait.

    In summary, you need to drop the deca dose, forget about frontloading doses with the oils, and change Nolvadex to Arimidex or Aromasin, saving the Nolva for PCT w/ Clomid. This cycle needs a lot of adjusting.
    although i agree with some of what you said i just wanted to inform you of a few things...frontloading is done with long esters with the goal being to bring up your levels of the compound quicker in theory(i dont care for this personaly and dont find it to kick in any quicker imho/experiance)...the use of short esters and or orals is whats called a "kickstart" to a cycle....i know its petty crap but just wanted to educate you for your future postings as you seem to have a decent grasp of aas....running nolva on cycle to fight/prevent gyno is common practice and is ok...other than that carry on bro...

  35. #35
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    are you guys caveman? running deca and drol, hes gonna lose his abs in bloat. IT HAPPENDS, and running letro with drol is not a good idea. this dude wants to be jacked for summer so he should just get on DNP .

  36. #36
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    another " i wanna be lean to pull bitches but i wanna put on 14kgs lean muscle mass so im using steroids the wonder drug" ... err duh whats maintenance or macros mean?

    why is he runing deca ? does he know what deca does??

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    I'm sorry, but you hardly have any idea what you're talking about. And by the way, the information is terribly outdated, as is your understanding of how the compounds you're taking work.

  38. #38
    songdog's Avatar
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    I think you would do better with prop NPP and maybe Var.Less bloat and not so rough on your liver.You will get more quality gains.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    are you guys caveman? running deca and drol, hes gonna lose his abs in bloat. IT HAPPENDS, and running letro with drol is not a good idea. this dude wants to be jacked for summer so he should just get on DNP.
    DNP is dangerous and toxic shit bro why would you recomend this to a newbie...there are so many better options then poison bro...does dnp work, yes if you know how to use it...but its not worth it in my opinion...the op would be better of learning how to diet and train for his goals rather than look for a magic pill do do it for him...

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    DNP is dangerous and toxic shit bro why would you recomend this to a newbie...there are so many better options then poison bro...does dnp work, yes if you know how to use it...but its not worth it in my opinion...the op would be better of learning how to diet and train for his goals rather than look for a magic pill do do it for him...
    ill agree with this,

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