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  1. #1
    Blaz Kavlic's Avatar
    Blaz Kavlic is offline Associate Member
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    Frontloading for 2nd cycle

    31 yrs
    1 cycle so far 10 weeks test e @ 400mg per week.

    I'm approaching the half way mark of PCT for my first cycle of test e @ 400mg per week and have had some good gains and euphoric gym sessions while on. I wouldnt have minded a bit more (who wouldnt??), but i've decided i'm not yet ready to try new compounds. I'm keen to do the tren /prop cycle but i'm going to wait until I have more experience. I know my system handles test e well so i've decided for my second cycle later in the year i'm going to keep it simple again but up the dose to 600mg per week for 12 weeks.

    One of the downers of my first cycle was the time it took the effects of the test to show. For me it was around 6 weeks before I really knew I was on.

    To speed things up and to use all the gear I have, i'm planning to frontload my next cycle and am wondering what some of the more experienced guys would recommend? Is the first 2 weeks @ 1000mg or 1200 mg per week a good plan, or 4 weeks @ 1000/1200mg per week? Bear in mind this will only be my 2nd cycle so I dont want to go too loco with it but just to get the ball rolling from the get go.


  2. #2
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Can you get Prop or oral kicker?

  3. #3
    Blaz Kavlic's Avatar
    Blaz Kavlic is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    Can you get Prop or oral kicker?
    Hey bro, prop shouldnt be a prob. You reckon I should run prop over E so I dont have to wait as long? Not too sure about orals.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Yeah just front load with prop or run an oral.

  5. #5
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    to explain what the above posters are saying is run the prop at the same time as the test e so while you are waiting for the test e to kick in you should already start feeling the effects of the prop within first 1- 2 do this rather than frontloading test e or as others have suggested just run d-bol or anadrol as a kickstart as you will feel those effects within the first week or so...

  6. #6
    Blaz Kavlic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    to explain what the above posters are saying is run the prop at the same time as the test e so while you are waiting for the test e to kick in you should already start feeling the effects of the prop within first 1- 2 do this rather than frontloading test e or as others have suggested just run d-bol or anadrol as a kickstart as you will feel those effects within the first week or so...
    Cheers Ghetto. In doing this though, will there be any negative impacts on blood levels when transitioning from EOD injections of two tests and to twice weekly injections of test E only?

  7. #7
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    no, but make shure you understand what im would start both compounds on the same week, test e injected 2x per week at whatever dose you prefer say monday and thursday and also inject your prop say sunday,tue,thurs,sat and continue on eod for 4-5 then the test e should be at peek levels and you can drop the prop and continue your cycle of test e for as long as you planned...

  8. #8
    Blaz Kavlic's Avatar
    Blaz Kavlic is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    no, but make shure you understand what im would start both compounds on the same week, test e injected 2x per week at whatever dose you prefer say monday and thursday and also inject your prop say sunday,tue,thurs,sat and continue on eod for 4-5 then the test e should be at peek levels and you can drop the prop and continue your cycle of test e for as long as you planned...
    I like the sound of that. It'll be a lot of pinning in the first 4-5 weeks but I can deal with that. Thanks for the input.


  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I agree w/the prop frontload. I think you'll like it.

  10. #10
    Blergs's Avatar
    Blergs is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaz Kavlic View Post
    31 yrs
    1 cycle so far 10 weeks test e @ 400mg per week.

    I'm approaching the half way mark of PCT for my first cycle of test e @ 400mg per week and have had some good gains and euphoric gym sessions while on. I wouldnt have minded a bit more (who wouldnt??), but i've decided i'm not yet ready to try new compounds. I'm keen to do the tren /prop cycle but i'm going to wait until I have more experience. I know my system handles test e well so i've decided for my second cycle later in the year i'm going to keep it simple again but up the dose to 600mg per week for 12 weeks.

    One of the downers of my first cycle was the time it took the effects of the test to show. For me it was around 6 weeks before I really knew I was on.

    To speed things up and to use all the gear I have, i'm planning to frontload my next cycle and am wondering what some of the more experienced guys would recommend? Is the first 2 weeks @ 1000mg or 1200 mg per week a good plan, or 4 weeks @ 1000/1200mg per week? Bear in mind this will only be my 2nd cycle so I dont want to go too loco with it but just to get the ball rolling from the get go.

    Dont bother with front loading you hit peek per dose after 2-3 days for teste or cyp, then it tapers off. it just needs time to notice the work its doing from day 2-3 anyway.
    all you will do is waste gear and add to sides.
    also 10wks is not worth it in my op.
    go 500mg ew for 14 weeks.
    good luck

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