My current stats, 5'10, 27 years old, 220 pounds.

So I've been out of health insurance for about 2 years and havent had any blood work or testing done since then. The last few months I've noticed an increase in fatigue, hardly any sex drive, body aches, havent been able to lose weight no matter what I do. I thought my test was low so I went to get everything tested.

So I finally get blood work done last week and the doc calls me to have me go back and get my thyroid levels tested again. My TSH test came back at a 5.28! I dont have the complete bloodwork numbers, they are being mailed to me. Will post when I get them. The doc hasnt gotten the test results back yet.

The only thing I can think of is I did a short cycle of t3 with clen about 1 1/2 years ago. Stuck to low dosages and didnt finish the cycle as the sides sucked. Could this have caused the hypothyroidism? Is there anything I can do to naturally bring my numbers back to normal or am I going to have to be on meds forever?