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  1. #41
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuds View Post
    he does not need to get help becuase he is very smart and he fooled most of the people here (some were smart enough to see through his BS)

    Please post your own picture or videos squatting / pressing or anything for that matter....even one with your 255 lb frame would be can crop / edit any part just make sure u r holding today's paper.....

    Liar Liar......Elite powerlifter...*hmmmph* yeah right
    hmm epic first post. What prev banned member will you turn out to be
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  2. #42
    chuds is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    hmm epic first post. What prev banned member will you turn out to be

    Thank you for the "epic" comment

    Fresh member...not banned previously coz i joined a couple of weeks back....came to this forum from ************....used to visit there regularly 2-3 years back but now when i went there it was all has become a marketplace for one of my friends recommended this site... So far so good

  3. #43
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ok..your an over achiever, and you're addicted to getting laid. I kinda get the first part...and definetly the second part. Being an over achiever can get you stuff in life but my parents were over achievers and never really happy cuz they never learned to appreciate being happy with the simple each other.

    Anyway, I'm also 30...after some deep discussions and menditations with myself...i decided that with my bad luck, my frequency of injury and my lifestyle of not sleeping enough, (work schedule 3 jobs), resting enough, and getting sick often(no i dont have AIDS!) that cycles being interupped by injuries and sickness were not worth it, and stopping and starting would be a PCT nightmare. Also, i have one life to live, i could die tom'w, and I think it's stupid that i have to wait a month or two for my sexuality to come back full gear after each cycle, when the whole point of me getting results is primarily for sex(you can relate)
    Some facctors are just not in my control. Ideally, you should live right, rest right, and cycle a certain way..but if it's not an option it's not an i had to decide what i wanted for myself. So..i decided i'd opt for TRT and if i had to start and stop a cycle for any reason, PCT would not be an issue. I also would never have dick problems. got very tempting to stay on longer....way longer because i never have to PCT. So...i myself have been on no less than 400mg of test for the last 9 months, also adding in other compounds for several weeks at a time. It's pretty much been one big cutter, and it's still been hard as hell to cut. I found out i have also frequently low GH levels which may be making hard to cut. So i kept staying on. My last 3 blood tests showed a crappy LDL level, which i pretty much expected...but this has to stop now. mY Triglycerides are low, HDL was in the low normal, but normal, however my normal is normally not really normal.(except when on the winnie cycle then it was really shiit), CRP was mid range, but my normal is low range(winnie had it 3 TIMES the normal HIGH range). VLDL are low normal, homocycstein is low. But that LDL was almost twice the high normal, not good man. And that's with impecable diet, no cheats, 6 days a week of cardio, vitamins and fish oils. They CAN affect your heart the way im doing it and the way your planning to do it. Look at Steve Michalik. I think steve really abused tho, he took alot and never cam off, for TEN YEARS. Now i've been on for ten months, and not using probably what he did, but it's decision time for me. Im so close to where i wanna be and i have half a vial of primo left. As a stripper, getting laid has become alot easier now, and having womens accolades is quite addicting. But i dont respect any of those bitches who are married and touching my naked penis, so why am i gonna clog my arteries for them? So i have to reavaluate my usage, get my GH replaced or whatever, because i think that's why it's become so hard to cut. I also have empty cella syndrome which may effect GH.
    But anyway, whatch the cholesterol. And whatch your cortisol. Mines also on the high side as per my last test, so even tho i wanna chuck the bottle after looking at that last lipid panel, i may have to taper off to avoid mad catabolic wasting.
    I'm imblenenting more cardio specific vitamins at high dose
    pantethine 400mg/DAY
    REGULAR niacin 1500MG/DAY
    Vitamin E 1000 iu/day
    Red yeast rice

  4. #44
    The_locomotive is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aportinastorm View Post
    Lol not that this dosnt sound apealing but not really all that great for the self esteem actually if you think about it. shes an adult actress hence she will sleep with anyone and everyone for a living including a handicapped dwarf probably so her standards im sure are very low lol. no offense to you by anymeans but nailing someone who dosnt put out for a living probably would boost the self esteem a bit more. she is hot though so props. the blast and cruise may not be horrible for you in your dead set on going this routte but a good therapist you can talk you for a bit about the underlieing issues could seriously help you calm down a bit man.
    You misread my post. She is a model, only, not an actress. She only does solo stuff and nothing hardcore (she just poses). And she also has a very nice personality. I think I'm going to date this chick for a while.

  5. #45
    The_locomotive is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_locomotive View Post

    she is not elite nor would i be bragging about nailing her
    Well, different strokes for different folks I guess. The people bying magazines with her pics in them obviously think she's hot, so it's a matter of personal preferance. Personally I usually prefer platinum blonds (like the ones in your avatar). I had one tonight, actually. But I admit last night's conquest was average looking.

    I score about 15-20 girls a year now, but most of them are 5-7 on a scale of 1-10. But the more I learn about gaming girls, and the more fit I get, the better girls I get, so I'm just enjoying life and having fun.

  6. #46
    The_locomotive is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuds View Post
    he does not need to get help becuase he is very smart and he fooled most of the people here (some were smart enough to see through his BS)

    Please post your own picture or videos squatting / pressing or anything for that matter....even one with your 255 lb frame would be can crop / edit any part just make sure u r holding today's paper.....

    Liar Liar......Elite powerlifter...*hmmmph* yeah right
    As for being "elite" powerlifter I must clarify something. I don't know if you are into powerlifting, but they have a set of standards, like "bronze, silver, gold, elite" etc. It's like belts in martial arts, where "elite" is about the same as "black belt" I guess. So when I declare myself elite, it's not my subjective opinion of myself. Hell - I don't see myself as an elite athlete at all!! Our national federation seem to do, however. :P
    IMO they should set the standard higher.

    As for a pic - well, I admit that I HATE my body; but mainly because I'm too weak. Still, I guess I can post a pic to prove I'm no troll:

    1 year cycle - worst case scenario....I KNOW! But I feel sooooo good! :D-img_1327.jpg

    THis photo is a bit old though. I'm about 10 lbs heavier now, with slightly lower BF, I think (as you can see, I'm no body builder, so I don't measure my BF).

  7. #47
    The_locomotive is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post
    Ok..your an over achiever, and you're addicted to getting laid. I kinda get the first part...and definetly the second part. Being an over achiever can get you stuff in life but my parents were over achievers and never really happy cuz they never learned to appreciate being happy with the simple each other.
    I know, bro. Every now and then I do a "mental summary" and tell myself that I have a lot to be happy about. I was promoted to boss of my department in a mid-size firm at age 29, I might not be an elite athlete, but I do get laid like a rock star without putting much effort in it (even though the girls are mostly average looking, with some sweet exceptions), I have a lot of friends and a good family. Still I have that "demon" telling me that I'm "less than...". I have good days and bad days. When I started this thread I had a bad day...

    Still, we don't have this culture of therapists here in Europe that Americans have, so for us to seek therapy for something as "casual" as being an over-achiever is not common. I will admit that I have days when I want to inject 2 grams a week of everything and keep going until I find a nice coffin to take a nap in rather than to be a "loser". It has never gone this far, and I've never had any health issues due to steroids . But I am aware that I am tempted and might search for creative excuses to mess myself up. But I guess its a good thing that I post in forums like this and get a straight "no BS" kind of feedback. I've always responded well to tough love.

    Anyway, I'm also 30...after some deep discussions and menditations with myself...i decided that with my bad luck, my frequency of injury and my lifestyle of not sleeping enough, (work schedule 3 jobs), resting enough, and getting sick often(no i dont have AIDS!) that cycles being interupped by injuries and sickness were not worth it, and stopping and starting would be a PCT nightmare. Also, i have one life to live, i could die tom'w, and I think it's stupid that i have to wait a month or two for my sexuality to come back full gear after each cycle, when the whole point of me getting results is primarily for sex(you can relate)
    Some facctors are just not in my control. Ideally, you should live right, rest right, and cycle a certain way..but if it's not an option it's not an i had to decide what i wanted for myself. So..i decided i'd opt for TRT and if i had to start and stop a cycle for any reason, PCT would not be an issue. I also would never have dick problems. got very tempting to stay on longer....way longer because i never have to PCT. So...i myself have been on no less than 400mg of test for the last 9 months, also adding in other compounds for several weeks at a time. It's pretty much been one big cutter, and it's still been hard as hell to cut. I found out i have also frequently low GH levels which may be making hard to cut. So i kept staying on. My last 3 blood tests showed a crappy LDL level, which i pretty much expected...but this has to stop now. mY Triglycerides are low, HDL was in the low normal, but normal, however my normal is normally not really normal.(except when on the winnie cycle then it was really shiit), CRP was mid range, but my normal is low range(winnie had it 3 TIMES the normal HIGH range). VLDL are low normal, homocycstein is low. But that LDL was almost twice the high normal, not good man. And that's with impecable diet, no cheats, 6 days a week of cardio, vitamins and fish oils. They CAN affect your heart the way im doing it and the way your planning to do it. Look at Steve Michalik. I think steve really abused tho, he took alot and never cam off, for TEN YEARS. Now i've been on for ten months, and not using probably what he did, but it's decision time for me. Im so close to where i wanna be and i have half a vial of primo left. As a stripper, getting laid has become alot easier now, and having womens accolades is quite addicting. But i dont respect any of those bitches who are married and touching my naked penis, so why am i gonna clog my arteries for them? So i have to reavaluate my usage, get my GH replaced or whatever, because i think that's why it's become so hard to cut. I also have empty cella syndrome which may effect GH.
    But anyway, whatch the cholesterol. And whatch your cortisol. Mines also on the high side as per my last test, so even tho i wanna chuck the bottle after looking at that last lipid panel, i may have to taper off to avoid mad catabolic wasting.
    I'm imblenenting more cardio specific vitamins at high dose
    pantethine 400mg/DAY
    REGULAR niacin 1500MG/DAY
    Vitamin E 1000 iu/day
    Red yeast rice

    Yeah, my cholestrole is something I watch closely. After about 12 weeks it's usually pretty sub-optimal, but not too extreme. I told my results to a friend who is a physician (who doesn't know I juice). He told me not to worry at all - and he thought that this was how my cholesterole was 365 days a year (as he didn't know that it was a temporary thing due to roids).
    Still, I prefer not to have a heart attack.

    I take really big amounts of cod liver oils, and also large amounts of omega 3,6 etc. tabs, plus vitamins, and healthy foods (even though I might enjoy a pizza with a girlfriend on a Saturday night). I also do a lot of cardio.

    What I worry about is being permanently sterile and/or impotent.

  8. #48
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    well permanent impotence is rare...but if you ran a significant amount of 19-nors you could have some major shut down and a helluva time with PCT. may take a year or more to come back from a years cycle, then you have to wait a few or several months to jump back on again. Worse comes to worse you do TRT. We are a little young for it, but if its such a blessing for an older guy it's certainly not the worst curse for a younger, just a lil premature. It's not like there aren't guys born with low T who didnt have to start TRT early, it's not the worst thing. Also, some guys hate shots. I know some really BIG sissies who actually get other people to do their shots. I always liked shots..but maybe im weird. It's a personal decison, not for everybody. You gotta see how it goes and decide what kinda user you wanna be. Are you ready to pin yourself once or twice a week for the rest of your life within the next two years? Maybe you are. After 6 months reavaluate how you feel about injections all the time, and if that's something you are ready to take on for life. By 6 months shooting will either be an old hat...or a bother. You should have an idea by 6 months. A 6 monther you can recover from. Beyond that it's iffy. I mean technically you can recover from anything with enough time off...but it might mean spending two-three years smaller, feeling not so good, and unreliable erections. See how it feels at month 6, and dont make any emotional decisions...that's what women do. Of course...then again....EVERYTHING we do as humans IS an emotional decision. We ultimatly do things for ourselves because it makes us FEEL good. Even Charity. It's not a bad thing, but if you think about it, it's true.

  9. #49
    analovz's Avatar
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    I dont understand why some people feel the need to flame the guy because he wants to be on year round. I'm sure most of YOU will choose TRT at 40 if not earlier.

    OP you're a grown man. You seem to have accepted the pros and cons of being on year round. Blast and cruise all you want. Get blood work done often.

    By the age of 40 all of us would need TRT as test level drops, we lose our stamina and energy. I'm 23 now and i see myself on TRT/GH at 40 if not earlier!

  10. #50
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thor249 View Post
    This is exactly what is wrong with people these days.

    Why does he need a therapist? Because he's full of himself?

    Your a ****ing man so act like one, you don't need a therapist because you're a narcissist.

    Your reply is exactly what a woman would say, maybe you should go test your estro levels.

    Sorry don't really mean to flame but the definition of a "man" has been being disgraced over the past couple of years.
    I know i'm late to this, but that really doesn't matter. First - show some fvcking respect. We don't talk to members like that, let alone staff. You don't come on here with 73 posts blasting on staff who give their time to this board to make it what it is.

    Second - who the hell are you to define what a 'real man' is? You're 100% entitled to your opinion, but you can try expressing it with some degree of respect.

    You say you "don't really mean to flame", but the fact is, you did. If I were you, i'd tread lightly, or you won't be around for long.

  11. #51
    cb714's Avatar
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    I call BS on the entire OP. I smell a troll.

    But if it's not BS, at least be smart about it and blast and cruise.

  12. #52
    logen32 is offline Associate Member
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    This post is proof that some people stop mentally progressing past high school. You just seem to be stuck in this boyish fantasy of present hedonistic gratification. You may be at the top of the world right now but in some time a week will pass, two, maybe a month when u won't get any attention from any girl and you'll be back to thinking very low of yourself. It's just a really shallow way to go about life and it's sad to see there people out there like this.

    You sound confident and assertive with your words which is a strong atribute to have. Channel that into something more positive. Wheater a 16 year old kid wrote this or a 30 year old wrote this, it sounds exactly the same, immature. Lastly I could bet my left arm that if your 50s roles by and you find yourself on a death bed, you will be singing a different tune.

  13. #53
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    If he is no troll, he is this guy. . . . .

  14. #54
    christian123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte
    Have you considered seeing a therapist for these self-loathing issues?
    Best advice you could have gotten right here pal

  15. #55
    rvca's Avatar
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    I can't bench Anywhere near 500......and i'm still the fuc|<ing man

  16. #56
    carteblanche08865's Avatar
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    Hey everyone, I've been away from the boards for some time. I always get confused on these blast and cruise/trt threads.

    I've posted a few threads here on having borderline low test (naturally) since my 20's. I can totally understand wanting to be able to get laid and have SOME kind of drive lol. I look at girls now and don't even care.

    Now, I have a question and I apologize if it's been covered a million times, don't mean to hijack, I'll research more, etc etc yes.

    Does ANY amount of injectable test alter blood lipid levels? I've ordered some hcg for a self run monotherapy 6 weeker. If that doesn't work, I will most likely start looking into cyp. Now I'm not trying to jack the thread as it would pertain to the op's question. Would even a trt dose, 100-200 weekly alter cholesterol levels in the short/long term?

    Thanks guys!

  17. #57
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carteblanche08865 View Post
    Hey everyone, I've been away from the boards for some time. I always get confused on these blast and cruise/trt threads.

    I've posted a few threads here on having borderline low test (naturally) since my 20's. I can totally understand wanting to be able to get laid and have SOME kind of drive lol. I look at girls now and don't even care.

    Now, I have a question and I apologize if it's been covered a million times, don't mean to hijack, I'll research more, etc etc yes.

    Does ANY amount of injectable test alter blood lipid levels? I've ordered some hcg for a self run monotherapy 6 weeker. If that doesn't work, I will most likely start looking into cyp. Now I'm not trying to jack the thread as it would pertain to the op's question. Would even a trt dose, 100-200 weekly alter cholesterol levels in the short/long term?

    Thanks guys!
    Depends what the alternative is. A true hrt dose will only hurt your lipids a bit by shutting down your natural test production, test which is synthesized from cholesterol and saturated fat. So by eliminating natural test production, you directly increase cholesterol levels. But if you had low test to begin with, there won't be much difference. And normal estrogen and test levels themselves are beneficial to lipid and cardiovascular health.

  18. #58
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    Thanks very much, Bonaparte. I'm looking to try the hcg mono for sometime and if that's not helping then I'll look into other options. Would only be test, nothing else as my libido and mental well being is number one right now. I didn't think that just bringing my levels up to normal would be bad.

    Thanks again man

  19. #59
    The_locomotive is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post
    I call BS on the entire OP. I smell a troll.

    But if it's not BS, at least be smart about it and blast and cruise.
    I'm not a troll, just a lunatic.

    I've decided to take a short break (completely) from roids soon (going off roids for about 6-8 weeks). I'll use hcg , clomid, clen and HGH (if I can get my hands on some) and go back on for a six month cycle after that. During that six month cycle I'll take some HCG after about three months and a longer period off roids next summer.

  20. #60
    adamjames is offline Member
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    you say you dont mind dying at 50 but i bet you wont feel the same way when your 49

  21. #61
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    you say you dont mind dying at 50 but i bet you wont feel the same way when your 49
    Yeah, it's easy to say you want to die in 20 years. It's far enough away it doesn't seem like an issue. The OP needs some therapy, either to help him with his trolling issue or to help him get over the mental issues he's highlighted.

  22. #62
    Brickhouse is offline Junior Member
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    Just had a brief look through this thread.

    To the OP....... Be careful mate. I abused Steroids from 18 till 30.......I am now almost 38 and have to have TRT (Testosterone Repla***ent Therapy) for the rest of my life. I know how you feel though, being strong, looking good, lots of confidence is fantastic...... but come off the gear for a while and do a good PCT. Then put together a good clean diet followed by hard training.....Trust me on this one bud as at the age I am I cant even get an erection, feel very low, mind is in a blur.....This is all from low Test caused by me abusing Steroids years ago. Anabolic Steroids are safe only if used with care and moderation.

  23. #63
    The_locomotive is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brickhouse View Post
    Just had a brief look through this thread.

    To the OP....... Be careful mate. I abused Steroids from 18 till 30.......I am now almost 38 and have to have TRT (Testosterone Repla***ent Therapy) for the rest of my life. I know how you feel though, being strong, looking good, lots of confidence is fantastic...... but come off the gear for a while and do a good PCT. Then put together a good clean diet followed by hard training.....Trust me on this one bud as at the age I am I cant even get an erection, feel very low, mind is in a blur.....This is all from low Test caused by me abusing Steroids years ago. Anabolic Steroids are safe only if used with care and moderation.
    Yeah, I tend to get obsessed and stubborn when life doesn't go as I have planned.
    As I wrote earlier today, I think I'm going to take six-eight weeks off this summer (with a good pct) and check my blood leves in September. If my cholesterole and natural test levels are good, I'll hit the juice again. I might take some time off in De***ber, also.

  24. #64
    carteblanche08865's Avatar
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    Good advice

    I like the advice given here guys. In all honesty, how many people would come off after a year straight being on, especially at cycle levels. Throw in constant ass and attention and I bet even fewer. I hope you find what you want man.

  25. #65
    memongo is offline New Member
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    If you need to carry a blood pressure cuff around with you to calm you got some work to buddy. Very disapointing... Who gave you such good advice? Get your mind right and start over.

  26. #66
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_locomotive View Post

    The be honest, I'd rather die at age 50 (I'm 30 now) and be a king for the next 10 years, than to be a ****ing loser who can never make it into the top 10 at the nationals. Screwing girls left and right and having a great job just isn't enough for me. I want to be a monster - no matter what the cost!
    If your head/brain is really separated from your ass as you say then you will realize what a moronic statement this is making it sound like it's either one or the other.

    Ill bet when you are 50 you will think differently and realize you have a LOT of time left if all goes well. You are not even 1/2 through your life, only 1/3 if all goes well and the first 20 years were wasted pooping diapers, sucking on your mommas tit and playing in the mud. Life is just beginning for you and if you blink you will be 50 before you know it.

    Also if you decide to to go on a year long cycle you just may be regretting it by the time you reach 50 or well before. Slow down and learn the right way to do things and dont just jump in thinking it will make you king or feel like one. It may be a short lived ride. Research and learn by reading and studying before you make a rash decision.

  27. #67
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    Damn alot of you took this serious I thought this was an obvious troll post, I mean once I read (I SHOULD BE 300 POUNDS AND LEAN) I mean that kinda gave it away once I herd that. Hes pulling his penis out in front of the little kids and you guys are just jerking him off how rude :P ahhaha

  28. #68
    The_locomotive is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by memongo View Post
    If you need to carry a blood pressure cuff around with you to calm you got some work to buddy. Very disapointing... Who gave you such good advice? Get your mind right and start over.
    I don't carry it around, I have it in my apartment and test my blood pressure from time to time to make sure it doesn't go to high.

  29. #69
    The_locomotive is offline Junior Member
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    ....and yeah, I'm on PCT now. It wasn't so bad to begin with (the 2,5 weeks I did HCG ), but life sure does suck on clomid.
    Anyway, I know that my current depression is only temporary, and I'm over the worst part now I think. Even though the first 4-6 weeks off steroids sure do suck, I'll force myself to take these off-periods every so often (every 3-6 months) and just man up about it. Even though I don't really wanna.

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