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Thread: cycle advice

  1. #1
    fanof's Avatar
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    cycle advice

    am not ready for aas... but planning for the fufture

    i will be legable for random testing in in rowing season so short esters are probably best

    i would only have about 8 weeks to run it (for other complicated reasons)

    my goals are maximum recovery, fat loss, muscle gain (less worried about how much, but more worried about quality and keepability of gains)

    i will be doing an intense cardion session each day (rowing +- 1h 15min) and an intense gym session (probably will restrict it to 1hour or so, so i dont over train)
    also my routine will probably have to be different from the traditional 5 day split vibe, coz i wont be able to row hard if my legs or upper back or shoulders or whatever are still sore from the day before, so iwas thinking alternating between pushing and pulling days or something along he lines of that

    my diet will be low-medium carbs, with high protein and fat

    i am very sensitive to estrogen (still have pubertal gyno and most of my fat is stored in my chest and my hips, my gyno even got sensitive from tribulus a couple years back)

    i am on a budget

    i was thinking 100mg test prop eod with letrozle, but am very worried about estro and rather not risk it, so i then started thinking about:
    test prop 75mg eod
    masteron /winstrol injectable 75mg eod
    (maybe even lower test and higher dht like, 50mg:100mg)
    im not terrible worried about the whole "just see how your body reacts to plain old test" thing
    also would eod injections get in the way of rowing and gym because of soreness

    pct:was planning on nolvadex
    would hcg be neccessary for an 8 weeker and how much would it help keep gains (remember im on a budget)
    also what doses,for how long

    thanks for reading this loooong post, any advice or opinion on my cycle, diet and training would be hugely appreciated

    thanks guys

  2. #2
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  4. #4
    fanof's Avatar
    fanof is offline Junior Member
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    any reason why no one wants to reply.. is this in the wrong section or something, or did i ask something dumb or what lol

  5. #5
    Flacco's Avatar
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    People prolly want to know your stats, and if you're rowing in College, and you're under 25, you'll probably just get advice to wait bc you can have some serious permanent repracutions with your hormones.

  6. #6
    fanof's Avatar
    fanof is offline Junior Member
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    row for a club not college
    27years old
    training for 6 years (but spend 1/3 of each year with minimal weights training and tons of cardio for rowing)
    been on bodybuilding specific diet for about 5 years
    88kgs (would be heavier but loose about 5-10 kgs during rowing season every year unfortunately)
    bench 105kg
    squat 145kg
    dead approx 170kg (havent done max in a while but my most recent was 165kg so just guesstimating)
    clean and jerk 80kg for 12 reps
    body fat is 9% in season rowing

  7. #7
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fanof View Post

    my goals are maximum recovery, fat loss, muscle gain (less worried about how much, but more worried about quality and keepability of gains)
    If I were you... I would just go with some test prop. Maybe 300-400 mgs a week. You'll be amazed at what that'll do alone. Use the money you would spend on the othe compounds and get clomid, nolvadex , and hcg . Like you said, keeping gains is your goal obviously, so its worth it to spend the money on a proper PCT rather than do it half assed. Masteron and winny are unessesary for your first go but proper PCT is. Spend a little on some injectable B12 to mix your propionate shots with and you won't have to worry about soreness.

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