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  1. #81
    UsKidsKnow's Avatar
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    Sorry to bother you with another question. My "source" said he cannot get any Nolva but instead has Aromasin . Would that be adequate to use in combination with Clomid as a PCT, and if so at what dosage do you recommend I run it, and for how long?


  2. #82
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Oh, well, this is why we advice members to make sure they have purchased their PCT compounds BEFORE they start their cycles.

    A solid PCT protocol requires both Nolvadex and Clomid.

    Aromasin is an AI that should be rather used during the cycle, not after.

    Click on the ar-r link above, which happens to be a completely legitimate company with stuff that works and has everything you need. Find ''Tamoxifen '' on the website and make your purchase, as you won't need to further discuss this with your source.

    You really need Nolvadex for PCT, buddy.

  3. #83
    trainhard82 is offline Junior Member
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    Ok I am back. Was away for a week. Cycle is officially over as the 10ml of Sust I had is gone. Wish i had purchased 20ml now and ran a full 12 week cycle but oh well lesson learned. Even though i was only running 300-400ml a week I did see some decent strength gains and gained about 10lbs on the scale over the past 7 weeks.

    Question now on PCT as i have seen conflicting advice. I have Nolva which i plan on running 20/20/20/20 4 weeks after my cycle is over. The 20 is ED correct? Also, with such a light cycle i wasnt planning on running Clomid. I am also assuming now that the cycle is over i can stop with the EOD Liquidex correct?

  4. #84
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trainhard82 View Post
    Question now on PCT as i have seen conflicting advice. I have Nolva which i plan on running 20/20/20/20 4 weeks after my cycle is over. The 20 is ED correct? Also, with such a light cycle i wasnt planning on running Clomid. I am also assuming now that the cycle is over i can stop with the EOD Liquidex correct?
    Some users recover fine from light cycles just using Nolvadex , but remember that we are not all the same.

    If you decide to go with Nolvadex only PCT, then my recommendation would be running it for 6 weeks instead of 4, and your beginning dose should be higher. 40/20/20/20/20/20 ED is a protocol that I have done in the past for Test Prop only burst cycles and I recovered just fine according to BW results.

    If you decide to take no chances and go with both Nolvadex and Clomid, then running Nolvadex 40/20/20/20 ED and Clomid 50/50/50/50 ED will do a fine job.

    Your PCT starts 18 days after your last Sustanon injection and I recommend you continue to run your Liquidex at 0.25mg EOD up until PCT, as there are benefits to doing so.

  5. #85
    trainhard82 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Some users recover fine from light cycles just using Nolvadex , but remember that we are not all the same.

    If you decide to go with Nolvadex only PCT, then my recommendation would be running it for 6 weeks instead of 4, and your beginning dose should be higher. 40/20/20/20/20/20 ED is a protocol that I have done in the past for Test Prop only burst cycles and I recovered just fine according to BW results.

    If you decide to take no chances and go with both Nolvadex and Clomid, then running Nolvadex 40/20/20/20 ED and Clomid 50/50/50/50 ED will do a fine job.

    Your PCT starts 18 days after your last Sustanon injection and I recommend you continue to run your Liquidex at 0.25mg EOD up until PCT, as there are benefits to doing so.
    Thanks for the quick advice as always! 18 days after my last pin would be the 24th so i will continue on the Liquidex EOD until then to be safe. I will go with the Nolva only 40/20/20/20/20 ED you recommended. I am also going to focus on adding in cardio and a better diet to get BF% down before my next cycle. Any recommendations on a future cycle? Also you mention BW. Is this something you normally do? I take it just ask the doctor before and after to see test levels?

  6. #86
    trainhard82 is offline Junior Member
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    Nolva will start today 40/20/20/20/20 over 5 weeks. Though the cycle was light i did make some decent strength gains so i am curious to see whether or not those decrease. Also no sides that i know of so far which is nice!

  7. #87
    Stosh_112's Avatar
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    Good luck bro. My sust is startin to kick in now. goin on wk 3

  8. #88
    trainhard82 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stosh_112 View Post
    Good luck bro. My sust is startin to kick in now. goin on wk 3
    nice man! how has the pinning and everything been? what dosage are you pinning?

  9. #89
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trainhard82 View Post
    Thanks for the quick advice as always! 18 days after my last pin would be the 24th so i will continue on the Liquidex EOD until then to be safe. I will go with the Nolva only 40/20/20/20/20 ED you recommended. I am also going to focus on adding in cardio and a better diet to get BF% down before my next cycle. Any recommendations on a future cycle? Also you mention BW. Is this something you normally do? I take it just ask the doctor before and after to see test levels?
    1. Do NOT make the mistake of cutting during PCT. Do your best to follow the right nutritional regimen that will help you to hold on to your lean tissue with very little memory and maturity on the cellular level, as it is very easy to loose your gains by following the wrong nutritional regimen throughout PCT.

    2. We've all witnessed how you struggled with Sustanon throughout your cycle, virgin muscles and 250mg injections did not do well together. I am confident this would not be the case for a future cycle, at least not as drastic of a case, but you may want to experiment with a different compound this time, a faster acting compound such as Test Prop for 8 weeks may deliver very good results. You would have to try in order be able to know.

    3. There is no point in getting BW for at least a month after your PCT is over. You have to make sure full hormonal recovery has been successfully achieved before you start another cycle. I get my BW done 1 month after PCT, then another one in 2 months and another one in 3 months to see the progress. Whether full restoration of natural hormones are achieved and how long will this take will completely depend on the individual as there are far too many variables to determine this process. A proper BW will show you everything you need to know between your test/e levels, their ratios, cholesterol levels, liver enzymes and so forth.

  10. #90
    Stosh_112's Avatar
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    Been pinning in the glutes, no pain at all. 250mg E3D. Still not feeling the full effect yet but this week should be the week it kicks in fully (hopefully). How long did it take for you to feel it?

  11. #91
    trainhard82 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    1. Do NOT make the mistake of cutting during PCT. Do your best to follow the right nutritional regimen that will help you to hold on to your lean tissue with very little memory and maturity on the cellular level, as it is very easy to loose your gains by following the wrong nutritional regimen throughout PCT.

    2. We've all witnessed how you struggled with Sustanon throughout your cycle, virgin muscles and 250mg injections did not do well together. I am confident this would not be the case for a future cycle, at least not as drastic of a case, but you may want to experiment with a different compound this time, a faster acting compound such as Test Prop for 8 weeks may deliver very good results. You would have to try in order be able to know.

    3. There is no point in getting BW for at least a month after your PCT is over. You have to make sure full hormonal recovery has been successfully achieved before you start another cycle. I get my BW done 1 month after PCT, then another one in 2 months and another one in 3 months to see the progress. Whether full restoration of natural hormones are achieved and how long will this take will completely depend on the individual as there are far too many variables to determine this process. A proper BW will show you everything you need to know between your test/e levels, their ratios, cholesterol levels, liver enzymes and so forth.
    1. I may have misled on the whole "cutting" part. When i was on cycle i was eating about a 300carb/300protein split and not really focusing on eating clean either. Now i am more focused on eating clean and have cut the macros to 150carbs/350protein. I have also changed when i am eating my starchy carbs and when i am eating fiborous carbs to make more sense with my lifestyle. I am thinking this will help aid in a decrease in BF% while still keeping strength gains. Only time will tell. I am by no means jumping into a major caloric deficit post cycle.

    2. I agree. I dont think my muscles liked the sustanon blend i had at all. I think Test C for say 500/week for 8-10 weeks would be a smart next cycle.

    3. In a couple months I will get the BW done. I have never had BW done before so I will see what my doctor has to say about the results and go from there. This will also aid in getting ready for the next cycle.

    Thanks for the input!

  12. #92
    trainhard82 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stosh_112;6053***
    Been pinning in the glutes, no pain at all. 250mg E3D. Still not feeling the full effect yet but this week should be the week it kicks in fully (hopefully). How long did it take for you to feel it?
    I was only doing around 400mg a week so it was less than what you are doing. I would say strength really picked up after week 4. I also added in a higher carb/protein diet than what i was normally eating pre-cycle so I am sure that assisted as well. The biggest thing i noticed was not only the strength gains but recovery was amazing. After every set i felt like i was ready to do another and another....

  13. #93
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trainhard82 View Post
    1. I may have misled on the whole "cutting" part. When i was on cycle i was eating about a 300carb/300protein split and not really focusing on eating clean either. Now i am more focused on eating clean and have cut the macros to 150carbs/350protein. I have also changed when i am eating my starchy carbs and when i am eating fiborous carbs to make more sense with my lifestyle. I am thinking this will help aid in a decrease in BF% while still keeping strength gains. Only time will tell. I am by no means jumping into a major caloric deficit post cycle.
    You clearly have no idea about how to diet during PCT.

    The fact that you haven't even mentioned FAT as a macro makes this even more obvious.

    You can eat as much fibrous carbs and chicken breasts as you want to keep a clean diet, but you need good fats and a lot of cholesterol to be able to hold on to your gains during PCT.

    Liver, shrimp, red meat, nuts, EVOO, dairy are amongst the things that you should be consuming throughout PCT and even after...

    ''Not jumping into a major caloric deficit post-cycle'' is not enough. You have to create a caloric surplus and say those extra 500 cals should primarily be from fat & cholesterol involving foods as listed above.

    Also, why would you consume 300gr of protein while on cycle and bump it up to 350gr while off cycle? That is indeed contradictory, and won't do anything for you.
    Last edited by Turkish Juicer; 06-25-2012 at 11:16 PM.

  14. #94
    trainhard82 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    You clearly have no idea about how to diet during PCT.

    The fact that you haven't even mentioned FAT as a macro makes this even more obvious.

    You can eat as much fibrous carbs and chicken breasts as you want to keep a clean diet, but you need good fats and a lot of cholesterol to be able to hold on to your gains during PCT.

    Liver, shrimp, red meat, nuts, EVOO, dairy are amongst the things that you should be consuming throughout PCT and even after...

    ''Not jumping into a major caloric deficit post-cycle'' is not enough. You have to create a caloric surplus and say those extra 500 cals should primarily be from fat & cholesterol involving foods as listed above.

    Also, why would you consume 300gr of protein while on cycle and bump it up to 350gr while off cycle? That is indeed contradictory, and won't do anything for you.
    You are correct with my lack of understanding on proper dieting when it comes to all this. This is the reason i am rethinking my current diet and looking to get into a better position before my next cycle. A lot of the advice i have gotten has been very valuable and I have learned a lot. I have been reading a lot in the nutrition forums and watched all the Milos Sarcev videos which is where I came up with my new plan. When it comes to fats I do eat a lot of almonds/peanut butter/oil throughout the day and usually average around 75-100g of fat a day in my macros. I also take Animal Omega as a supplement to get the other healthy fats from say fish and other things that I may miss in my daily diet. The only confusing part about the Milos Sarcev videos is all he cares about is protein. Pretty much he states that as long as you are getting in 1-2g of protein per lb of bodyweight you are good to go and that fats will come with the foods you eat and that carbs can just be eaten when you need the energy and obviously are needed most post-workout. Maybe I am missing something here...

  15. #95
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trainhard82 View Post
    The only confusing part about the Milos Sarcev videos is all he cares about is protein. Pretty much he states that as long as you are getting in 1-2g of protein per lb of bodyweight you are good to go and that fats will come with the foods you eat and that carbs can just be eaten when you need the energy and obviously are needed most post-workout. Maybe I am missing something here...
    Alright, let's talk about this.

    AAS vastly increases protein synthesis, hence not only spares muscles but also allows you to build more muscle beyond your natural capacity would allow. Thus, it makes sense to increase your daily protein intake while on a cycle, but once the cycle is over, the amount of protein your liver is capable of naturally synthesize at the end of the day is exactly how much protein will be utilized for anabolic purposes. This is exactly why it doesn't make sense to consume 300gr of protein ED while on a cycle and 350gr once the cycle is over. It is a wasteful practice, from every aspect.

    Miloš Šarčev is a pro BB with an incredible physique, I won't disrespect him here but he is no nutritionist either. It is typical of a juice monster to put that much emphasis on protein alone, considering that him and his alike are on multiple anabolic compounds at very generous doses throughout the year, allowing for maximum protein synthesis, repairing of muscle tissue, hence allowing for continual growth throughout their careers. This is not the case for a natural, and you become a natural when you are off cycle, a natural who is now in a much more vulnerable state regarding the low levels of natural hormones during PCT and even after, suppressed by prior AAS use. Thus, nutrition becomes a much more valuable realm because it is mostly what you have got besides PCT compounds. For instance, EVOO is known to help cholesterol be converted to testosterone and hence increases your test levels. Do you think this piece of nutritional info would matter all that much to a juice monster who is on AAS, HGH, IGF-1, Insulin and etc. ALL THE TIME? Their natural test is shut down at any rate, and the amount of chemically enhanced free test circulating in their systems are more you and I can possibly imagine, making daily protein consumption the most important nutritional factor...

  16. #96
    trainhard82 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Alright, let's talk about this.

    AAS vastly increases protein synthesis, hence not only spares muscles but also allows you to build more muscle beyond your natural capacity would allow. Thus, it makes sense to increase your daily protein intake while on a cycle, but once the cycle is over, the amount of protein your liver is capable of naturally synthesize at the end of the day is exactly how much protein will be utilized for anabolic purposes. This is exactly why it doesn't make sense to consume 300gr of protein ED while on a cycle and 350gr once the cycle is over. It is a wasteful practice, from every aspect.

    Miloš Šarčev is a pro BB with an incredible physique, I won't disrespect him here but he is no nutritionist either. It is typical of a juice monster to put that much emphasis on protein alone, considering that him and his alike are on multiple anabolic compounds at very generous doses throughout the year, allowing for maximum protein synthesis, repairing of muscle tissue, hence allowing for continual growth throughout their careers. This is not the case for a natural, and you become a natural when you are off cycle, a natural who is now in a much more vulnerable state regarding the low levels of natural hormones during PCT and even after, suppressed by prior AAS use. Thus, nutrition becomes a much more valuable realm because it is mostly what you have got besides PCT compounds. For instance, EVOO is known to help cholesterol be converted to testosterone and hence increases your test levels. Do you think this piece of nutritional info would matter all that much to a juice monster who is on AAS, HGH, IGF-1, Insulin and etc. ALL THE TIME? Their natural test is shut down at any rate, and the amount of chemically enhanced free test circulating in their systems are more you and I can possibly imagine, making daily protein consumption the most important nutritional factor...
    You cleared up something i was concerened about. I have a lot of buddies as well that are "juice monsters" and their diets make no sense to me yet they are huge and ripped. Obviously this is largly due to the benefits from the AAS. So i guess here is my question then seeing as how you seem very experienced in all this. From a "natural" perspective what would be the proper nutrition regimen to follow to lower BF%. This is my new goal through everything thing i have learned. I understand about taking your daily maintenance calories and as along as you stick with those you stay the same and if you increase you gain weight and if you go into a deficit you lose weight but that doesnt dive deep into macro requirements. Ex: I could eat just chicken all day and meet my caloric requirements for the day but it would be all protein and no carbs. Or i could do the opposite and eat just bread all day. I know every persons body is different but I am really looking to get into a nutritional regimen that makes sense and isnt just based on what an article in Muscle and Fitness magazine said or what someone who has been on AAS for 5 years recommends. Based on the calculations i have recently done my TDEE is around 3500. I have been eating around 2500-3000 calories this month per day with roughly a 60%protein/30%carbs/10%fat split.

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