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  1. #1
    Viau is offline New Member
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    Jun 2012

    My Summer Cycle... Hows it look?

    Hey everybody, first post here. Looking to start my next cycle in about a month and am open to suggestions! This will be my 4th cycle, previous 3 have incorporated Test E, Anavar , Tbol and Winstrol in different combos and dosages. Test E has always been my base. Was looking to use Prop in this next to get a faster jump on testosterone and to shorten the overall cycle. My previous cycles have been 12-16 weeks, this one id like to only run for 10. Ill be running Enanthate with the prop because i like the self tapering at the end of the cycle. So heres my plan so far. I know the prop dosage is low, but combined with the Enanthate Ill still be sitting at 425mg Test/week which I feel is sufficient.

    Wk 1-10 250mg Test E 1shot/week
    Wk 1-10 50mg Test P EOD
    Wk 1-3 50mg Tbol ED
    Wk 4-6 75mg Tbol ED
    Wk 3-10 50mg Proviron ED
    Wk 12-16 Nolva 40/20/20/20/20
    Wk 12-15 Clomid 100/50/50/50

    Ive never needed an AI in the past, but I do have Aromasin on hand if I feel the need. My workout routine is Mon-Fri 330pm - 430pm Calories are around 3000 off cycle and 4000 during. Protein intake is a minimum 200gm/day off cycle and during 250-300mg. Carbs I usually match to my protein intake and fats are kept quite low. Would love to get some advice from you guys, remember this is my first post so go easy on me!!
    Height 5'10
    Weight 205lb
    BF % 12-13
    Age 27

  2. #2
    Viau is offline New Member
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    Jun 2012
    Also have HCG . Have never used it before, but im sure it could help with recovery. Might throw it in the mix at 1000uis/week (500iu 2x/week) from weeks 7-12 before pct

  3. #3
    miboleron's Avatar
    miboleron is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viau View Post
    Hey everybody, first post here. Looking to start my next cycle in about a month and am open to suggestions! This will be my 4th cycle, previous 3 have incorporated Test E, Anavar , Tbol and Winstrol in different combos and dosages. Test E has always been my base. Was looking to use Prop in this next to get a faster jump on testosterone and to shorten the overall cycle. My previous cycles have been 12-16 weeks, this one id like to only run for 10. Ill be running Enanthate with the prop because i like the self tapering at the end of the cycle. So heres my plan so far. I know the prop dosage is low, but combined with the Enanthate Ill still be sitting at 425mg Test/week which I feel is sufficient.

    Wk 1-10 250mg Test E 1shot/week
    Wk 1-10 50mg Test P EOD
    Wk 1-3 50mg Tbol ED
    Wk 4-6 75mg Tbol ED
    Wk 3-10 50mg Proviron ED
    Wk 12-16 Nolva 40/20/20/20/20
    Wk 12-15 Clomid 100/50/50/50

    Ive never needed an AI in the past, but I do have Aromasin on hand if I feel the need. My workout routine is Mon-Fri 330pm - 430pm Calories are around 3000 off cycle and 4000 during. Protein intake is a minimum 200gm/day off cycle and during 250-300mg. Carbs I usually match to my protein intake and fats are kept quite low. Would love to get some advice from you guys, remember this is my first post so go easy on me!!
    Height 5'10
    Weight 205lb
    BF % 12-13
    Age 27

    Dont see a reason why you go both with prop and enan. Drop the enan and increase the prop a little. With the proviron its quite possible you wont need AI, but its good you have aromasin on hand.
    IMO you may try to lower the oral intake and increase your test.

    1-10 prop at 100 e 1.5 d
    4-10 tbol 50 ed.
    PCT is good
    For HCG 2-3 times a week at 250 -500 iu.

  4. #4
    Viau is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply!! The main reason for adding the Test E in was for the self tapering at the end of the cycle. Originally I was gonna do Prop at 150mg EOD. Seeing how prop is out of your system soo quick, wouldnt you feel a crashing sensation after your last shot? Does anyone taper off prop? (150mg, 100mg, 50mg, 25mg, Stop) Sorry for all the questions, I just want this to be a smooth transition and recovery.

  5. #5
    Blaz Kavlic's Avatar
    Blaz Kavlic is offline Associate Member
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    If you go with the prop, start your HCG a couple of days after your first pin, dosing around 2x 250iu shots per week.

  6. #6
    jcevans7 is offline Junior Member
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    Why use HCG with prop and noth test e?

  7. #7
    bob87's Avatar
    bob87 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcevans7
    Why use HCG with prop and noth test e?
    You use it with test E too but not until week 4

  8. #8
    Viau is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the advice. Think I'm gonna stick to my original cycle. I really don't see anything wrong with incorporating 2 different Test esters. I'll throw in the HCG from wk 4-12 at 500iu / week. Unless there is anything else looking wrong with my cycle, I think I'm GTG!! Feel free to jump in if something doesn't look quite right

  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    You can run both but i think it's a waste. Why not kick start the cycle w/the prop for 4 weeks then run the e by itself? And you can start hcg at week 1. No need to ramp dosages. That's old school even for me.

  10. #10
    Viau is offline New Member
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    Jun 2012
    Thanks for the advise Pete! I really appreciate it. I'll try and rework my cycle how you said. Just using the prop for the first 4 weeks till the enanthate kicks in. The only reason for bumping the tbol dose up is because I find the effects to taper off after around 4 weeks. So I figure bumping the dose from 50 to 75 around week 3 or 4 would help.

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